Ultimately, WPS terminated magicJack's franchise rights in October 2011. The Courage never received a copy of the report or learned the full findings, which also discussed Riley's other serious misconduct. Lack of Uniform Training Vera Pauw shamed players for their weight and attempted to exert excessive control over their eating habits. 7. Inquiry finds widespread misconduct in women's pro soccer On Monday, the 43-year-old was elevated to head coach of the defending National Women's Soccer League champion Thorns, filling the void left when Wilkinson, a former Canadian international,. When Racing Louisville sought feedback on Holly from references at Sky Blue, Novo was no longer there and the individuals at Sky Blue that Racing Louisville spoke with did not know about and therefore did not convey the full universe of concerns originally raised by players against Holly, instead citing only Holly's relationship with a player. Instead, it appears that, in the face of threatened litigation by Riley, and on the advice of counsel, the Thorns sought to limit their potential liability to their former coach. B. The NWSL Anti-Harassment Policy can and should continue to evolve to better protect players and incorporate the learnings from player and staff experiences and feedback. This player who observed the incident from the bench said she discussed the incident with Clarkson and he agreed that he did not handle it correctly. Trainings should include how to conduct an effective, traumainformed interview of an individual making a complaint, how to support that individual and not make comments that deter further reporting, how to document that interview, and how to elevate the issue to the NWSL. This report, along with text message and email exhibits, was shared with individuals at U.S. Soccer and the NWSL. Since its inception, the NWSL and clubs have failed to provide clear guidance to players regarding what constitutes misconduct. Clarkson denied ever raising his voice at players or losing control of his emotions, notwithstanding credible evidence to the contrary. Multiple witnesses reported that Riley criticized Sinead Farrelly's romantic relationships, stated that Farrelly was "too hot to be a lesbian," and said that Farrelly's then-partner was a "predator." A. "The club has a tremendous history and. Players reported that the relationship between Williams and the owners made players feel that any complaints raised to ownership would get back to Williams. The NWSL should enforce appropriate discipline against NWSL and club staff and players who do not timely I just played for [my team]. Ten days before the first game she expected to start, Riley Commissioner of the NWSL, detailing numerous instances of sexually inappropriate conduct by Riley during the 2015 season. On October 1, 2021, the day after The Athletic reported Riley's misconduct, the NWSL announced that all scheduled matches for that weekend would be rescheduled. The Courage understood Riley had denied this allegation. In the suite, he began touching her under her shirt and under her pants, and told her that for every pass she fucked up," he was going to touch her. Despite reports from players that club staff and ownership were aware of Burkes mistreatment of players, the Spirit did not launch an investigation into Burke until the club learned that a Washington Post article would publicly reveal allegations that Burke verbally and emotionally abused players and made racially insensitive comments. However, four of the nine players interviewed had raised concerns that Dames made inappropriate remarks about players' appearances, and two players provided specific examples of those comments. For example, Angel City's policy as of 2021 stated that it was "committed to providing a workplace free of sexual or any form of unlawful harassment, discrimination, or retaliation based on protected characteristics." Levine did not recall reviewing survey responses in the ordinary course, but told the Joint Investigative Team that she would have expected survey responses referring to abuse to be elevated to HR, the commissioner, and to her. He reiterated that she would not be allowed to leave. The NWSL then informed the club that it was not in compliance with the policy. She was later named the team's interim general manager in April 2019 after former GM Tony Novo resigned. At one point, she sought to bring in a team-building expert to improve locker room dynamics. Another player who participated in the USSF Dames Investigation told the investigator that Dames once interfered with her plans to visit her boyfriend on an away trip. The Joint Investigative Team received evidence that LaHue texted the player, "You were in my dream last night. The NWSL should consider requiring clubs to conduct exit interviews of players who depart the NWSL and to share these exit interview notes with the NWSL. In particular, the Joint Investigative Team did not receive a copy of Dames's separation agreement from the Red Stars until the end of this investigation, after the publication of the USSF Report. In 2020 and 2021, the League saw a series of high-profile departures following reports of interpersonal misconduct. One player stated that, "Dishonesty and manipulation from your coach creates a toxic environment." If it's big enough to take it to the League . At a higher level, the joint investigation makes a greater attempt to identify and define problematic everyday behaviors like emotional abuse, at times noting that even the players they interviewed struggle to define the lines between that and "tough coaching" because many of them grew up with so much of the latter. The Joint Investigative Team asked Harrington for his cell phone records, with call and text details, for the month in question. The Joint Investigative Team recommends that the NWSL adopt additional measures to facilitate a safer, more inclusive, and more respectful workplace for players. This information suggested that Riley might pose a danger to players, but the Courage did not take adequate steps to learn the findings of the investigation, reflecting a lack of appreciation for the power dynamics between players and coaches, and the Courage employed Riley despite knowing of this allegation. Both before and after the NWSL implemented its Non-Fraternization Policy in 2018, clubs responded inconsistently to player-staff relationships. One player provided multiple examples of instances in which she felt Dames had used personal information against players. Clarkson, according to players interviewed in the report, targeted a couple of players each year to berate. One player reported that Riley, Wilkinson, and Thorns owner Merritt Paulson had a close relationship, leading to a perception that players could be traded for raising complaints against any one of the three. Coordinate with Clubs and U.S. Soccer to Improve and Centralize Hiring Practices A player recalled this same coach making comments about what players "had on their plates" and "food-shaming" players. [C]lub staff in positions of power made inappropriate sexual remarks to players, mocked players bodies, pressured players to lose unhealthy amounts of weight, crossed professional boundaries with players, and created volatile and manipulative working conditions, it says. They used derogatory