Many scientific studies have shown the numerous deficiencies and autoimmune disorders caused by drinking milk or other dairy products and the benefits of NOT DRINKING THE MAMMARY SECRETIONS OF ANOTHER SPECIES and other than your indignation, you have no facts to back you up. The goal of animal activists is to have animals be free as nature intended and not to be used by humans. I listed real facts that make a dairy cows life a misery, which you have not tried to deny. Cockroach milk: It sounds like an article from The Onion that pokes fun at the cricket protein bar trend. Pasteurized milk is raw milk that has been heated to a specified temperature and time to kill pathogens that may be found in the raw milk. If you or society wants to fund a program like that, farmers would be happy to accept but I havent met anyone willing to put their money where their mouth is. Then congrats, your one of the few that arent feeding children infected cows pus and blood. These dairy farms do exist!! Is there any truth in this stuff Dairy Guy? Boil Some Water To start from scratch, boil some clean water in a kettle. Screenshot taken on October 1, 2018 of Sonia Sae's viral Facebook post, Screenshot taken on October 1, 2018 of a YouTube video by thefunkyfarmer. The Truth About Pus In Milk. - Fitness Reloaded As in: how he makes it through his life. Feeding someone and ensuring their health just so you can keep them captive to exploit them is wrong. Like all white blood cells, they fight infection so an elevated somatic cell count indicates that the cow is fighting some sort of infection, such as mastitis. Im friends with many other dairy farmers and they love their cows just like I do, plus they are family farms also. Raping cows daily is okay but not hurting ANYTHING is extreme? So how much pus is there in a glass of milk? Thank you for posting the facts on this subject. Obviously you have not read the article Somatic cells ARE NOT pus. If theres no puss in milk, then why is there an acceptable limit. I just wanted to tell you: thank you for taking all the name-calling and internet-yelling (typing in all-caps) so nicely. The calves are separated from their mothers, who cry for their taken children until they lose their voice. . A million cells per spoonful sounds like a lot, but pus is really concentrated. I take care of animals every day and try to give them the best care I can. You may have no agenda but the dairy guy has the agenda to protect the dairy industry. Animal rights folks are not better at caring for the animals. Veganism isnt natural and is a modern day fad. I read the article and understand what you wrote. What ulterior motive does an anti dairy blog or something has.. they just dont want animals to be hurt, humans, or the planet. @The Dairy Guy. If your dairy farm is as legitimate as you make it sound, which i highly doubt. The whole puss in milk debate is nothing but fearorism. With so many other articles online loudly proclaiming that milk has pus in it, I hope this article gives you some insight from someone who works with cows every day. joe lombardi son. Other indications of mastitis may be abnormalities in milk such as a watery appearance, flakes, or clots. Reading this definition, one can almost understand why a person not familiar with procedures and practices on a dairy farm could be led to believe that there is pus in milk, especially after reading false statistics claiming widespread incidences of mastitis in dairy cows. pus in milk snopes. I must admit i am looking forward to developments in artificially grown meat, being able to enjoy it without killing animals (or at least a reduction is awesome). Dead white cells are pus. In pretty much all commercial (for sale) dairy operations the calf FOR WHOM THE MILK WAS CREATED never get a taste. Other times, antibiotic treatment is necessary. Pus is a fluid that consists of dead immune cells, infectious material, and tissue. **A cow enjoying her dry, comfortable bedding**, The cows also have the luxury of taking a shower before every milking. Dairy products such as milk or yogurt (except for people who have dairy allergies) because they provide natural sugars that your body needs when fighting off an infection. Last updated: I look up whats in milk.dead white blood cells.then I look up pus and the definition is dead white blood cells. Milk is disgusting and horrifically unhealthy & cruel anyone who say different is selling you something (like milk? An udder infection called mastitis is very common in dairy cows and causes pus to leach into milk. Generally, these "experts" equate somatic cells with pus cells. The dairy guy has explained the immune response well. I am a dairy farmer, did you read my about me page! This image has been modified. Fats are needed by your body and brain. When a cow is infected, greater than 90% of the somatic cells in her milk are neutrophils, the inflammatory immune cells that form pus. These activists will not rest until the family farm goes out of business. i dont care .. not your milk !! No, this is not milk for human consumption | Fact Check And you can taste the difference. the contamination between the calf and mother its not profitable so you put the baby to work too. I mean there must be some truth to it right? Diabetes, obesity, depression etc Answer is yes of course. Dairy Guy, Im not sure about the milk-pus, but just the idea of it has scared me (almost) milkless over the last few years. Im sure at your farm they are. **The milk is checked every day to make sure the cow is healthy**. Whether you agree or disagree, misleading