Organizationally, an EA practice is positioned between strategic management and project management 3. Architectural Domain Components For example, it is relatively easy for anyone to relate to the idea of a building code specifying that bedroom windows must be at least 760mm high and 500mm across to allow access for emergency fire crews. Organizational - design for information worker Sports metaphors are used to emphasize that everyone, regardless of their role, needs to communicate and work together for the team and individual players to succeed. A well-tuned EAM effort concentrates on a core set of business capabilities, such as payroll, payments, or automated statement processing, where efficiencies and improvements can have the widest and most lasting impact. what is the most appropriate metaphor for enterprise architecture? (Single) 1. Jelani is a student in a Somalia school, where their internet download speed is 400 kbps. But XML is verbose as it aims at creating a web document with all its formality. Business level - use Products & Services To be competitive, an enterprise architecture strategy needs to focus on business outcomessolutions that are valuable to senior management and that respond to specific business needs. You will then receive a link with the full video in an email. Based on the definition of an enterprise given in the course, which of the following would not be considered an enterprise? Translating the META Group architecture model to the city-planning approach, the common requirements vision becomes the city vision, the conceptual architecture principles become the building code, and the future-state models become the city plan. It provides a foundation on which software developers can build programs for a specific platform. 6 0 obj A metaphor is a figure of speech that makes a comparison between two non-similar things. The aim is to successfully execute business strategies. what is the most appropriate metaphor for enterprise architecture? Which of the following is not typically an outcome of an enterprise architecture program? 2. $P#Px0X$NHKSY93;^/.yQ$IzKn`c%,Ol7Mng%0(?35$R,nw;!`69w;}I8QHQwO+s7 eC8yM~qm!K2pb^ /nX/h$=k/?dQdb\/PrQ-I ?07 L/$D9G!B3bTpo_`] jI3 [Wx *hon5TRmtewqvVRP~YGO>xT+#j= D{M\*4B q= Question 1 What is the most appropriate metaphor for enterprise The only way to know where you have to go is by knowing where you are. endobj Enterprise architecture. Metaphors are like maps, they are not the real thing but a great starting point for discussions. Enterprise Architecture - CIO Wiki - CIO Wiki - IT Management Glossary While accurate, it isnt particularly relatable for most people, and I was pretty sure it wouldnt go too far with my particular audience that day. List the six value areas for Enterprise Architecture: Identify three areas of potential risk for EA programs: Change the strategic or tactical direction. Standards identify an organization's preferred means of creating and managing all components and related processes for IT organizations. Enterprise, system and software architecture are different concerns. c. Architectural Domain Components It is also too easy to get carried away with the metaphor. - Cable Plants. are subject to regular review and updates as appropriate. Copyright 2004 IDG Communications, Inc. By 2006, this number will increase to 35 percent, as companies both formalize and institutionalize architecture review processes. Architecture programs occasionally will fail due to lack of understanding and support. Brian Burke (CIO) 10 May, 2004 14:11 print email The skills of the team members should be the sole determinant of which best practices are used. Management theory Argo Smart Routing. In fact I could write another post about the tyranny of metaphors. Thankfully I had an idea. <> Example 1. The model elaborates on this isomorphism (common structural artifacts) be- The difficulty is that the story is to . There are three different styles as formalized by the 3T hybrid operational architecture. (C). 2. The mechanic here is our Enterprise Architect. c. EA is simply the sum of various parts, including such practices as business process improvement, scenario planning, security and portfolio management. List three EA methodologies presented in the course, other than EA3: Any 3: And the ski resort is where we want our company to be. - Data Marts Catching up from vacation last week, thanks for the shout out. - Review Business Cases A problem architects face (even within the team) is the level of abstraction that is inherent to architecture. Enterprise architect (EA) is one of the most senior positions in the IT department. 