The details of the joke change with every telling (and who tells it), but the basic structure remains the same no matter what: Advertisement: 1) A family act goes in to see a talent agent. Which is just a fancy way of saying that it shows comedy disappearing, almost literally, up its own ass. One joke prevails over all others, however: The Aristocrats, a joke comedians keep back to tell each other (or themselves, as a warm-up act). Mr. Provenza was able to amass some of the best exponents of this typical form of entertainment in which the classic joke is reinterpreted by whoever happens to be on the screen at any given moment. Over time it has evolved into a competition among comedians to one up each other in terms of absurdity. The... 2) The funniest fucking joke in the entire universe. 8 of them, in fact! The Aristocrats besteht aus drei Teilen, wobei der Anfang sowie der Schluss immer gleich sind, der Mittelteil hingegen frei improvisiert wird: 1) eine Artistenfamilie (im Allgemeinen Vater, Mutter, Tochter, Sohn, oft auch die Großeltern und/oder ein Hund) spricht bei einer Talentagentur vor. 1 Answer. This clip was included on a documentary about the joke, also called The Aristocrats, which featured various actors and comedians retelling their versions of the joke, as well as shedding some light on its origins.The film was created by Penn Jillette with Paul Provenza and was released in 2005. 3 aristocrats in the French Revolution So during the reign of terror in the French Revolution, there was a line of aristocrats waiting to be executed by guillotine. I remember sitting in a theatre in 2005 thinking that they were going to have to notify my next of kin because I was quite literally choking on my laughter. Because the key to the joke isn’t the punchline, or the set-up, or even the disgusting act described. "The Aristocrats" is a taboo-defying off-color joke that has been told by numerous stand-up comedians since the vaudeville era.
The agent asks what the act is called and the punchline is "The Aristocrats!" You need to be locked up—now. One joke prevails over all others, however: The Aristocrats, a joke comedians keep back to tell each other (or themselves, as a warm-up act). Its release marks the completion and end of something, or perhaps several things, though what, exactly, is difficult to …
... A family walks in to a talent agency. A big list of aristocrats jokes! Any critic who reveals the central joke should be locked up, too. “Of all the jokes to do a documentary about, you chose this one?” says Dana Gould at the beginning of The Aristocrats, a look at one of the most enduring (and dirtiest) jokes ever told. The Aristocrats is an infamously dirty joke. September 26, 2005 | Full Review… Nathan Rabin The Aristocrats starts out as an innocent joke about a family walking into a talent agency to demo their act and quickly turns into the dirtiest, most tasteless, and disturbing joke a comedian can tell. The Aristocrats starts out as an innocent joke about a family walking into a talent agency to demo their act and quickly turns into the dirtiest, most tasteless, and disturbing joke a comedian can tell. "The Aristocrats", the hilarious documentary directed by Paul Provenza, and produced by, among others, Penn Jilette, is one of the funniest things about American stand up comedy, period! One joke prevails over all others, however: The Aristocrats, a joke comedians keep back to tell each other (or themselves, as a warm-up... A proper joke seldom fits the format and atmosphere of stand-up comedy, and jokes end as soon as the audience knows the punchline. Its setup describes a family pitching an act to a talent agency that may involve bestiality, incest, and coprophilia (look it up). Alas, "The Aristocrats" loses a little something with each additional viewing.
The Aristocrats is the stand-up version thereof—an absurdist aufhebung. The Aristocratsunknown 1) A joke common among comedians, but usually not shared with a general audience because of excessive obscenity. No? Near the middle of the line, there was a … The Aristocrats is a notoriously filthy joke using scatological humor. The Aristocrats is a terminal movie.
The Aristocrats („Die Aristokraten“) ist ein seit Jahrzehnten von amerikanischen Stand-up-Comedians in immer neuen Variationen erzählter Witz.Die Herausforderung liegt darin, sich innerhalb eines vorgegebenen Handlungsgerüsts in freier Improvisation in immer groteskeren Geschmacklosigkeiten zu ergehen, mithin den denkbar „schmutzigsten“ Witz zu erfinden. It received publicity when it was used by Gilbert Gottfried during the Friars' Club roast of Hugh Hefner in September 2001. Within a single joke, The Aristocrats unlocks an entire universe of comedy. If The Aristocrats doesn’t shock you, there’s something deeply wrong with you.
The joke was the subject of a 2005 documentary film of the same name . Steven Wright has likened it to a secret handshake among comedians, and it is seen as something of a game in which those who tell it try to top each other in terms of shock value.