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bored at work what to do

When you feel bored at work, it’s actually a warning sign you shouldn’t overlook. Some of us text our friends. Stand around the coffeemaker and wait for coffee. Being bored at work can be a total drain on your creativity and motivation. Some of us browse the internet for photos of baby pangolins. It was a great time to chit chat, but then when 10:30 rolled around…the sink would be full of dirty coffee mugs.

It could mean you’re missing a purpose in life. So get chatting. But the trick is to also get strategic about engaging, commenting, and liking as well. But we all had the same morning routine. 12. It's an annoying cycle that's also hard to break. If you regularly find yourself with no work to do (because you’re that good at your job that you finish all your tasks by noontime, for example), you might want to consider asking your supervisor for new responsibilities or helping colleagues out with their own workloads. Even if you're not interested in going that route (because hey, being bored at work doesn't mean you want to leave), now's a great time to follow thought leaders on LinkedIn and Twitter. It could mean you’re missing a purpose in life. If you let this boredom continue, you’re putting your mental health and happiness at stake. Do the Dishes at Work. And we even had a dishwasher. At an old job, we had a kitchen with two refrigerators for about 60 people. What do you do when you’re bored at work?