4. Q:l#$Zh@Y1K0xS$8Z7X{:6~+vvzqglns:EAQK7V^ml*zq*y8`'u~gi^,(fz;zw%>-H`={K Edit: Anna has reacted to this post with a very good, thoughtful description of the different flavours of enterprise architect. Only the CIO has interest in the EA; the CEO is concerned with running the business. I need to look at my clients current investment portfolio to understand their risk exposure. These experienced technology professionals ensure that a company can reach its desired business outcomes through . A word processing tool 8 0 obj Different Architectural View Points of Planner, Owner, Designer, Builder and Sub-Contractor 6. A metaphor is a figure of speech that uses one thing to mean another and makes a comparison between the two. This article is my effort to elaborate Alan's observation using a "Chemistry Metaphor". City Planning: A Metaphor for Enterprise Architecture, Leveraging data and backups to maintain business continuity, CIO50 2020 #2 Angela Coble, Johnson & Johnson Medical, CIO50 2022 #5 Naren Gangavarapu, Northern Beaches Council, In pictures: CMOs, CIOs and their role in customer experience, CIO50 2022 #6 Farhoud Salimi, eHealth NSW. An analogy is comparable to metaphor and simile in that it shows how two different things are similar, but it's a bit more complex. Treat each iteration of the plan like a project. A type of EA component that is contained within one line of business. Complete expression of an enterprise Correct: 3 Explanation: Enterprise architecture should be understood mainly as a communication medium between various organizational actors involved in strategic decision . He told us what to do to upgrade our company. Plus, by telling us it would be dangerous without these upgrades, he told us what to expect. Design metaphors help us to better understand and analyze an application domain. Join the CIO Australia group on LinkedIn. Global 2000 companies are increasingly using a "city planning" metaphor to define the processes and deliverables of the architecture program. On top of the upgrades, the mechanic also recommended that we ditch our worn-out printed map and use Google Maps instead. What Is Enterprise Architecture? | Lucidchart Blog Conversely, city planning provides a model of the physical world and entails activity similar to the enterprise architecture process, yet more familiar. Required fields are marked *. jL(Kd[5Zoi2v/2- Architecture framework 4. Level 2 Ken Auer and Roy Miller describe the XP metaphor as being "analogous to what most methodologies call architecture" [6]. Then, when it comes to us, as enterprise architects, we are frustrated because the metaphor is too restrictive. b. Most people understand the role of the building architect and the city planner and can make at least a rough association to what enterprise architects do. A Modern Enterprise Architecture Approach Chapter 1 what is the most appropriate metaphor for enterprise architecture? March 17, 2020. How much has the Zachman Framework for enterprise-architecture changed over the past decades - and particularly over the past few years?. Elements of a Good Enterprise Architecture - AVIO Consulting . An enterprise architecture (EA) is a conceptual blueprint for conducting enterprise analysis, design, planning, and implementation, using a comprehensive approach at all times, for the successful development and execution of strategy. The Enterprise Architecture The Zachman Framework The Enterprise Architecture Cycle Maintaining an Enterprise Archi-tecture How to Create an Enterprise Archiecture 1. what is the most appropriate metaphor for enterprise architecture? An oft-used metaphor for the enterprise architect's role is that of the city planner, since he also provides the road maps, zoning, common requirements, regulations and strategy-albeit for a . With a car full of tired, bruised, and hungover friends, I thought this would be a good time to reflect on my EA analogy. A comparison of the top four enterprise architecture frameworks | BCS what is the most appropriate metaphor for enterprise architecture? a. Introduction . Selected documentation framework Enterprise Architecture should focus more on business requirements and strategy (and ultimately customers needs and preferences) rather than on resources (including IT). Enterprise architecture in the agile era: Less policing, more coaching, 11 lies CIOs will tell themselves in 2022, AAMC proves the power of a formal DEI strategy. Instead, I tried to ditch the jargon altogether and use our road trip as an analogy to explain as best I could. IT governance. b. The purpose of enterprise architecture is to optimize across the enterprise the often-fragmented legacy of processes (both manual and automated) into an integrated environment that is. Bottom Line: Selling the value of architecture to the program stakeholders is an essential component of