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what is global school

THINK Global School is a traveling high school where you’ll live in four countries per year, making unforgettable connections between your education and the world around you. Schools participating in global learning recognise the impact that knowledge and understanding of development can bring to pupils’ learning across the curriculum. Global learning supports the … Another 20 percent will fail to learn basic skills like literacy and numeracy. The Global Schools Program is an initiative led by the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network - Youth Initiative (SDSN Youth) in support of UNESCO’s Global Action Program on … Yet nearly 20 percent of the world’s school-aged children will not reach fourth grade. Global education is the linchpin of progress. A global education is one that incorporates learning about the cultures, geographies, histories, and current issues of all the world's regions. It emphasizes the interconnectedness and diversity of … Global education emphasises the unity and interdependence of human society, developing a sense of self and appreciation of cultural diversity, affirmation of social justice and human rights, as well as building peace and actions for a sustainable future in different times and places… Our challenging …