Lets look 20:1 Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding in his hand the key to the bottomless pit do angels have hands? God said enough was enough and bang asshole your doneyou scammed enough of my people. Bob, in my opinion, respects people that challenge him because hes a competitive type of guy but bring your A game. RiBo, A man posted yesterday on FB that something like 40% of pastors struggle with some sort of sexual sin. Jesus builds a church,not a pastor. Give me a break. The problem here is, that you are a skeptic, period. Coddington's creations have won the Grand National Roadster Show's "America's Most Beautiful Roadster (AMBR)" award seven times (the only back-to-back winner of America's Most Beautiful Roadster) and As spring breakers poured into Fort Lauderdale to bong beers, he set up "The Recovery Room" at the Jolly Roger motel, where he offered live music, first aid, and of course Evangelical literature. He boasted of a vast media reach. Sorrow for anything done or said; the pain or grief which a person experiences in consequence of the injury or inconvenience produced by his own conduct. They are being good guardians and deserve no finger pointingjust applause for being brave and having the character to do such a thing. I hope wiser minds prevail. thus becoming co dependent on the pastor for their fresh word rather than studying the word themselves. @ 395 I posted a link- Please read it. Im a line cook (staff member) at Calvary chapels restaurant The Grill, I went to the church staff meeting at 2:30 today (4/6/14) where this information was officially announced. But two weeks after his surprise resignation, Assistant Pastor Chet Lowe filled Coy's followers in on what had happened. No mans gifts and abilities are so necessary to Gods work that he (God) will violate his own word and wink at that mans seemingly covered and hidden sin. Throwing me under the bus is not a wise or godly decision. Thanks for the words. As a matter of fact is your life faultless?..I know mine isnt yet we strive for wholeness in Him. So where do you attend church? Brother, you need a hug. ", Like Smith, though, Coy used his relaxed persona to sell a deeply conservative brand of Christianity. They would rather see a family trashed than do what is right by the Lord. I am just trying to do better myself. I still live Pastor Bob. he pronounces judgement 4.) Of. Read broadly from people who have some form of biblical training. Coy, who has also been divorced from his wife, is reportedly looking into the prospect of starting a new church again despite the controversy. Gary #633. He must be sighing in disappointment. For Diane, all the skills gained at being a pastors wife are now useless. MLD, nothing in your 708 says that the 1000 years of Revelation, are figurative. Daniel 9:27And he will make a firm covenant with the many FOR ONE WEEK!, but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; and on the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate, even until a complete destruction, one that is decreed, is poured out on the one who makes desolate. , Filbertz Your argument is not with me but with Jesus who said they sit in Moses seat, Therefore pay attention to what they tell you and do it. I already annihilated your baptism is required to receive the Spirit thing yesterday, with the house of Cornelius getting the Spirit before baptism. Were prayers publicly offered for Bobs wife and children and the church Bob has hurt so badly or has the church now expunged the record and just moving forward. I have been stating 61 million. This time around you guys got it right. he also had an administrative staff that helped him with a thorough and expository message, precept by precept. I responded previously, and he chose to keep my answers out, I guess MN is a Calvanist and I was profaning his sacred cow! Time for dinner. 7. Look up all the scenes with thrones and Gods people gathered around and determine if it is on earth or in heaven. The Asst Pastors are not as annointed or equiped imho- and frankly I cant deal with Chets over the top, Broadwayesque mannerisms read: distraction. We are sinners. Doesnt the Bible tell us to avert our eyes and not look on the oher woman? If I was a new believer ( and Im not, its been 40 years) I would run fast, away from this apparent hate tank if I thought this was the body because thats what this has become- a hate tank. Again, shout it to the masses when its other peoples sins like gay marriage etcor make assistant pastors go before the church and confess (Bob Grenier did that stuff)but grace and mercy and lets give the family their privacy etc when its the Senior Pastors turn to face the music. Mother and daughter are reeling from shock..asking themselves why they did not recognize the absence of authentic Christian character in the fallen mega-pastor. I do wish he had faced the congregation, it would be helpful in the cleansing and restoration process, besides Ive seen him hold people accountable publicly and so should he but thats water under the bridge. Michael is a Calvinist. The other four kids were dead on the spot. Here is fine, but not sure of the rest of the readers care for this and dont wish to clog up the blog:) Thanks. And Israel becoming a nation in 1948? They had the opportunity to speak clearly to this before anyone else. 34 For David did not ascend into the heavens, but he himself says, The Lord said to my Lord, Sit at my right hand, 35 until I make your enemies your footstool., 36 Let all the house of Israel therefore know for certain that God has made him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified.. Did anyone see Fireproof? Many months have gone by since then, and a few days ago I received a text from my friend in which she shared about Coys resignation/admitting to moral failure. The two faced aspect of all of this. I do just fine praying for myself. Is his family with him? You become an accuser of the brethren for the sake of your worship. Smith was among the first pastors to make a startling discovery: Many of the hippies and disaffected youth who'd come for the Summer of Love had realized psychedelic drugs and the Grateful Dead weren't filling the holes in their lives. Calvary Chapel is notorious for their cover ups. To