or being misled on whether or not there is puss in milk, is not important in the grand scheme of things.. bless! Is chocolate milk made from bloody milk? Dairy Carrie Guess what? As the dairy industry points out, the accumulation of pus is a natural part of an animals defense system. It is a proper word with a proper meaning and its not for you, me or anyone else to change or deny that definition; it is what it is, its good old PUS and its in your milk! Maybe on a nice family run, small farm but not the huge corporate farms, Milk produced on larger farms has been proven to be cleaner and higher quality. Select whichever device. The problem is you are not honest about what you do to animals and you seek to blame others. Somatic just means body. Just as normal human breast milk has somatic cellsmostly non-inflammatory white blood cells and epithelial cells sloughed off from the mammary gland ductsso does milk from healthy cows. Snopes is a website where you can fact-check news, articles, and stories. You can do it though. AI helps stop the spread of disease and it allows better genetic selection and mating. Fact is, you hold these animals captive, shorten their lives DRASTICALLY by keeping them pregnant by force, steal their milk, imprison their daughters and slaughter their sons. Im rooting for you! Dairy Guy, youre fighting a losing battle, Im afraid. Antibiotics are used responsibly though, and no antibiotics ever get in the milk. Although the viral image did show a container full of blood-contaminated milk, the assertion that milk from cows normally contains blood and must be whitened prior to commercialization is false. Pus is made up of dead white blood cells, dead skin cells, and bacteria, not one type of cell. Another example: Table salt consists of sodium and chlorine molecules. Where do these rumours begin? I consume dairy, but you are totally off base and not very educated on the facts. Think about it, Where do you stop pal? Nope). Thank you for explaining the milk puss myth. Furthermore when cows do come down with this illness, we move them out of the milking string to a separate hospital pen where they can receive treatment and rest. For those familiar with breastfeeding, youll know that humans too can develop mastitis. September 8, 2011 Unfortunately the life expectancy in those countries is so young that people never grow old enough to get cancer/heart disease/osteoporosis. pus in milk snopes. Additionally, all milk is tested on farm and at the processing plant for antibiotic residues; if residues are detected, all contaminated milk is discarded and the farmer responsible pays a hefty fine. Consider that the recommendations for sugar intake call. Cows can get bumps and bruises just like us and that could cause blood in milk. The cows are fenced in, but when they get out they arent running away. Mastitis will cause actual pus due to infection. Farmers spend their lives figuring out how to give cows the best care with the resources they have. Yes some people believe drinking the milk of another animal, after humans have been weaned from their human mothers milk, is normal. * According to the new USDA data, the American milk supply averages 224,000 somatic cells/ml (based on bulk tank samples taken from whole herds). At the beginning of the video, a man with a British accent can be heard explainingthat he is about to milk three cows ready to give milk for the first time after giving birth. Generally, these experts equate somatic cells with pus cells. Im sure you dont remember me, but I am sorry regardless. Its like having compassion is bad now??? It wouldnt just be some fanatics claiming milk isnt healthy when they have never seen or studied mastitis. Health traits and longevity are equally important when breeding cows. Does this article apply to only organic milk ? Before you go vegan, check out this section, Common Activist Questions About Dairy Answered, Are Humans the only Species to drink the Milk of another Specie, I continue this conversation about pus in milk in my article called The pus in milk paradigm. Dont get trapped in the false reality, read morehere, we use alternatives to antibiotics at the dairy, measuring milk quality with somatic cell count. Claims about pus in milk have been circulating in various forms for years. can u imagine a woman all her life to live in a room and to be forcibly impregnated every year so you can take her baby and suck her milk ?! What are Honda Odyssey seats made of. You can search the web and find these groups. More recently, Sae's post gained a new virality in Spanish-speaking corners of the internet. When mastitis is detected, either via testing or the daily visual inspection of each cows milk before the milkingmachine is attached, the milk from that cow does not enter the supply chain until the infection has cleared. Im sure there are other people with the same concerns. According to the USDA, 1 in 6 dairy cows in the United States suffers from clinical mastitis, which is responsible for 1 in 6 dairy cow deaths on U.S. dairy farms. Not much. Where do you get information like that? animals and believe they are treated well. Pokemon Omega Ruby Randomizer Nuzlocke Download Gba. I am actually just a real dairy farmer explaining reality. Milk is tested both on farm and at the processing plant, and one of the tests run is called a somatic cell count test. I would love to know what MUTUAL benefits you refer to??? I have been getting a lot of facebook stuff about pus in milk etc (usually the David Wolfe ones) which just looked so unlikely. Normally these