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king arthur the legend

However these were very troubled times and Merlin, a wise magician, advised that the baby Arthur should be raised in a secret place and that none should know his true identity. The characters of this story continue to grip the popular imagination, from Arthur the King and Merlin his Wizard, to the famous Knights in shining armor, Sir Lancelot and Guinevere, the Round Table, the Holy Grail and Camelot itself.

On King Arthur’s Knights, we dive into both the historical side of Arthurian events and literature, as well as the legends and stories of Arthurian myth and folklore. The tales of King Arthur resonate through history from their magical Celtic origins to their global popularity today.

Arthurian legend, the body of stories and medieval romances, known as the matter of Britain, centring on the legendary king Arthur. Whether it be the Scottish Arthur or the Arthur of Welsh or English legend, we try to present information in an interesting way. This film celebrates the power of a Great Myth. Medieval writers, especially the French, variously treated stories of Arthur’s birth, the adventures of his knights, and the adulterous love between his knight Sir Lancelot and his queen, Guinevere. King Arthur, also called Arthur or Arthur Pendragon, legendary British king who appears in a cycle of medieval romances (known as the Matter of Britain) as the sovereign of a knightly fellowship of the Round Table. Arthur was the first born son of King Uther Pendragon and heir to the throne. It is not certain how these legends originated or whether the figure of Arthur was based on a historical person.