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bolognese dog temperament

The smooth temperament of him makes them an ideal dog for apartments and small homes and equally greets for both young and elderly person. However, the breed’s numbers nearly dwindled to extinction near the turn of the century. The Bolognese is not necessarily considered to be an active breed, but he or she will need to have a walk or two throughout the day. Temperament. In the suburbs or in the city, this rare breed will make every day joyful. Believed to have originated in Italy centuries ago, this somewhat rare breed is playful but reserved, and can be quite temperamental if not given a lot of attention. All of these breeds have a similar appearance and temperament. Er liebt es, etwas gemeinsam mit seinen Lieblingsmenschen zu unternehmen: Spielen, Spazierengehen oder ein gemütlicher Nachmittag auf dem Sofa – der anhängliche Bologneser macht alles glücklich mit. You can also call him Bolo as a short for Bolognese. He is the perfect lap dog. I give you my honest opinions about Bolognese temperament and personality traits and characteristics – positives AND negatives – in my dog breed review, Bolognese Temperament and Personality Traits (What's Good About 'Em, What's Bad About 'Em).

Joyful Bolognese is a small family breeder of a rare breed of companion dogs, the Bolognese puppy. The existence of the Bolognese has been recorded since the year 1200. Der Bologneser zeichnet sich durch Intelligenz und Verspieltheit aus, so dass er überall gute Laune verbreitet. Sponsored Links. Frequently Asked Questions About Bolognese. The Bolognese is a small, squarish dog which is about as tall as it is wide. The Bolognese is an entertaining and affectionate companion dog. ... Bolognese Temperament. The Bolognese Dog is one of the most eye-catching breeds due to its pure white, fluffy coat and its small, stocky appearance. The Bolognese Dog is one of the most eye-catching breeds due to its pure white, fluffy coat and its small, stocky appearance. The Bolognese dog breed received its name from the town of Bologna, Italy, where it was first developed. The Bolognese is also famous as the Bichon Bolognese because he is a member of the Bichon family of fluffy, white dogs. Check the local pet store for dog grooming supplies and find the best dog shampoo to keep its coat healthy and to give your dog a pleasant experience of a dog bath. The Bolognese is considered a companion dog and is native to northern Italy. Like other dog breeds, the Bolognese can suffer from hip dysplasia, luxating patellae, and Legg-Calve-Perthes disease. The Bolognese dog breed is a true companion dog and enjoys being with his family. Temperament and behavior are also shaped by raising and training. He loves to be the center of your attention, and he’s sure to win you over with his playful and inquisitive disposition. Temperament Of Bolognese Dog Breed. He was developed and took his name in the Italian city of Bologna.


The Bolognese is a charming little dog and one that enjoys nothing more than being included in everything that goes on in a household. The breed is one of the oldest European companion dogs, dating back to the 12th century. Bolognese dogs should not be considered as a lapdog.
Some Bolognese puppies for sale may be shipped Worldwide and include crate and veterinarian checkup.

This means that if you are less active, your Bolognese will mimic this.

Weight 7 to 12 pounds. Bolognese Temperament and Personality. With thousands of Bolognese puppies for sale and hundreds of Bolognese dog breeders, you're sure to find the perfect Bolognese puppy. Very serious, generally not very high energy.

The Bolognese belongs to a related family of dogs that include the Bichon Frise, Maltese, Havanese, and Coton de Tulear. Coat Color White. However, he loves to get his way and can be fairly cunning about it, so be attentive.
The Bolognese dog also goes by the name Bichon Bolognese. The AKC has designated the Bolognese as a member of the Toy Group. Temperament. The Bolognese is a perfect family dog, since they adore children and love having playmates, as long as the child understands the fragility of such a small dog. The average lifespan of a Bolognese dog is twelve to fifteen years. He is intelligent and highly trainable. However, with so few reputable breeders, that translates into limited bloodlines here in the US. Enterprising, docile, enjoying his masters, the Bolognese is slightly more reserved and shy than its cousin, the Bichon Frise.Bolognese enjoy companionship of people and form a close relationship with their owners. Bolognese is a calm, faithful dog with a long, fluffy pure-white coat. He excels at handling people to have his way and can be problematic to train at … These small dogs carry a big-dog personality. Keep in mind that the inheritance of temperament is less predictable than the inheritance of physical traits such as size or shedding. Many Bolognese dog breeders with puppies for sale also offer a health guarantee. The Bolognese, also called the Bichon Bolognese, is a toy-sized dog that is a member of the Bichon family of dog breeds. Life Expectancy 12 to 14 years.