), I think your recaps are wonderful and I enjoy reading them every bit as much as I do watching the programme! Im glad you like my reviews And I will most definitely continue on with reviewing S2. Louis approaches and she wakes. It can be quite shocking to us, but pretty much most children died before adulthood people mourned, mirrors were covered and a service held, but some didnt wait more than a few days before picking themselves up and going off to the next party or ball or soiree. Hes just having some fun. Just because women were denied their personhood does not mean they were not human beings who felt as any human being might feel. It ended up working even better than planned and within a very short amount of time, Louis fell for Louise de la Valliere who was originally meant to be a decoy but became his first official royal mistress. The two Ms still fight, and Louis approaches, holding the poker. One witness observed that Henriette looked like a dressed corpse upon whom someone had put some rouge, while others thought she had death painted on her face. They take her hands. He feels betrayed. I pity Henrietta. Close the doors! The Queen adds: we must put her in the bed. Louis nods; in she goes. Philippe loves and is loyal to his brother and only wants Louis to allow him to support him. Louis strolls over to the fireplace and picks up a poker, calmly summarising whats happened on his roads, his people dying, attempts on his own life, and now his beloved Henriette. PERFECT. And Philippe says calmly and quietly: There. I wonder what theyve got in store for us. The French musical Le Roi Soleil is always great to watch. The writers want us to think that evrry time they had kids, he had to rape her? Does she want to end things with Louis? UGH. Because he did feel something for her, despite her repeated betrayal of him, over and over. *Deeeeeep breath* Okay. OMG he hits Marchal across the face with the candlestick, Louis lunges, Montcourt throws him off and the King smacks his head on a table. Today, speculation has attributed Henriettes death to intestinal blockage, ectopic pregnancy or tuberculosis affecting the peritoneum. needless to say, all my writing is copyright to me, so don't be a dick and steal it. Another possibility is that Henriette suffered from anorexia nervosa, which is often characterised by increasing frailty and hyperactivity; the summer of 1670 had been particularly hot and Henriette would swim in the river; unable to sleep, she walked in the gardens at night. This doesnt do good for her position, unloved by her husband and no one would stand at her side, should French and English go to war. To which Marchal says: you are the daughter of a Huguenot conspirator to the King, funded and supported by William of Orange. But Sophie says her mother paid that price, she is merely trying to survive and thought Marchals protection would ensure it. So thats why I believe that the most that Louis felt for Henriette was that he only loved her a little or to some degree but not enough. I have known your website for some time now but hadnt had much time to write a post until now. Hi Jules and Aly, He cares for her, but anytime he has to choose between Chevalier and her, he always choose the former. Dieu. Rohan slits the other guards throat, watches from a distance as the young prince has a sack put over his head then bundled off. He did it with Prince Annaba, with Philippe and the Chevalier, with Philippe in the bath whether its just him thinking hey, Im the King, I can do whatever TF I want or some other deep need to catch people unawares, I do not know). He is clearly upset. The state is a person. But that was the thinking of the time. Louis. when Philippe asks if he were to die, her troubles would be solved. Duchess Henriette becomes suddenly ill when she returns from a visit to her brother in England. Still with the playing of games, the half-truth words. But of course, she wants to know what happened to her mother in exchange for that information. She is gravely ill. Montespan pauses for a second, then declares she must go to her (because you know, Montespan is supposed to be one of her ladies-in-waiting). I could never love you morewell. And Philippe replies gently: You did the best you could. Tears now from Henriette: how handsome you both are. And now we are in the last throes of her last moments it hurts and she cannot breathe, they move the pillow. Then Montcourt, the sly little worm, implies that Marchal will cop shit if Henriette dies and no culprit is found, and that Marchals judgement is lacking due to the whole de Clermont thing. It unfortunately follows that her absence would weaken you. And silently walks to the window. But Louis, he just wanted her close, and so married her to his brother. He is genuinely happy to see the Chevalier and shows it. The characters almost act as it never happened. Marchal is surprised but pleased: attracting the flies to the paper. You are both the angels at my shoulder, says Louis, which reminds Marchal of the Parthenays and Montcourt. Or survival. he starts to pace: here comes the lecture. Yet how much pain are you willing to endure before you get what you want? He is