Photograph: Alice Facchini Veronica Vilches, an activist who is responsible for one of the Rural Potable Water … Chile’s unusually diverse geography offers excellent growing conditions, with avocados a prime and renown crop. An avocado plantation in Petorca, Chile. Mai întâi, uite și câteva motive care te vor convinge să incluzi acest fruct în dieta ta. The biggest avocado producing areas are in two fertile valleys, with their frost-free climate, and pure water from three rivers. With Latif Nasser, Zoila Quiroz, Noel Stehly, Rudolph Hass.
The avocado's rise from culinary fad to must-have superfood has made it a lucrative crop -- and a magnet for money-hungry cartels. Avocado este un arbore originar din Mexic și Guatemala (America Centrală), clasificat cu floarea din familia Lauracee împreună cu camforul, scorțișoara și dafinul. Well, the second half of Episode 1, “The Avocado War” details how avocado supply became part of the cartel’s leverage in Mexico.
Reign of Terroir 54m. Rotten gives us a high-level view of how cartels tapped into local resourcing as well as drug trade to increase their profits in certain, avocado … In the south of France, frustrated winegrowers go to extremes to stave off cheap imports from Spain and new competition from China. Directed by Lucy Kennedy. Atât fructul cât și arborele sunt comestibile iar avocado se referă și la fructul acestui copac. The avocado's rise from culinary fad to must-have superfood has made it a lucrative crop - and a magnet for money-hungry cartels. The Avocado.