Lincoln: >worried< Do what you want with me, I don't want my life to be anymore rougher! The Loud House is created by Chris Savino and is owned by Nickelodeon and Viacom. Request from Evancorp123456 Completed But when they did this he discovered a power that few have learned, and very few hav crossoverfanfiction. Now with the help of the bully's daughter Rita must escape before its too late. Lola: Uh Lincoln, What are you doing with your hair combed and teeth brushed? School Officer: No "Buts", off to class with you, discussion is over. crossover. Lynn Sr.: Well, you gave him trouble long enough, you can scold him or give him tickets all you want to, but you can't physically harm him like that, if you keep this up, everyone will think you will be a bad influence on him. Lincoln: Thank you Taylor, you are my hero. Lynn: >to Rita and Lynn Sr.< What? WebHere my very first fanfiction. You got guns than you go to jail! (Taylor and Mr. Chong were in meditation and Mr. Chong shows her windows of her still hanging around with the same two bullies asking other students for money and other of their personal items). Aladdin, The Good Dinosaur and The Jungle Book is owned and created by Pixar and the Walt Disney Company. (Anderson punched his hand with his fist in anger, the next day, Lincoln and Taylor started to ride their bicycles to the park, they ordered ice cream for them both, Lincoln got the Chocolate Vanilla Swirl while Taylor picked Strawberry Unicorn, they sat on a bench as they were looking at the clouds). Lynn: I wanted to say Im sorry for messing up your first day in middle school, I didnt mean to ruin it for you, I get it that youre excited about it, but--. (Lincoln sat in his seat, Chandler was the next to come in). (The seventh grade boys were shaking in fear as Lynn was the one that intimidated them). Mr. Chong: Why don't we look in our windows shall we? Im a master at this. Lincoln: You got anything interesting that you want to trade with me as well? "Wow Linc-Lame, your sisters are even worse than you" The bully texting back to Lincoln. Fanfiction - Karate Linc Here is my 29th fanfiction. Loud House (Taylor left the guidance office and walked back to her classroom, in the hallway, one of the sixth graders was trying to go to the bathroom, but it turns out that he had a comic book in his pocket that he wanted to take out, so Lynn spied on him). WebNo one was especially cruel to him so he accepted cruelty as a part of life. Webwerewolf. (The bullies continued to mock and tease him while Lincoln was rolling his eyes, then this afternoon, Anderson tripped him as Pablo picked him up as Taylor cracked her knuckles ready to punch him). Loud House Loud House Taylor: You know, I never even get to meet her. Looney Tunes is owned and created by Warner Taylor: Speaking of which, I would like to meet your family, of course I already know who Lynn is. Taylor: >sighs< I love my new school job! Mr. Chong: What makes them think they know better than you? Lincoln: She hasnt bullied me anymore, she is just redeeming herself and she took care of me! Lynn Sr.: Well, I see you are making a good decision and you took real care of Lincoln, even better than Lynn in my case. (At Mr. Chong's guidance office, Taylor was sitting in front of Mr. Chong's desk as they are talking about progress in Taylor's redemption). (As Vanzilla pulled up to middle school, Lincoln was the first to get off). Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. Lynn Loud Srs brother Luke and his wife Max come to visit Royal Woods for the summer with their 4 daughters, Brooke, Belinda, Bethany, and Brenda. bully Anderson: >to Taylor and Pablo< Come on guys, lets find other kids to bully. Leni: >to Lincoln< I'm so glad you aren't on that bus anymore. Lynn Loud Srs brother Luke and his wife Max come to visit Royal Woods for the summer with their 4 daughters, Brooke, Belinda, Bethany, and Brenda. Seventh Grade Boy #2: Dude, that is like so cool, you have like the best weapons out there, I wish I could shoot with you. Lynn Sr.: >to Lincoln< Have a good day at school son. (Taylor walked out of the Principal's office and walked into the guidance office where a hippie with buzzed brown hair, a T-rex tooth necklace, a Dinosaur hippie shirt with a picture of a Brontosaurus, blue jeans, grey flip flops, surrounding him with a 1960's lava lamp and several Beach Boys and Beatles posters around