bag on sisters and brothers who are as convinced of their conclusions as you are of yours is ungracious, short-sighted, erodes your credibility, and fosters division in the church. Through that rehabilitation, I became a better man. So if you can recommend a Biblically sound local church that would be great. When you are dealing with human resource issues at a corporate level there are legal and illegal ways to speak of a persons departure from the company. Now this man was their bishop and without a bishop they were not sure if they would still be a church what to do? I speaketh not about Bob Coyeth, but about the living stones that compriseth the church of God, that you and your luciferian minions cannot stand against as His church marcheth triumphant!!! Its as though the biblical gospel is not interesting or compelling enough; its as though the biblical gospel does not comport with increasingly American ideas of libertarianism, guns, stand your ground, etc. He admitted to it. I will answer the rest of these questions if you answer mine. Jesus denied he was setting up a kingdom on earth and somehow you insist he was mistaken and that he actually is you have the place, Jerusalem and you have the time period, 1,000 yrs. The church is over 2000 years old. "When Chuck Smith died, there was nothing left to hold back all the competing factions," church critic Michael Newnham says. Let the body of Christ refuse to sever a member. Dont over react to what you see here. God doesnt care how much money a person has. Trusting in Gods providence, protection, provision and direction, the staff of Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale will continue our mission to make disciples, through regular services at all campuses and through myriad other ministries the church has established over the years.. Lets see you tie that to Rev 20. Sure would make the shame easier to bear. But I should know better than to engage with people who hold to replacement theology. He has been the father and leader of a house. Published November 28, 2014. Pastor Bob Coy of Calvary Chapel accused of molesting 4-year-old The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton: Standard Bible Society, 2001), Is 11:68. The Bible says, let he who is without sin cast the first stone! Something really big is going to come out soon. If it continues and endures it is Gods church and bigger than any one man to the consternation of the circling vultures of which this website is replete with! ", "I haven't prayed enough for my Pastor Bob and his family," Beth Graber wrote. This blog had nothing to report except for what some very connected church leaders gave the writer to report. I wish I could be more positive, but we are living in the last days when there will be a great falling away from the faith, which the Lord has prepared us to expect before He returns. I do not have an exact timeline for when the board fired Coy, but they are the ones who have chosen to not speak to the situation yet. Maybe God never intended for Bob to have the mega church, Bob has said many times publically he would rather has a small congregation of true believers than thousands of people playing church. I personally put together four events where many who visit here got together in person and had great food and time together. That thing being, Luther is never wrong, in your estimation. Some of Coddington's signature innovations were his custom-fabricated alloy wheels, typically machined from a solid aluminum billet, an industry first. Look Jesus does speak of his return very clearly in Matt 25, the 2nd half about the sheep and the goats 1.) What Happened to Aunt Diane? Diane Schuler Case - YouTube I Am His: Diane Coy. Coy's life story is biblical in scope and obvious in moral lessons. And the harmony in the animal kingdom and man will no longer be afraid of the wild beasts, only of the raging false teaching Calvinists! Now would be a good time to write us a full article on this issue. Lets come together as a body and shame the devil. You have to turn blind eyes to the very world around you, and how ugly it is. A man who cheats does so because he is a cheater and has no respect for his wife. Please click here to learn how. Anonymous dont buy the lie men do not cheat because an ad pops up on their FB page. I completely agree with Michelle @175. He quit the cocaine and strippers, began training as a preacher, met his wife Diane, and moved to South Florida. Because the whole reason to deal with this kind of sin in the community is what it does to the community. Many get off drugs w/o evangelical christianity, many turn themselves around from alcohol or gambling or other vices w/o evangelical christianity. Night all (everyone whos still up). His first major customer was Vern Luce whose car, a 1933 coupe, won the Al Slonaker Award at the 1981 Oakland Roadster show. [9] Resigned or fired? I should have welcomed you to the site and clarified your thoughts before firing one over your bow. Some of us can duck arrows better then others. All over FB all the loyal supporters from his church are posting what I view as self-righteous comments. take y words and spiritualize them.. But let me give you a hint, in apocalyptic literature, every time thrones are mentioned it is a heavenly scene. 16 The latter do so out of love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. When she's not writing, she's probably cooking or exploring new places. Now after commenting about 1st looks etc, I must confess that I have the hots for Stevie Nicks. Let the people of God rally to those who are hurting and those who have been sinned against. With Bob Coy I immediately think of healing for him and the family as I didnt consider him as dangerous to the body. 2y; View 3 more comments . Ill make you a deal, Lorenzo, well part company tonight, and I will think of my children who have made me proud, and walk upstairs with my wife, the wife of my youth and love of my life, and we will fall asleep in each others arms, whispering prayers of thankfulness for each other. Our pastor, he committed sexual immorality, habitually, through pornography. If these Calvanistic preterists would have been around at the time when Jesus ascended into heaven, as the disciples looked up, and the angels