always the king, while Philippe gives his emotions (somewhat) free rein. I think Teresa is being a bit naive re. Ive mentioned before that his intimate interactions with women in the show are used as a form of punishment towards those who have hurt him Louis (with Louise and Henriette) and the Chevalier (with the maid). Versailles (TV Series 2015-2018) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Or twenty, I suppose. In Ep 3, I believe this is the first time we see the painting, it is in Louiss chambers, to the left of the fireplace on an easel on the floor. Oh, Louis most definitely would choose France over his brother. He genuinely believes Philppe is a potential threat. I think he also wants reassurance that Louis cares for him as much as he cares for Louis. See production, box office & company info. They walk into a salon, where Montcourt is playing cards, and everyone suddenly stops talking when Marchal meets the mans eye. Yet another possibility is that she had a duodenal ulcer which burst, leading to peritonitis. By this point, Louis had basically forgotten about and gotten over Henriette though this was much to her displeasure and chagrin. Of course, nothing happened and the doctors said colic but nine hours later, she was dead. In perfect sync. Is anyone else hoping Fabien takes her under his wing? You dont get to my age and experience with your naivete still intact. ? Brilliant. Trusting Philippe and involving him in the running of France would make him a better, stronger king. I am looking at her now. Mike did. Hi Laura! (yeah, I know I said I liked Marchal/Claudine, too! Whew! As Montcourt is delivering this little speech, the camera angle singles out the massive symbolism in the shot: the angels on his leather sash belt. Apparently de Clermont gave Marchal the names of the conspirators against the king, and all the names of those who shared her allegiance. Montcourts eyes drop to Louis hand and suddenly he pulls a knife. I was searching online for reviews/explanations of this show I was never educated about Frances history because I come from the other side of the globe and coincidentally stumbled upon your website, much to my delight. So to me, this indicates hes still quite scared. Then Philippe walks out, still dressed in his nightshirt and robe, barefoot. I blame it all on Louis! In the early hours of 30 June, she died. Eww. Versailles recap: episode nine - off avec their ttes! But Marchal continues calmly. Panoramica: After crushing the Protestants and thwarted Leto, Louis feels invincible. Says you made me marry him. It is only since the end of the 20th centuary up to present day that wives can now shout rape, I know of a woman in the 60s that had a baby and had to be stitched, her husband cut her stitches out and raped her. Louis replies how else was I to keep you close. Now we are with Marchal, who is interrogating Henriettes ladies, Sophie included. And the only reason she is such a powerful weapon against Philippe is because Philippe views her as nothing more than his property to do with as he wishes. Back with the sick princess and Claudine is fiddling with potions while Henriette writhes and vomits blood. This is who they truly are in this one moment of grief. They fear she might have been poisoned, so King Louis XIV shuts all access To Versailles. Philippe and Louis have all the best monologues and the writing is brilliant, so in character. He takes her hand and closes his eyes and for a moment he is vulnerable. But for that one unforgivable act, I could have felt real sympathy for that walking, talking mess of dysfunction. So, he loves Henrietta as a friend, or simply to rival his brother? After doing an excellent job negotiating an alliance with England against the Dutch (which was then promptly overturned), Henriette returns to Versailles just in time to be poisoned and die in blood-soaked agony. She could have answered with an honest yes but she evades the question. Philippe and Henriette are quite possibly the two people Louis loves most, and yet he uses and hurts them both repeatedly to get what he wants and because he is paranoid about his brother. You have never been a man whos true. We are shown much more of Philippes inner mind and his relationship to Louis than anyone else. And so was she. Charming. As for Philippe, I cant make out what he is. I am really liking Sophies growth as a character, who is, of course, beautiful, but with attitude and a strong backbone, as we are now seeing. Ive found some interesting, unedited sources about him and I hope to write very soon a book to make some justice to this very, very mistreated character. I just rot an extremely long omment Perfectly written line is delivered perfectly by perfect actor. Much kudos to Nomie Schmidt for a brilliantly sad scene, aided by the backing music and the strength and emotion of George Blagden and Alex Vlahos. Because the whole world gave you counsel. A European history-geek friend told me about this show yesterday, so I binge watched the entire series. It is fascinating to compare Philippes two moments of deep anguish side by side: when the Chevalier was arrested, we saw his total and complete breakdown, the