cows can live 20 years but poor dairy cows literally lay down and die at 4-5 years due to the endless cycle of pregnancies. One cup of 2-percent milk contains 12.3 grams of sugar, more than a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup and almost as much as a chocolate chip cookie. increasing bad Cholesterol, antibiotics intake and more) as well as aesthetic aspects of Somatic/pus cells in milk, and have not been able to make myself consume Dairy again since (really unfortunate because I loved everything about it). Any other use, in particular any reproduction, communication to the public or distribution of the content of this website, in whole or in part, for any other purpose and/or by any other means, without a specific licence agreement signed with AFP, is strictly prohibited. Also, those same countries usually consume the most meat, and likewise have higher rates of heart disease and diabetes. Populations that can afford to purchase milk are generally healthier. Sorry bud, but YOU ARE THE ONLY PERSON SELLING ANYTHING HERE. Somatic just means body. Just as normal human breast milk has somatic cellsmostly non-inflammatory white blood cells and epithelial cells sloughed off from the mammary gland ductsso does milk from healthy cows. As mentioned earlier, milk is also packed in large tanks or in bulk. pus in milk snopes So, the next time you are elbow deep in a cows vagina, please tell me how normal and natural it feels. And white blood cells are pus.. with the added doh is an amazing comment! America consumes the most dairy in the world, yet America also has the most people diagnosed with osteoporosis, by the way long time vegans dont get osteoporosis like dairy consumers. I don-t want to drink pus in milk. Read it here A clean udder means less chance of bacteria getting in the cows udder. Yes they do, Se! But just as parents may not want to feed their children fecal matter in meat even if its irradiated fecal matter, they might not want to feed their children pasteurized pus. If you fail 3 times, you will be shut down and will lose your license to produce milk. Oh and to answer one question, the male dairy cows are all killed for veal, they are tied down to ensure their muscles dont develop so the cows are always artificially inseminated in a device called a rape rack. Raw milk can contain pathogens such as Campylobacter, E. coli O157:H7, Salmonella, Listeria and other bacteria. But it didnt, not even a tiny bit. Im afraid I do not have the individual capacity to house retired animals but I do make a regular contribution to an animal sanctuary that rescues exploited animal from farms like yours so, challenge accepted! That means less suffering which is great news for animals! In a perfect world i agree with you, but we are far from that! 1) do you artificially inseminate your cows? There are other things happening too, such as forced insemination, and with your point on people drinking milk for a long, long time, that does not make a difference on your argument. On the other hand, why dairy industry tells us that milks is good and safe that is very clear. The milk from these cows does not go into the bulk tank, so there is no pus in milk. If you destroy the feed trucks, you cant feed any animals. This line is drawn to ensure that sick cows are treated and that their milk does not enter the food chain. An average monthly herd somatic cell count under 250 000 somatic cells per mL is also eligible for a quality bonus paid to the farmer. I hope that Ive explained this issue clearly and logically. It is nothing like the same as humans genetically selecting cows with unnaturally large udders, artificially inseminating them so they constantly produce milk, keeping them confined against their will and steeling the milk which they most definitely did not produce for your consumption. Dairies use Alternatives to Antibiotics to keep Cows Healthy,,,, article on fat to learn about the nutrition misconceptions,,,, Interesting Facts about California Agriculture, Lactose Intolerance not only Genetic but Cultural. So, denying that white blood cells are in fact pus makes you look silly and uneducated, which I dont believe you are. Filthy conditions, pus-filled infections, and kidnapped babiesthese are just a few of the many reasons why you should stop eating cheese right now.Cows are loving mothers who celebrate the birth of their calves and express anxiety and sorrow when they're separated. These cows were not abused or mistreated in any way whatsoever. As lawmakers craft the 2022 -23 state budget, the House and Senate are pushing to boost pay for state employees, local school staffers and certain health care workers. There's no pus and no blood in cow's milk. Is all the stuff so readily available to read about them wrong? This is what they sell you. Is mastitis rampant in the dairy industry? mitchell henry obituary; housing authority rome, ga; tom brady personality traits; can you drive from glacier national park to banff; why did they replace bertha in fred Dead leucocytes used to fight infection. During a fucking pandemic caused by your horrible fucked up industry.. why are you drinking a baby cows milk? Try googling it and you will find no such device. Evolve or die. Theres loads of truth, Earthlings, Cowspiracy, Farm to Fridge (great, well-researched documentaries) and real undercover video of dairy operations available on youtube & Netflix. Amen!! The cow is milked in the hospital pen, where she can be cared for, and be separate from the rest of the herd until she is better. What Is Pus? Causes, Treatment, and