VLSI circuits having about 5000 transistors and other circuit elements with their associated circuits on a single chip made it possible to have microcomputers of fourth generation. Scientists are working on fifth generation computers. Fifth Generation Of Computer. Introduction: 1946-1959 is the period of first generation computer. The advance in machinery has very much furthered in recent decades. It can also be used to edit or create spreadsheets, presentations, and even videos. They have ten million electronic components. These machines are designed to incorporate "Artificial Intelligence" and use stored reservoirs of knowledge to make expert judgments and decision like human beings.
It was completed in a time period of 4 years. The 2nd generation Computers were m ore reliable ; Used less energy and were not heated. Things have been created that would have been down right unimaginable to those from say generations 1 and 2. Fifth Generation Computers (Coming Generation) Fifth generation computing devices, based on artificial intelligence, are still in development, though there are some applications, such as voice recognition, that are being used today. The main aim of fifth generation computing is to develop computers that are respond to surroundings using different types of sensors and capable of learning. History. Computers of fourth generation used Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) circuits. This computer was named as Electronic Numerical Integrator and calculator (ENIAC). ULSIC (Ultra Large Scale Integrated Circuits) and AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology will be used in these computers. Wider commercial use; Better portability as compared to the first generation computers. The fifth generation computers are still in development. The fifth generation of computing is supposedly comprised of today's very modern and advanced computer technology. 4th generation of computers are acts as user define computers but 5th generation computers are act as automatic computers by means it doing its works automatically The computer of this generation was developed in 1946 by Sir J.P. Eckert and J.W. … There are five generations of computers. The machine contained 18000 vacuum tubes and 70000 … Every stage of technological advancement in computer development is referred to as a ‘Generation of Computer’. While fourth-generation programming languages are designed to build specific programs, fifth-generation languages are designed to make the computer solve a given problem without the programmer. It can be defined in many different ways.
Mauchly. Fourth generation computers also saw the development of GUIs, the mouse and handheld devices. The computers that are emerging after 1985 with further improved technology are considered as the fifth generation computers. The artificial intelligence is the trending branch of computer science which interpret the meaning and methods of making computers that behave like human beings. As these small computers became more powerful, they could be linked together to form networks, which eventually led to the development of the Internet.
Smaller in size as compared to the first generation computers. They use the Ultra Large Scale Integration (ULSI) technologies which lead to the production of microprocessor chips. Advantages. The fifth generation of computing is supposedly comprised of today's very modern and advanced computer technology. The Five Generations of Computers The history of computer development is often referred to in reference to the different generations of computing devices.
Five Generation of Computer . hope you guys enjoy it ... plz give it a thumbs up and do subscribe my channel..... ENIAC Artificial intelligence AI Gernerations of Computer | Deeply Explained 1st Generation 2nd Generation …