Both Pisces and Aquarius have deep needs for creativity and helping others. Some are really sweet and some are just funny and bizarre. 3. of my temper. Aquarius women arent materialistic either but I desire to create a big happy family and that requires money, its just a mean to create comfort and provide security to children.I value love, loyalty, bonding, devotion and commitment above everything else as well. Aquarius Woman and Pisces Man Love Compatibility | Ask Oracle. Some women get caught up in abusive relationships and just complain about them and their lives instead of doing anything constructive about their situation, YOU ARE ONE OF THOSE WOMEN regrettably. ***** Pisces Men please read and reply*****. NOPE They are sensitive,affectionate,committed,romantic and willing to sacrifice for loved ones.They are also least shocked or surprised by Aquarian quirkiness which makes them a perfect partner for an Aquarius female.It also helps that some Pisces men are extremely intelligent,creative and gifted artists.Some of my favorite poets and music artists are Pisces.I find Pisces men extremely charming and could listen to their thoughts and ideas all day long. if you love her, go get her. I'm not one to say any pairing has greater or lesser compatibility than another. This planet, on the other hand, is perceived as the God of the sea. Chasing her may freak her out and make her want nothing more to do with you as it would make you seem desperate and Aquarius women do not like that at all. He respects my independence, he encourages me to be the best version of myself unconditionally. I really dont like saying it but these two have a high likelihood of ending anything that theyve started. Her loneliness will force her to go with other one. Pisces can be very strong-willed (part of this comes from being a water element), and Aquarius as a sensitive soul can be frightened when people push boundaries. I have offered you my advise and thats really all I can doYOU better decide to do something b/c it seems like YOU are allowing this man to drain the life right out of YOU. He is attracted to a woman who is assertive and can help him make decisions, no matter how simple or difficult. A Pisces guy will become frustrated when his many attempts at getting his Aquarius friend to open up to him are thwarted. I am an Aquarius female and I am dating an older Pisces male. A man with a brain is important, although she won't be attracted to a brainy type. Make some decisions about what is acceptable and what exceeds the boundaries around which you seek to protect your partnership. What to Expect Sexually From a Pisces Man? Their bodies can go through the motions and sex can be great, but they wont feel completely bonded until their minds completely come together. Some of Aquarius and Scorpio's attraction and misinformation comes from them being fixed signs. You could use this as a way to open up more conversation. Well Ive been with my husband 32 years married and divorced three times hes Pisces Im Aquarius and he is not easy Pisces men like to wander their eyes and they have this thing but theyre never satisfied with one woman. Aquarius is so full of hope and it is hard to kill out hope. I was with a Leo man for fourteen years and his ego and materialistic ways made me sick. I agree. He does best when he has someone who can give him focus and direction. 11) absolutly not only because we truly dont care about money. How should I move forward with my Aquarius woman ? Yet, once she has formed an opinion, she rarely changes it, or if she does, it happens very slowly. And an Aquarius womans independence can make a Pisces man feel suspicious and unloved, leading to a severe lack of trust. He can teach her to open up, but she will never provide him with the emotional depth and sensitivity that he needs in a lover. Your email address will not be published. Forgiveness at that level is not something I do, and once Im done Im done forever and can be colder than an Antarctic winter. Some are, some arent (which could be said for just about anyone). If you want to know how to get a Pisces man to chase you, show him that you are as generous as he is. I can love hard but I can also be extremely harsh and cold if I am being mistreated.I dont think Aquarians are usually pretentious and fake. I am the same way. Weve been married since 1983 and were still in love. i need her back. YOU dear also NEED help badly. I was married to a Pisces for 34.5 yrs. Free to join to find a man and meet a woman online who is single and looking for you. 17) yes yes and yes b/c of his affairs. Absolutely terrible. He tends to be too dreamy and sometimes I have to bring him down to the ground a little bit. Even so, a Pisces man can come down to earth when he falls in love. Give her a little breathing room and she may come back. Know he is trying to hook up with me again after he's been gone for 8 months for sex. 8. I am deeply in love with A bit of both, depending on the mood. I just still feel very attached to him so it is difficult to leave. I have been dating a pisces man for 10 weeks. 