slow crumple of his expression from shock, to horror, to abject grief, then as he collapsed to his knees and rocked while he wept. Do you honestly think that just because certain abusesatrocities, evenwere acceptable, that those on the receiving end didnt feel anger, pain, violation, etc. UGH D: Hi Jules, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your reviews as much as I have enjoyed watching Versailles. When we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away. Hi, yet so satisfying to watch because.. yeah. Philippe replies, almost resignedly: Im not asking for permission. I kind of doubt it). But his treatment of her does make me think, rather than an actual person, the writers have quite subtly used her as a tool: she is the only person Philippe can take his frustrations out on he knows she loves Louis, and at that point Louis is still very much in love with her Philippe knows this, and punishes Louis the only way he can, but punishing his mistress. They could not be more different in this moment. We awarded it to you for bravery. but it would cause her too much pain. I also cannot figure out why Louis and others speak freely in front of the guards when even they are unsure of their loyalty. She is in such a tizzy that she barely gives her daughter, Sophie, the. Versailles recap: episode eight - from la petite mort to une grande God knows the wolves might have taken us but what did we know? Art. Vatel (with Uma Thurman and Gerard Depardieu). I am a true friend of the king. but Louis knows. She rises and silently leaves, then more people walk in to pay their respects the Chevalier included. I look forward to reading your reviews on the next series, when it comes out. This scene is barely seconds long, but oh, so telling as to her character. She had always been painfully thin and Louis once tactlessly referred to her as the bones of the Holy Innocents. At some stage, Musket Mike (the masked man) is outed as a Kings guard. Both felt neglected by the other. For one thing, Anne of Austria, Henriette and the Comtesse de Scissons and even Louis XIV partly himself were in real life all part of a plan to distract the court and other gossip mongers from spreading further lies, gossip, rumors and to provide a cover up for Louis and Henriettes affair which was more of a fling than an actual full fledged affair. Does all this excuse Philippe raping Henriette? UGH, technology! But gossip is gossip and it was particularly rife and vicious in those days. In between re-watching S1, of course. oh sorry, wrong show). I certainly cant say for certain what the writers intent was with that scene, but in this writers opinion it is multilayered a) to show Philippes slow growing resentment towards his brother: he says I want a boy, just like my brother. The opening episode of Versailles season two featured fortune tellers and laser beams. Lulz. we then learn Henriette is Philippes wife. Only honestly acknowledging that Philippes glorious death in battlesomething that would not displease Philippe, himselfwouldnt necessarily break her heart. I realise that you are not a fan of the historical figure but I am speaking strictly of the character. How can people not see Rohans calculating glances, his sly little looks? Its stoic. Le Roi Danse, which is all about the rise and fall of Lully, Louis XIVs court composer (French, but hard to find with English subtitles). Point 4: This point actually supports my own. There is no change. Henriette screams and they both surge to the door then suddenly stop. It would be an outrageous thought. A goodbye to 'Versailles,' TV's best show you probably never watched Are you suggesting that she would have the power to deny the king even if she wanted to? That is exactly what I would be thinking. He advances on Montcourt, who is looking a little shell shocked. Princess Henriette was born on 16 June 1644, on the eve of the Second Battle of Newbury during the Civil War, at Bedford House in Exeter, a seat of William Russell, 5th Earl of Bedford (1613-1700), who had recently returned to the Royalist side. She stays. Philippe: And so do I.. Or because she cant look him in the eye and admit it? I love it). She allows grief but only briefly. Her mother (a french princess) is dead, and shes alone, probably the only English in the palace. We cut to the forest, to the two Kings Guards in their blue livery, leaning by a tree as Rohan and little Louis still mock fight. Thank you. And before we can check ourselves and reach for the tissues, the priest murmurs, Amen and Philippes expression tightens, his head gently shaking before he steps away from the bed, leaving Louis there. Henriette drew the worst cards of all four players in those stakes. Maybe that is where she got the poison she used on Fabien?, de Clermont went to a brothel to obtain poison and the love potion Lauren (Marchals henchwoman) tells him thats what she observed. Totally inappropriate time to mention it. We stake our claim or we are ploughed into the field. And to Ainee for perspective. Its just that his anger and upset (and yes, jealousy I think) affects him so much, because its just another way for his brother to control and belittle him, make him