his walls was meditating, Taylor cleared her throat and the hippie counselor stopped meditating). Lynn: That was brutal, you didnt even deserve that. (Anderson releases Lincoln, Lincoln landed on his rear and gets behind Taylor, Taylor pats his head in kindness but keeps her eye on the bullies). WebLincoln Loud was viewed by many to be a strong, caring, and kind person. Lincoln: >to Lana, annoyed< NO! I also wanted to give a big thanks to AnimationFan15 for giving me the title, "Loud's Eleven." # 11. WebLANA: (angry) If you ever bully our brother like that, you're gonna get it! Lynn Sr.: >to Lynn, offscreen< Sorry sweetie, you know the procedure! Mr. Chong: Yes, you have passed the test, I think you are going to make some new friends and even reunite with some old friends, you are awesome the way you are, without being a bully, nor being involved in a gang. Lincoln was in the kitchen helping his mother cook. Here is my 29th fanfiction. Luna: Dont you even think about taking Sam away from me. Loud, I want to apologize for bullying your son, I was manipulated into doing things I wasn't supposed to do, he didnt deserve that much treatment from any of us, I was wrong to bully him, I want to start over and take care of him like I supposed to, Im an eighth grader, as an eighth grader, its supposed to be my responsibility to lead others into the right path and make great decisions, and not lead them to the wrong path and make the wrong decisions. Lincoln: Thanks Mom and Dad, Ill go tell her right now. Taylor: >to Lincoln, assures him< Relax kid, I'm not going to hurt you. I expect comments. (Lincoln and Taylor traded lunches, Lincoln has Taylor's Bologna sandwich while Taylor herself has Lincoln's Brussel Sprout casserole, they both tasted it and were satisfied with it, a few hours later as school was coming to an end, Taylor escorted Lincoln to the front entrance waiting for their respected parents to pick them up from school). Taylor: >to Rita< Mrs. BULLY: Y-Yes! Its All Relative By: ZCloudhousefan. I got into the show recently and have been inspired to create stories for this show. Taylor: >to Lincoln< Ewww, Lincoln, that was like totally rude, What did you had for breakfast? Lynn >offscreen, in office< FIRED!?!?!?!?! Chapter 2: Bully Killer, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction The Loud House Month Of Horror! Pablo: Maybe its not what we expected, so I think she is making friends with them. Taylor: I got real mad, I told him to stop, so I end up beating up my brother, I had build up my anger and get him to stop, my brother was bleeding, all because of me, after I punched him, it turned me into a monster, I was no longer the sweet innocent girl my Mom and Dad thought I was, but a creature that everyone was afraid of, I kept bullying everyone because I was afraid that everyone was going to bully me, so I had to stand up for myself, I kept getting into trouble with everyone, the school staff kept sending me home and I was grounded for weeks and months, I couldn't stop being a bully, then I kept teaming up with the other two boys Anderson and Pablo and I joined their little game, including bullying Lincoln and his friends on the school bus, all because of the back seat he sat on, last week, me and the boys kept picking on him because we thought it would be fun for us to do so, but as of today, I realized Taylor: I realized that we were not the only ones that kept picking on him, Chandler and Lincoln's older sister Lynn who is the Hall monitor gave him more pain and suffering, and then, I felt something in my heart andandand>tearing up< I felt Taylor: >tearing up< I felt so sorry for him, I started to have a flashback of my big brother torturing me, all because of Lynn hurting him, and I never never want him to have that same experience like I did. Loudcest (The Loud House) Lincoln and Lucy Loud are both in a secret forbidden incestous relationship. Lincoln: You know, for an eighth grader, you seem to have a change of heart and Im glad we are starting over. (Lynn groaned and marched upstairs to her room, Lincoln went downstairs to play a game on his console, Lynn Sr. and Rita told him about Lynn). Principal Ramirez: >to Lincoln< Lincoln, I've got a task for you, and I know you can do it, I have Ronnie Anne attend the same classes with you, so it'll be your job to be her escort buddy to your class. They regretted for everything they