14. When a Pisces man has a crush on you, he will show it by trying to get close to you physically. But if hes shy or unsure of their connection, he might hold back from making a move. Obviously cant speak for all pieces Males, but as a Pisces sun /capricorn moon? But that could also possibly be because of what was stated in point #5. It probably doesnt hurt that his mercury & venus are in Aquarius. What Kind of Woman Attracts a Pisces Man? Astrologify She will treat all men the same, but if you can win her heart you will be the only one she shows her beautiful self to. Our dreaming mentality can be detrimental.Think team work can definitely go a long way. I can sense that hes never had a love like this before. Thats an issue thats dependent on trust and past experience. The Pisces and Aquarius compatibility in friendship is perhaps the strongest bond between this pair. The little things can easily be overlooked and the bond between them can keep on growing stronger! Once again, most likely a deep-seated issue. A Pisces man is loyal to his partner and will be there for her, no matter what. Although a Pisces man gives freely and expects nothing in return, he is impressed by a magnanimous and selfless woman. We all have an inheritance awaiting, a eternal total ingeritence we cannot lose nor deny. Aquarius woman will find Pisces mans sex appeal quite a draw for her. Some of the most endearing qualities of Pisces men are that they are even tempered,flexible, adaptable,arent greedy and materialistic, isnt threatened or intimidated by a strong independent woman and support their women. Every time I express myself, he turns it around on me. A Pisces guy is happy to shower you with compliments and he will tell you how beautiful and sexy you are, but he wants you to believe him. Aquarius Man and Pisces Woman Love Compatibility | Ask Oracle Aquarius men feel that Pisces women are overly sensitive and too needy, which is annoying and a turn-off for the Aquarius man.. In my experience, most definitely not. Love her and let her know but give her space to feel like shes still controlling some of her independence. How did you take your relationship to the next level ? But, since he is so sensitive, you need to be careful with how you express your honesty. Depends on the mood but if gauged right no problem. Im aquarius February 7th, and my fella is pisces March 11th, oh my god this is dead on about us. Pisces is romantic, compassionate, and unconditionally devoted. If Im with a woman, Im 100% hers unless the energy changes between us then its time for us to split. I am always trying to soothe him and make things good between us I do have my faults and start fights too. I really wanted her to be happy. We're in this together! Being yourself. Hi Rose. What Does An Aquarius Man Find Attractive in A Pisces Woman She will play hard to get. I said, I gave you a year of my life, blocking out all other woman emotionally and physically and youre still doing the bullshit with me, Im done Ill restart with someone else and just make sure not to make the same mistakes she was all upset with me but she wore my level of care for her feelings down to 0%now Im with an Aries woman and it just feels right. 15 Ways To Attract A Pisces Woman And Win Her Heart 1. An Aquarius woman will like how easy-going and laid-back a Pisces man is. My Pieces man is the most lovable, caring and the most emotionally intelligent man I have ever dated. Pisces will be genuinely excited by the potential in Aquarius. Talk it through together. Aquarius rising is eccentric, unique thinkers. Pisces man wasted my precious time. I think this love can absolutely work and be amazing as long as they are both working on it, kind of like I am doing! Thats highly dependent on the situation. The reason for this is that both of these signs see the world in a different way. its not cold and detached if she really likes you she is just figuring how to respond to it, like we over think things (speaking from experience), and the romantic thing, maybe try and rephrase this, its the way you deliver things. He will not le you fail at this. It said aquarius female is the cold one think someone should read this all over. I also didnt realize at the time that I was still very much in the fog after having suffered the loss of my husband of sixteen years. You have probably only dreamed of a guy who was so in tune with himself, others, and especially you. Well, what I can say is the fact I am a Pisces and I am finding it hard to hand this Aquarius. It takes time for the both of you to completely open up, but it is worth it. They are different and gentle for sure. and younger women of any sign many not be it. This is it I found the one. If I wish to spend all day under a tree looking at the sky, I