enterprise architecture success. I explained my idea and he said: yes, that is exactly right. Afficher/masquer la navigation. John will be presenting the course, ' Zachman Enterprise Architecture Certification: Modelling Workshop ' 10-12 March 2020, London. Thats our future state. EA is a tool for the plan of actions; the main task of EA is to describe the layout of an organization s components and relationships among them as well as to align IT and Business (Kamran Ahsan, Hanifa Shah and Paul Kingston, 2009 Kamran Ahsan, Hanifa Shah . Data Flow Architecture - The approved building-materials list for the enterprise architecture is the "formally approved hardware and software products, configurations, data, information, and processes used to guide the. as a metaphor to describe how a business/enterprise works or should work. The architecture of a software system is a metaphor, analogous to the architecture of a building. "City planning" is an easily understood metaphor that architects can employ to communicate more effectively the nature and value of architecture by relating the "unseen" enterprise architecture to real-world concepts that are well understood. The group is open to CIOs, IT Directors, COOs, CTOs and senior IT managers. Organizational theory what is the most appropriate metaphor for enterprise architecture? COMOSA. This metaphor does have a respected lineage, the most noted example I have come across being this very good article from McKinsey: The Paris Guide to IT Architecture (free registration required to read the whole thing). I give advice on what the market is like, and which are wise investments and which are not. Naturally, the winter tires and ski rack made a big difference. . Begin Using the Enterprise . The Clinger-Cohen Act requires that every Federal agency develop an Enterprise Architecture (EA). c. TOGAF Avoiding the Standard Metaphors for Enterprise Architecture, How to Explain Enterprise Architecture to Your Grandmother. It's not a formal framework . Enterprise Architecture and Enterprise Architecture Artifacts The EA was undertaken in South Africa's Electricity Distribution Industry in the context of a huge restructuring exercise to merge more than 100 different local entities into a consolidated . They have no precision. 9. The EA "should have demonstrated experience working with executives to understand what's important to running the business," observes Anand Bahl, CIO, CVP, of chipmaker Micron Technology. Strategic level - set Goals & Initiatives Software architecture is the set of structures needed to reason about a software system and the discipline of creating such structures and systems. There is architecture in and across every stack, layer, pillar, platform, and data set. 11 0 obj Enterprise Architecture is a meta-concept that is the context for existing business and technology documentation techniques and best practices. Also how well its doing at its current state through metrics and KPIs. A fundamental problem for many architecture programs is poor understanding of the basics (for example, "What is architecture, and why are we doing this?"). Thanks for the necessary corrective Peter. Automation, streamlining, flexibility, workflow driven applications are some of the features we will focus on. A documentation product, such as a text document, system specification, application interface information, diagram, spreadsheet, briefing slides, and/or video clip. The aesthetics of architecture, by itself, spans traditional issues mooted in philosophy of art, as . (A). Some codes are universally accepted (for example, every bedroom must have a window), while other building codes may be unique to a city (for example, a Mediterranean island might specify that "all houses will be whitewashed with blue trim"). The mechanic (our architect) showed us how to optimize our car (our company) so that we could get to the ski resort (our future state) on time and in one piece. These things will allow the EAs to adapt to sudden changes while staying focused on the main objective. An Enterprise Architecture (EA) translates business vision and strategy into effective enterprise change by creating, communicating and improving the essential requirements, principles, drivers, and models that describe the enterprise's future state and enable its evolution. By 2006, this number will increase to 35 percent, as companies both formalize and institutionalize architecture review processes. what is the most appropriate metaphor for enterprise architecture? Companies that have used this city-planning approach have had success in establishing the value of architecture by providing a communication mechanism (and metaphor) that is easily understood by architecture stakeholders.