had done to him. Fanfiction He didn't know and honestly, after a lot of soul searching and self-doubts, he didn't care. Lynner or Loser Taylor: Excuse me, Mr. Chong sir, I like to sign up to this anti-bullying program. (Lincoln was shoved into the floor, Taylor helped him up after she reached her hand to him). Then stay out of our way and stay away from Taylor, shes ours and if I ever see you again or take Taylor away from us, Ill hunt you down and tear you to pieces, >to Pablo and Taylor< Come on guys, lets get out of here! (Taylor escorted Lincoln to the Principals office after school, Lynn on the other hand shouted from the top of her lungs while inside the office). The Loud House is created by Chris Savino and is owned by Nickelodeon and Viacom. Principal Ramirez: I'm not giving you anymore second chances, you are finished with your Hall Monitor duty, giving tickets to students and reporting is one thing, but abusing them to respect the rules by force is a very serious no no, as an eighth grader, it's your responsibility to lead sixth and seventh graders down the right path and not the wrong path, I'm sorry but we are done with this conversation, you have detention for the rest of the week! (Like before, she crossed her legs again, closed her eyes, pressed her thumbs and index fingers together and hummed, she goes back into mediation). Lynn Sr.: Not only that, you are hereby temporarily restrained from Lincoln after what you did to him. Soon, he made it to his destination. Making the Grade (my version) Thomperfan 24 March 2017 User blog:Thomperfan. (It then cuts to lunch where Lincoln was running late because of that long hike from the trailer to the main building, as Lincoln was catching his breath, he was about to get in line until Lynn tackles him). He didn't know and honestly, after a lot of soul searching and self-doubts, he didn't care. Long story short, in the universe Taylor: Whats gotten into me? Mr. Chong: Congratulations Taylor, you have indeed learned your lesson, this lesson has been a true success, now we shall end your lesson and send you back to the real world. But soon turns for the worst her bully kidnaps. Anderson: Those little twerps, why does she think she can hang around with babies like them and not us? Enjoy! Mr. Chong: So tell me, when was the first time you met him? (It takes place at Royal Woods High. Taylor: These boys are no longer welcome in my sight, do what you think is right. WebAfter completing the video, Lincoln nervously sent the video to the bully on his phone, Much to his relief, The bully found the video to be funny and submitted the video to the contest. (Taylor and Mr. Chong stopped their meditation and resumed to the real world). Loud House Taylor: >to Lincoln< I wish I could have tried one of your Dad's dishes for lunch, wanna trade? Loud's Eleven But soon turns for the worst her bully kidnaps. Loud's Eleven Lynn Loud Sr. How did you find me? Anderson: Well I dont tolerate her being friends with Stinkolnunless. (At the Loud House, as Lincoln was asking his parents about Taylor coming over they both replied to him). Mr. Chong: Do you understand why its not okay to take advantage of anybody? (Lincoln got to his seat like normal, meanwhile in the hallway Lynn was eavesdropping onto other kids who were talking about shooting). That's not even fair!!! Principal Ramirez: Lynn, you literally twisted another students arm, even if it's your brother, you still cannot abuse them, and it's not just Lincoln, it's other sixth and seventh graders who are complaining, your job was to give tickets to students who disrespect the rules of the school hallway and report them to me, not aggressively torture them under your own free will! Mr. Chong: Please pay attention, let us see what would happen if you continue doing this. Lincoln: She can make her own decisions, its not about you, its also about her, you have no right to control her like that! *Laughs* (The Bullies leave) LENI: *Tearing up* I guess I will give this dress to a friend *Sobbing* (Leni arrives home, Luna was watching TV with Lynn and they saw Leni crying) LUNA: Hey, Dude. WebLola: Everyone would be better off if you never bothered anyone again! Rita: >to Lincoln< So Lincoln, How was school? Mr. Chong: Welcome to our school's anti bullying program, I'm your host, Mr. Chong, that's like me by the way, before we get started, I thought maybe we try out our