less. Now, seeing as sister-in-law wasnt even a thing then, this would be like actually shagging your sister. She also miscarries a baby that was either her husband Philippe's or the King's, no one is sure. It is a controlled grief. They fear she might have been poisoned, so King Louis XIV shuts all access To Versailles. Henriettes liver and intestines were found to be badly corrupted, while her duodenum, gall bladder and the lower portion of her abdomen were filled with evil-smelling bile. And Montespan was married too, so in the eyes of the church that was double adultery. On the other hand, Ive never doubted for a moment Philippes loyalty to his brother or his love for him. What a pain! I have never posted a comment on your website before and this will be the first time that I have ever written a comment here. Philippes distress is written all over his face, while Louis just looks angry, eyes flinty, mouth flat, jaw clenched. A yellow Spanish topaz, buried in the mud. Its just that his anger and upset (and yes, jealousy I think) affects him so much, because its just another way for his brother to control and belittle him, make him less. The fact that she doesnt particularly want to anyway (to say no, that is) is because she is deeply in love with Louis and always has been and because her husband makes zero effort to endear himself to her. I especially like the pairing of her and Marchal. There is, replies Louis. Henriette wasnt asking the king to hire a hit on Philippe. and to Marchal in his office, interrogating Montcourt. Anyway, back to the story. She is a woman, she is his subject. Louis looks mega pissed. Philippe adds: .or two, perhaps. And he strides off. I knew hed say that line! He has poisoned all of them. He is beyond selfish and his cruel behaviour is at the root of all of their misery. Versailles (TV Series 2015-2018) - Full Cast & Crew - IMDb A brief scene follows, showing Rohan and the Dauphin sword playing and pretending a jolly game of war in the forest, thenwe are back to the Kings bedchamber where Henriette sleeps and Philippe is outside in the antechamber, brooding by the fireplace as Louis walks in. Her cheeriness disguised the fact that she was unwell. Louvois has been a kind of double agent all along, directed by Louis himself to assume the role of critic and conspirator. And Louvois being the pompous ass he is, says haughtily: Before you speak to me, I suggest you speak to the king. Marchal: I am his Majestys eyes and ears, Msieur Louvois. Of his power, of his country. At a Mass said for her soul, Bishop Bossuet conveyed the sense of shock at her sudden death: Oh, disastrous night; oh, dreadful night, in which resounded like a clap of thunder the unbelievable words Madame is dying Madame is dead!. I just binge-watched all 2 seasons and now painfully waits for each episode of Season 3 to come out. But enough with this. And she is the only one who knew who prepared Henriettes chicory water. Seriously, he could have married her to any noble and they would have looked the other way at the cheating. That was your promise to me. on The finale. Then he looks to Rohans hand tapping on the stone, decorated with a ring and the penny drops. Im actually in the States where episode seven will be airing tomorrow night, but I read ahead because I know history so nothing coming was really a spoiler (just a condensed timeline). It was total and raw and real and I wept long and bitter tears for him. I neglected to include the phrase in my opinion. again, another shagging time between Henriette and Louis, when Louis friends have been murdered and she mentions the fact she was jealous of the dead woman. Henriette says a glorious death in battle would not displease him. HOW DID THEY DO THAT SO PERFECTLY??? I do think it is out-of-character for the Philippe we know and love on the show, not just historically inaccurate, to force himself on her. But in context, with everything else going on in the show and with what Philippe deals with, I can understand why he did it. I know historically Philippe did leave Versailles for a time, but season two Louis without Philippe will be interesting because while Louis takes shots at him every chance he gets, at the end of the day Philippe is the only true person around him besides Bontemps. I enjoyed them very much, I must saymuch more than this series, which is good entertainement, but, God, so FAR from being historically correct, in so many ways. Ita all so quick, and beautifully choreographed. First off, let me preface my response with the qualifier that I know very little about the historical figures on which these characters are based. Gladly. Louis is disbelieving: And sacrifice your future to see me suffer? Philippe glances around the salon then says: What does a King know of sacrifice?, Louis cant believe it. While your character and scene analyses tend to differ quite a bit from my own (perhaps because of that?? Stars: George Blagden, Alexander Vlahos, Tygh Runyan Director(s . Really enjoyed reading your reviews, which I found halfway the show. Not so much. I choose to believe it was a mistake on the writers part and will simply fast forward over it when I rewatch. Director