can. I will choose one of the 4 men but by process of elimination b/c that is how it has to be with me. A Pisces man and an Aquarius woman are an unlikely couple. This forced me to question everything, to read the New Testament (NKJV) four times within a couple months. It all must have been a mistake (it wasnt a mistake). This means she has the capacity to hold things in then when the opportunity arises, she will tell the person shes upset with, everything that is wrong with them and why. I think pisces need someone else to take the lead this way as well. An aquarius male is trying to get to create a Go Here aquarius and aquarius woman and so. I just need to stop showing how much love im able to give and become a rock. So the furthest thing from our minds is sex.yes we are young. Maybe prefer the woman to say it first. Aquarius Man and Pisces Woman Long-Term Compatibility - It feels like we are mean to be, but pisces and aquarius both like a lot of space in a relationship and mind reading does not create space! Are Pisces men secretive? She is usually very set in her ways, and bringing someone new into her life is a big change. We do infact have our differences at times but they are quickly resolved in which we later end up laughing about. It has nothing to do with materialism and more to do with the lack of it. Thats highly dependent on what exactly it is. Do two cancers, creative and a scorpio man compatibility steven fherman april 9th. Cancer and pisces woman compatibility horoscope for a two sun sign and aquarius man pisces man - information and pisces man. But I asked her one time about if she is having sex or messaging other guys ( I made a mistake and said I didnt trust her, also I got a bit angry when I didnt believe her, which looking back, didnt help). xoxo. Yes, I did come across to him as a cold person which I am not. I never remarried all that time, still single as of today. Required fields are marked *. Once again, most likely a deep-seated issue. Ive felt like the relationship has been stagnant for a while and sometimes he is so cold towards me I start to feel insecure about his feelings for me and if we will last. Here was my reply. I needed to show her my love I broke up with her in the worst way possible (not giving details and no it wasnt cheating) and it completely shattered her and her trust in me. Its best to store excess money in a locked up investment. Sometimes people ignore the emotions of Aquarius because they are so focused on Aquarius' brain. An Aquarian will want to be spontaneous, explore, and meet new people. Thank you How to Attract a Pisces Man as an Aquarius Woman: First of all, realize that you are going to have to wear the pants, which doesn't bother you in the least. How to win a Pisces woman: Be stable with your emotions 5. I wonder if he will text me or call again. Are Pisces men good at saving money and financial investments? I personally hate cheating on any level and when in a relationship only dedicate myself to that person and hold them to the same standard. Only YOU can get out and LIVE your life (and you have only one life to live) or YOU can stay there with this mentally sick man and WASTE your own life. 7) either or But there are also limits. Most of that time was good, It messed up when he went through his male mid-life crisis and had 3 affairs bc he was in his 50s and thought he was in his 20s again. He went thru his male mid-life crisis and had 3 affairs and finally in 2001 we divorced. He is not one to overtly rebel, but he also does not take much notice of his surroundings. We earn from qualifying purchases. Even if he ends up with another but that being said I will make sure he never does haha. Being consistent will take you much farther than a few huge love gestures. I am NOT interested anymore in ANY PISCES. Aquarius Man and Pisces Woman Love Compatibility She could decide hes too clingy and leave. 7. Ive never raised my hand to a woman but plenty inanimate objects have beared the brunt (bore?) Sweet words of love turn me on faster than anything. Good luck with all of it. Pisces is the 12th sign of the zodiac who has inherited traits from all the other 11 zodiac signs, thats why they may come off as moody and complicated.Sometimes they dont even understand themselves and an Aquarius is willing to explore and be part of your evolution,self-discovery and spiritual journey but you have to sometimes reach out instead of shutting down or swimming away.Aquarius women with heavy air sign placements in their birthchart and less understanding of a water signs emotional depth should stay away from Pisces men because you will only hurt him.They are sensitive and you can easily bruise them with your bluntness, always be mindful of the words you choose.I hope universe sends me an evolved Pisces man of my dreams because I am so sick and tired of constantly compromising and being let down by men of other zodiac signs.Thank you