first lesson, each lesson will last for about five days a week, if you pass, you are like free to go, first, meditate with me. Lincoln: Dont worry about me and Lynn, we arent that close, Im more close to either Lori, Leni, Luna, Lana and Lily. (For a while Taylor just cried a bit and looked at herself with a younger version of herself, she now lost her young caring self and her life as a bully turned her into a monster she is today, she then walked out of the bathroom and headed straight to the principal's office, it then cuts to the principals office where she is on her computer going over her files, she heard a knock on the door). (A young Taylor gulped as her big brother just pinned her to the floor and even pushed her arm to her back while twisting it). Lincoln: Wow, you've never hugged me before! Taylor: Yes, I just wanted to say, I'm sorry for causing an incident with the school bus, I should have known better than to threaten or tease you guys like that, they made me do it. Sisters: YEAH! Anderson: >to Lincoln< I meant, using your little puppy eyes and asking an upperclassman like our friend Taylor to be your friend, you should never reason with a bully and you should never make friends with a bully! Lynner or Loser (Anderson and Pablo escorted Taylor to class, meanwhile Lincoln while in Mr. Bolhofner's trailer was giving out tests that they have finished Friday, after he brought the tests back, he sat back down and a loud fart was coming from his desk, everyone started to laugh, Mr. Bolhofner was annoyed and turned around in anger). (See the end of the work for more notes.) (Lincoln gets up, Taylor warns him not to fight him). Rita: Thanks to you young lady, you are grounded for the rest of the month. Its All Relative By: ZCloudhousefan. What was it that made her want to bully him? The Loud House Fanfic #11-Second Mommy Rusty: >to Taylor< It's good that you have turned over a new leaf. 58.7K 547 33. Principal Ramirez: Thank you for reporting this to me Lynn, that was the right thing to do. (Principal Ramirez handed Taylor a badge, Taylor gives Principal Ramirez a handshake). +5 more. She is one of Lily 's classmates. (Taylor knocks on the door and Principal Ramirez answered), (Taylor walks in with Lincoln and they sat down). Loud Lynn Sr.: What's going on he--->gasps, to Lincoln< Lincoln, what happened? Principal Ramirez: >to Anderson and Pablo< Boys, leave the kid alone, if I ever see you hurt this boy again or I get a report on you two again, I will have you expelled for the rest of the semester, I have told you both over and over, bullying is not allowed in school grounds, this is your final warning! Lynn Sr.: >to Taylor< Well, thats what parents do. Loud Family (The Loud House) Incest. Lincoln and Cameron are in Mr. Mooney's class learning about The Spanish Flu.) Anderson: >to Taylor< I said get out of the way so I can punch him. (Taylor laughs at him and walked away, chef Pat gives him left-over Brussel sprout casserole making him feel nauseous over it, Thursday, as Lincoln was getting to the bathroom to whizz, Anderson grabbed him and shoves his face by the toilet). Rita: Lincoln, I think it was sweet of you to help me cook dinner tonight. Taylor: >to Lincoln< Im sorryLincoln. (The front door bursted open with an angry, black-eyed Lincoln glaring at Lynn, she notices). (Lynn helped Taylor escort Lincoln to class for the rest of the day, the next morning, at the School news center, Lincoln and Clyde were going live). School Officer: >to Lynn< Young lady, consider that your first warning, and if I ever catch you you here harassing and torturing other students in this hallway two more times, I will have you suspended, this is your first verbal warning. (The School officer escorted the two bullies off the building, Taylor turned to Lincoln and reached her hand to him, he grabs her hand and she lifts him up, Lincoln gave her a heartwarming hug). Loud Kidnapped Caper Chapter 1 Unexpected Meeting, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction. loud house fanfic [passes by his classmates as they give him SoulKiller13. Principal Ramirez: >to Lynn< I know Ive fired you as Hall Monitor, but how would you like to be deputy Hall Monitor? WebExplore Episodes More Community in: Banned episodes, Episodes, The Loud House Season 5 Episodes English No Bus No Fuss View source Not to be confused with its book adaptation. loud house fanfic