said, why do you stand here oh men of Galillee, for in the same way you saw him ascend, he will also descend! they would probably have started arguing with the angel, no he cant come back again corporeally, it would have to be spiritually, because its something that our little tiny minds cant understand, we have to reinterpret what you angels are saying, it must mean a spiritual return, dont you hear them saying, it must mean a spiritual mark on the forehead, it must mean a symbolic 1000 years, it must mean a symbolic 7 years. and on and on they go, they remind me of the Sadducees, who denied the miraculous, well the Preterists have nothing to look forward to as we live in exciting times and see prophecies unfolding before our eyes, they are the nay saying Sadducees of our time, and they want to be included within the pale of orthodoxy, as they follow doctrines that deny the power of God and negate the promises of his soon return! If anything, this week, this place, has attempted to bring some good, some lessons, some encouragement, and some healing to those caught in that wreckage, and I include myself in that group. Time to Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.2Tim 2:15. And much of that strength came from the wondrous friends and counselors he put in my path such as Michael, your support and the support of so many on PP. Coy shocked his flock and made national headlines by walking away from his ministry, selling his house, and divorcing his wife. Whats the big deal, so he diddled a few broads, werent they consenting adults, how can anyone judge, maybe they had an open marriage, comman people relax its only sex, it only last a few minutes, what is that, like less than 5% of all the other things hes doing for the church, leave the guy alone, I dont see any women complaining, didnt King David have a few dozen women standing in the wings waiting for their turn, and how bout Solomon, a few hundred to choose from, well dont read their works in your Bible then, and isnt every pastor guilty of adultery if you take Jesus words seriously, that to look upon a woman with lust youve already committed adultery, using this criteria shouldnt every pastor in America be fired, give the guy a break, hes a good teacher, everyone strays a little bit and has a little strange on the side, many wives know this and realize it doesnt mean anything, just a little release. Who is the current pastor of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa? Deny that all you want, its the truth and you are a foolish if you think he is not doing his best to forget this happened for awhile. With MLD leading the way with his self righteous smug attitude! In this blog, I want to share with you my thoughts on how the Catholic faith affects our lives. Bob Coy is very intimidating and you cannot cross him. Lorenzo, http://thisisnthappiness.com/post/80893448288/log-out. Look for your proverbial iron to sharpen your iron. The Bible is brutally honest about the failings of the heros of the faith. I felt the call to stand up for righteousness and expose this pastor after I learned of the many women who suffered the same thing before me and had many people come against me for that, too, which really hurt. -, - ; , . People have gifts, given by God apt to speak is one of them. Unless you will claim that Revelation is not part of the Bible. And on a wing [of the temple] he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him. Ill be praying for him, Diane and his kids as well as for the impact this will have on CC of Ftl. Back 160 yrs ago Martin Stephan led the Lutherans from Saxony to America. In July, Roshad Thomas, a 41-year-old former volunteer youth pastor at Calvary Chapel Tallahassee, was arrested after he was accused of molesting at least 10 children aged 13 to 16 over several years, with victims including members of the youth group he led. It was also difficult to be someone who had discernment there. They could not take the invasion of their religion as the king of Prussia made them worship with the Calvinists that another story. Calvary Chapel will always be my church, I never went there thinking that my pastors were saints, I went their to learn how to become a better person, how to live a faithful life with God, how to try and become more like Jesus TRY because no one in this planet has walked without sin except JESUS. Imagine what all those kids at Liberty are thinking now. Do you worship Jesus as God incarnate, The Lord, The Creator, The Giver of Life? Let me answer some of your comments posed as questions: I doubt anyone has any idea where the 103 million was used. His wife was beautiful and she still had competition for her husbands desires. Coy Gibbs was a retired American NASCAR driver, and he was an entrepreneur also. Coy Gibbs Death Cause: What Happened To Him At Final Racing? Check In fact, the concept of an earthly reign of Christ,of any length of time is foreign to the NT. Would I rather blindly go church shopping through the yellow pages OR maybe narrow the search to 4-5 churchs that were RECOMMENDED? I hadnt heard of any in my 30 years attending CC starting with CCCM in 1976 when I came to Christ. In 1998, financial trouble due to a $465,000 loss from a bankrupt customer led Coddington to re-organize Boyd's Wheels and partner with his eldest son (Boyd Coddington, Jr.). Silence. May the same be done to Bob Coy. I dont think it was ever told. Michael, I do believe weve had this discussion in the past in much detail, so no point in rehashing. You dont have any morals.your life is a lie. lol. MacArthur isnt a wolf in sheeps clothing, hes just a self-righteous pious a-hole from the pulpit, but at least he tows his own line in his personal life. Just one final thing, after youve read those 4 books, just stop, dont go any further. An open church service on Sunday at 4 p.m. included worship, reading of a letter from Coy and the reading of a statement from board, followed by honest sharing of a reminder that Jesus is leading and that the church will move forward together. Lol, they remind me of the dwarves in The Last Battle, who couldnt see the reality of Aslans return because they were so locked up in their dark world (help yourself to the symbolism there mr. Calvins disciple, plenty there for you)!