and insulting language towards players, displayed insensitivity towards players mental health, and engaged in retaliation against players who attempted to report or did report concerns., In addressing root causes of those problems, the report says: Like many institutions, the League has been influenced by sexism, racism, homophobia, and other biases. The Joint Investigative Team found that Riley engaged in repeated misconduct, including towards Farrelly and Shim, and Courage player Kaleigh Kurtz. Rarely so well behaved in my dreams." The NWSL should encourage clubs to involve players in interview and hiring processes where feasible and to seek feedback from a range of players who are familiar with prospective The complainant explained that one night, Riley told two players that the team would not have to do fitness drills if they kissed. Sky Blue FC, soccer club owned by Gov. Murphy, unveils new name, logo - nj Hendrix said Simon shared Holly's comment with her, and Holly's "nonchalant response to Simon asking him to stop touching her made them wonder if he was "doing something to someone else." The League and clubs should post easily-identifiable links to online reporting channels on websites where current and former players are likely to see them. Simon also confided in Racing Louisville's team chaplain Taylor Starr, whom the Joint Investigative Team also interviewed. OL Reign's July 2021 announcement that former OL Reign Head Coach Farid Benstiti had resigned from the club made no mention of his disparaging comments. Novo said club leadership told him to give Holly "the opportunity to step away if he wants to." Historically, clubs have not always conducted background checks on coaches and other club staff before hiring them. How a trailblazing female general manager transformed the worst investigation. Through counsel, the Thorns emailed Levine a copy of the report with its attachments. - NWSL investigation finds 'ongoing misconduct,' details culture of abuse. It was previously reported, although never officially communicated by the league or club, that LaHue was fired for violation of the league's anti-harassment policy. Shim had joined the Thorns during the NWSL's inaugural 2013 season, prior to Riley's hiring. Simon said she thought the film sessions were in preparation for playing at Racing Louisville. Vice President Alyse LaHue, who previously served as GM for the Chicago Red . Although the Thorns conducted an investigation in 2015 that led to Riley's termination, the Thorns publicly announced only that Riley was not being retained, with no explanation as to why. The Joint Investigative Team distributed this contact information via email to all current and former players for whom the Joint Investigative Team could identify an email address. Shim told the Joint Investigative Team she cried when Riley joined the Flash; she said she never wanted to see Riley again, and she was concerned for other players. The NWSL began the roll-out of training by the U.S. Center for SafeSport in January 2021. Seven days after the investigation began, Garcia completed a final investigative report, dated September 23, 2015, which was reviewed by attorneys from the law firm retained by the Thorns. She also said she was "petrified" that Wilkinson would trade her from the Thorns because Riley had portrayed himself and Wilkinson as good friends. Players were aware not only of the NWSL's uncertain future, but also of the precariousness of their own individual futures within the NWSL. 68, Coaches can also engage in verbal misconduct when they target players for personal attributes or immutable characteristics, such as their appearance, parental status, medical condition, or socioeconomic and educational background. Whisler said that Wahlke called him for "just a couple minutes" when the investigation ended, and that on this call, he was not informed of the need for "dramatic remediation" and there was no suggestion that Dames "shouldn't be in the [NWSL]." In response to the August 11, 2021 Washington Post article stating that Burke verbally and emotionally abused players, Levine told others at the NWSL that the League had not received any complaints about Burke, despite a In a statement shared by her attorney, LaHue said she is supportive of reform in the NWSL but takes issue . 2. That player also said that Black players were uncomfortable because the club often placed the substantial burden of engaging in race and other culture-related activities on them. Gotham's policy contained a provision stating that [e]mployees who witness offensive behavior in the workplace-whether directed at them or another employee-are encouraged, though not required, to immediately address it with the employee whose behavior they found offensive." From simultaneous kickoffs to end the regular season, to relegating the Challenge Cup to On Monday, NJ/NY Gotham FC released their highly anticipated preseason roster. Predmore also began discussing with the management of OL Groupe what action to take with regard to Benstiti. When Simon told Holly he had to stop touching her because it was messing with her, he began treating her poorly on the field, yelling at her and taking her out of games regardless of her performance. Phil Murphy said the treatment of women on the soccer team he owns is Although Plush asserted that he tried to dissuade the Flash from pursuing Riley, he did not give the Flash any information about why they should not pursue Riley. Players reported concerns about staff members drinking alcohol excessively with players. 5. Kurtz said her biggest fear was being considered a "troublemaker" for reporting misconduct, but she feels now that "players who come forward will be protected." 4. Riley was only one of several NWSL club personnel accused of misconduct in the 2020 and 2021 seasons. When the investigation concluded, Levine received and reviewed a copy of the 2015 investigative report and supporting documents, along with the Thorns's counsel's determination that the 2015 investigation revealed no unlawful harassment." However, that position is inconsistent with other evidence, including an email from counsel for the Thorns and Plush's own prior communications with Sky Blue. Riley also held club events for players at his Long Island home, where players reported that they drank with him during their stay. As one player told The Washington Post, her interview during the investigation was "the last she ever heard" about the investigation. In one text, he sent her a photo of himself in compression shorts. As the season wore on, Riley became more demanding of Shim, and she struggled to say "no" to Riley's advances without angering him and risking retribution. As described above, Nikki Stanton recalled that Dames said she was not playing well because of her girlfriend at the time. Novo recalled that Holly denied a romantic relationship with Pearce Rampone. In her email, the player said that she wanted to "report[] her owner" for "neglecting issues he is aware of" and alleged that Dames was engaging in inappropriate relationships with players.' She specifically recalled having meetings in hotel rooms alone with two coaches and stressed that from her perspective, it is never appropriate for a male coach to meet with a player in his hotel room with the door closed.