Daniel Roby Writers Simon Mirren David Wolstencroft Stars George Blagden Alexander Vlahos Tygh Runyan See production, box office & company info And yes, the Chevalier does live to quite a ripe old age . This was served to Henriette by her unsuspecting maid. It is featured in several shots when Louis & Philippe are arguing and she reveals shes preggers as well as when Louis comes to confront her about not wishing to live with the doubt about the child. Henriette has become seriously ill, it might be poison and she is the sister of the King of England. Duchess Henriette becomes suddenly ill when she returns from a visit to her brother in England. <3 <3 I love the outfit on the fashion doll that we see when Philippe and Lorraine flounce into the salon full of cloth and trinkets, and later we see that same coat on Philippe as they stroll the gardens :), Your email address will not be published. Versailles Altadefinizione Stagione 3 Episodio 10 Streaming Ita His belief was shared by Elizabeth-Charlotte, Philippes second wife, who named the culprits as Lorraine and the Marquis dEffiat, an equerry, who had acted without Philippes knowledge. Im genuinely curious to know why you consider Philippe the victim and Henriette the traitor in that relationship. Hi Jules, I must thank you for your detailed writeup of all ten episodes of Versailles. Is it any wonder she couldnt work up any concern over the possibility that her rapist might die in battle? Speculation that Henriette had been poisoned began straight away. Nor can I hold her responsible for the fact that Louis uses her as a weapon against his brother. He sent poison to Paris, where it passed through several hands before ending up in the jug containing the chicory water. Thank you, Amy! We now see Philippe asleep. Louis and Philippe approach the bed, to the dying Henriette who looks really bad. I was highly frustrated with the artistic liberties the authors took, and some just pretty much made up shit, totally contrary to history . Then the camera pans to the door and Philippe enters, says to him quietly, were leaving. for all of these. Much later, the courtier Saint-Simon offered his own thoughts. Season 1 | Season 2 Getting Started | Contributor Zone Contribute to This Page Add episode Beating your wife was also quite legal, acceptable and, indeed, expected. I have one comment / correction on what you wrote on Henriettes death scene. So many questions.. let me see: did Fabien Marshal shoot Charlotte Parthanay, and if so, why? It is always Louis for her. For her lot to improve, she could only hope for things to happen. The first time we see Philippe is with his lover. Back to Henriette, who is now laid out on a bed, hair done, powdered and dressed in her finest gown. He cripples himself with his own paranoia. So Louis settles into sleep. At the time of her death, it was widely believed that Henrietta had been poisoned and the prime suspects were her husband, Philippe and/or his lover, the Chevalier de Lorraine. Claudine looks sad: this must be frightening for her. The king himself suspected that Henrietta might have been poisoned and ordered an autopsy to be carried out. Louis looks strained, says: I do not regret sending her. They have some banter, and Rohan invites the boy to play a game A game of war? The Dauphin says excitedly. Hi Theresa, and thanks for your comment. Your question misses the question, Montcourt replies cryptically. Then she says: can you feel my skin? And reaches out first to Louis, then Philippe. Montcourt pauses its clear he recognises Rohans voice. Off they stride with purpose and a couple of guards, through the gorgeous corridors (shot in the gorgeous Vaux Le Vicomte) and with ominous background music to set the mood. Montcourt 10 episodes, 2015 Gilly Gilchrist . Moreover, we cant fault her anymore for continuing her relationship with Louis (as if she would have had the power to end it anyway) than we can Philippe for continuing his with the Chevalier. She brought honour on herself and glory to our court. It was just how it was. Bontemps wants to move her she cannot stay in the Kings bed. but Claudine says she cannot be moved. However, Madeleine de Foix, Gaston's mother, defends her son at the salon, but when facing banishment, she stabs Fabien, almost killing him. The flowers theyre singing. and she is gone. P.S. SYNC. I will speak to whomever I like. Louvois: I know this is true. Cultural factors, too, played a part. Philippe strides in slow-mo through the corridors, arms swinging, hair bouncing, coat swaying and with a tight, determined expression on his face. We are NOT touching her! Philippe finally says. Maybe that is where she got the poison she used on Fabien? The camera pans up to show the Queen on her knees in prayer, then a select few further back (I see Colbert, Louvois, Montespan, Sophie, Cassel). I think he has done his younger brother irreperable harm and, at times, I wonder if he wouldnt throw Philippe to the wolves if it suited him or France. Wow. Lot of time on my hands at the momentLULZ. However there is a new addition, a large portrait of Louis now hanging on wall near the door (replacing a previous smaller ND painting of flowers).