Mr. Chong: Never become a bully just because you have been bullied by someone else. Appearance Audrey is a toddler girl with light skin, short dirty blonde hair, two pairs of eyelashes and a single tooth. Seventh Grade Boy #2: >to Lynn, frightened< We don't have any guns dude, let us ,go, you're hurting us! and "No Bus no Fuss" are considered terrible because of non-sensical plots, unintelligible character development and cringe-worthy stereotypes there are on these said episodes (even though I find them both Mediocre in my opinion), so I made this story as I felt sorry for Lincoln for what has happened to him on those said episodes despite my lack of interest in him, but I wanted to make this story as a strong anti-bullying message since the writers of that show refuse to give out new idea's and recycle the same elements that has been repeated, I hope you enjoy it. The damage, pain and misery to his heart. I'll discuss this with your parents later! (Taylor explained the whole situation to Mr. Chong, Lynn safely escorts Lincoln to Mr. Bolhofners trailer, he came in just like last week when he was the first to come here). Taylor: Thank you for letting me sit with your friends Lincoln, I enjoyed that. It was another normal day at the loud house me and Lori where in the kitchen arguing about something as usual. Pablo: Oh, pretending to be a friend to that white haired chump and picking on the babies later on is pure genius. Lynn: You better watch out bro, I'll come for you! Lincoln: I appreciate what you are doing for me, but she has been taking care of me now, there isnt any need to intimidate her, shes just visiting! Leni: Who is it this time? Lincoln's friends: >to Taylor< Nice to officially meet you Taylor! WebAfter completing the video, Lincoln nervously sent the video to the bully on his phone, Much to his relief, The bully found the video to be funny and submitted the video to the contest. (Then pictures of Taylor's past begin to take shape like Television sets, she explains to him about her past). Anderson: >to Pablo< Shut up, stop taking his side! Loud House Month Of Horror Lynn: Thats an excellent idea Principal Ramirez! (Mr. Chong snaps a mirror and Taylor sees her reflection). Chandler: BOOOOOOO, go back to Great Lakes City, BOOOOOO! SoulKiller13. Lincoln: That sounds nice, but I usually walk with my friends. Mark my words, you all havent seen the last of us! which is about hunting ghosts. (Taylor slinked away from the two boys, she then starts to walk to the girls bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror as she started to cry, she now understands why Lincoln was getting bullied, it's because like herself at a young age, he was not strong and had an abusive relationship with his sister Lynn, she then spoke to herself in the mirror). The Breaking point (Lincoln shows Taylor the Parents bedroom). Special thanks to BigFanofEntertainment and Jokeman20 for story assistance. They quickly ran after him to stop him from ending his life. Anderson: >to Taylor< You have feelings for this boy? This is the worst! WebAudrey is a minor character The Loud House who made her first appearance in "Schooled!". That's when my mom walked in and Lori left the room. Taylor: >to Lincoln< Ill trade you a PB&J sandwich for a Grilled cheese sandwich. (The officer gives her another ticket and pastes it on her forehead, later on they waited outside for their parents to pick them up, Taylors Mom came and picked up Taylor, they waved goodbye to each other, Lincoln was waiting for his Mom but he was cornered by the two bullies). Lisa: Let me guess, its an older girl isnt it? Taylor: >to herself, crying< Now you understand someone else's pain when they start middle school, you don't want to make sure they too become a bully just like you, you've should have known better than that, you've been hanging out with the wrong crowd and I don't want you to let him do the same thing as well, it's all your fault, you started to Lincoln: >to Lynn Sr.< Have a good day at work Dad! (Lincoln noticed Taylor, he is shocked to see her back with the same two boys, but Taylor becomes very desperate and sad). (Anderson and Pablo chuckled, Taylor shouted at them). Anderson: >to Taylor< You've broken one rule of being a bully, never make friends with your victim, he lost and I won, youre ours again, now get on the bike! Lincoln was in the kitchen helping his mother cook.