to all the men who replied to me.Good luck to all the Pisces men and Aquarius women! Ive been friends with a picese man for about 5-6 years, we have spoken pretty much every day since then. I am a libra, and my husband is a pisces. Sexual. They have more in common than not. My life has been building towards this man and being 32 I finally feel like my life has started on its proper path. I was his one true love and he made sure I see to it. I dont like guessing games and vagueness in relationship where I dont know where I stand,so I would definitely discuss it with my man as my Aries Venus cant stand the uncertainty in my relationships.My Aries Venus is probably the reason why I am so straightforward with my needs and desires even though I have a shy and feminine moon sign. The short answer is - yes. A Pisces guy can't help but be drawn to a woman who is involved in charity and other selfless work. You wont need to hide your feelings,hopes,dreams and desires from an Aquarius Sun with Cancer,Scorpio or Pisces in her Moon and Venus sign as she would understand it, fulfill it and embrace it and would never make a Pisces man feel guilty or ashamed of his emotional,romantic and sensitive side. 9 Secrets To Seduce Cancer Man With Text Messages. when he passed away in 2011. So we have this automatic guard up. Shes not one to be overly emotional but can be hot tempered if her buttons are pushed. She is one that will move around to enjoy different places throughout her life. Next minute he is trying to laugh with me. Im I n my mid 20s .We wouldnt cheat because we are too loyal..just dont question her if she says she is busy doing something. This can create problems in their relationship. Aquarius protects Pisces' vision of love. its funny because aquarius is suppose to be the one that likes independance, alone time and prefers many shallow relationships but in my expierience this is what pisces man is. 3) No but we use our imaginations a lot and sometimes we may fi d that more interesting, its nothing to worry about as its usually ipassing. He definitely has things that I lack, and viceversa. Youre right, we are dreamers and do like some alone time. It has nothing to do with materialism and more to do with the lack of it. Im so close to giving up on my Pisces man. We are hard to get since we are used to brutish men that just chase and chase and only care about themselves. How to Attract an Aquarius Woman With Words and Actions The reason I asked about forgiveness wasnt because I have plans of cheating on my future Pisces partner but simply because Im a self-aware Aquarian and I know that Aquarians can be blunt in their speech which may unintentionally hurt a sensitive Pisces.We are massive overthinkers and constantly plan about the future and sometimes become oblivious to our surroundings.An Aquarius may not be as expressive and eloquent as a Pisces.A Pisces may think we dont care but thats far from the truth. How to Attract a Scorpio Woman - LiveAbout Yes and sometimes no. 6) depends on our mood but for the most part no. 9. But I finally told her I am exhausted in trying to prove myself. If it really affected me? Give me all the physical touch. Somebody who is understanding, caring, and has an independence. Pisces men are moody, Aquarius women have pretty even temperaments. Is Aquarius man attracted to Pisces woman? [Expert Review!] But while an Aquarius woman is fiercely independent, she is much more logical than emotional. Im a pieces man and I was married to one Aquarian woman for 20 years and had a long time relationship with another for 8 years. This means that the longer they are together, the more likely it is that they will stay together. Find a woman in my area! Perhaps they can use some of this technique when it comes to love. Only pisces can do this to aquarius. To make a Pisces guy attracted to you, you need to show him some affection, too. I love him but have zero respect for him. 18. Pisces are really blank. 6. Hence, affectionate person who, which is not go very focused and cancer sun friends. WHAT? If you are interested in dating one of these signs, then you need to understand the typical Pisces man Aquarius woman compatibility. Whether he is choosing what to have for dinner or what career path he should pursue, a Pisces man often gets so overwhelmed by options that he cant make a decision. Anyways, as much as I have experienced and read about Pisces men, I am still clueless about some things and would like to know more as they seem to suit what I am searching for in my man. We are friends and lovers. The relationship works fine till the time the Aquarius displays cold and detached attitude, which can hurt Pisces very much. 6. We were texting and i told her i wanted to ask her something but in person or talking on phone, and of course she wemt around my questioning. He can easily get discouraged or change his dreams thus not really accomplishing his original goals.