More Explained - Healthgrades Seems suspect if Im honest, but Im not a scientist. After all, who wants to drink milk if it has pus in it! 3% of organic-milk-producing dairy cows die compared to 1% of conventional-milk-producing cows, who are able to take anti-biotics. And I can confirm that sick cows are separated from the herd and that their milk is flushed. I hope the American dairy famers have the same law. When detected, these cows are separated from the main herd and sent to the hospital pen so they can get the help they need. Welllllll there goes your whole argument, white blood cells ARE pus, doh! The udder sac is hard, tight, and firm. Karmic rule of the universe to ensure animals are given good care. Pathogens are microorganism such as bacteria that make us sick. We all remember the Humane Society of the United States investigation showing sick and crippled dairy cows being beaten and dragged into the California dairy cow slaughter plant en route to the national school lunch program, triggering the largest meat recall in history. Also, I think any woman who has ever breast-fed can tell you that poor health, poor diet and stress will result is lessened milk production. Claim: Iodine been found to boost the level of pus in the milk of cows with staph-infected udders. It actually got worse. Too funny! pus in milk; pus in urine; pus in urine; pus in urine; pus sore; pus sore; pus sore; pus tube; pus . Oh and about pus. If there is no pus in milk why is there the need to have it regulated? lol America is hardly the largest milk consuming country, far down on the list. Because dairy milk is pooled together in large tanks, virtually all dairy milk contains this pus. I truly appreciate your logical and thoughtful responses. Kudos. Rachel how many cows have you funded for retirement in a pasture. You have to score over 90 points out of 100 so theres no room for sloppiness. It bothered me so I did some research, part of which brought me to this page. Take care. Or maybe something even more far fetched ? You can read my previous article on fat to learn about the nutrition misconceptions that have caused the health epidemic today. There are many people who are animal farmers. All of them believe they take great care of their Is somebody lying? It plants a very disturbing picture into your mind. Catch up with Dr. Greger at one of his live speaking engagements: Due to the pandemic, my speaking tour has been postponed until the release of my next book in 2024. They flood the internet with staged videos of abuse which I also find disgusting. Put the baby calf to work? Todays dairy cows endure annual cycles of artificial insemination, pregnancy and birth, and mechanized milking for 10 out of 12 months (including 7 months of their 9-month pregnancies). This level of disease is reflected in the concentration of somatic cells in the American milk supply. However, farmers such as the one in the YouTube video,store this liquid becauseit is an essential part of the diet of newborn calves. Food To Avoid During Pus Infection - ALL FOOD & NUTRITION Theres enough plant food on this planet to feed every human being yet do you care? Because of the mastitis epidemic in the U.S. dairy herd, the dairy industry continues to demand that American milk retain the highest allowable somatic cell concentration in the world. Conservatively using what was described in the medical literature as frank pus (80,000 cells/microliter) and converting from microliters to drop (50 microliter/drop) would mean 4 million cells per drop. I am looking for some answers to a few questions. Most of the countries milk comes from factory farming cows which never get to feel grass, not from a mom n pop farm in oregan. We all know the benefits you enjoy ($$$$$$$) from your mutual relationship with your cows. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. And yes vegans do struggle with malnutrition. As you care so much, I am curious to know what you think your cows get out of a life trapped on your farm? Typically they are given a few months to rest which is different than in nature. Its one of the reasons why I started this blog because I was so fed up with people spreading nonsense like all the ramblings you pasted here.. But I can assure you that abusing cows is not the norm. Countries that consume large amounts of dairy products are among the healthiest in the world. You also need vitamin D and look theyre all in milk. This is highly inaccurate!! Every time the cow is milked, her udder is first cleaned with an antimicrobial lotion. You also eat ligaments, red blood cells, arteries, ect. The same thing occurs with pus: it is possible for an ill cow to give milk that contains pus, but those cows are separated from the herd and their production is thrown away, the professor said. If theres no puss in milk then why is there an acceptable limit . Maybe youre the DUMBASS if you believe what a dairy farmer says. They weird fact is that the better care we take of the animals and the earth, the better our yields and returns. That doesnt quite add up. Consequently the dairy industry continues to shrink while plant-based milk sales rocket. If the infection is not too virulent, hot compresses and massages and stripping out the milk from the infected part of the udder can sometimes help the cow get rid of the infection on her own. This leads to infections, which is, by definition, staph and thus pus. can earn additional bucks every month with new monetization method. Milk may or may not have pus, but it is not healthy for adult human consumption, and thats fact.