They will continue to learn from one another and grow as a couple and individuals for their entire lives, making them better people and a stronger duo. I am a Pisces man. They always assume youre doing something, or talking to other women behind their back, then they use that paranoid justification to see other men. The indication of Pisces is a climax of a sexual experience climax. Im sure you are aware of the Taurus traits that one of them is loyalty. However, this anger is short lived. We enjoy treating others to gifts pwith our money though, especially those who appreciate it and who have earned it. But sometimes he may mean well when he makes promises, but is often too spacey and flaky to follow them through to the end which shatters the heart of the Taurus female. Both Pisces and Taurus are pleasure-seeking, hedonistic signs that tend to overindulge in their favorite earthly delights like sex, food, and alcohol. It is also good for the Taurus woman to know that is something thats beyond his control and what makes him who he is. (after a breakup). Pisces men gives me the emotional satisfaction that taurus crave, theyre very loyal to the people they love and care for. Funny, my first fianc was a Pisces but not at all like this one. She, in turn, is perceptive and easily understands what is necessary for a man from Vigo. And according to an astrologer, there are three zodiac signs Taurus is most likely to marry. Both exactly the same. Taurus To sum it up, the marriage between a Pisces Woman and Taurus Man can last a lifetime. To him, he admires her silent strength and persistence. Hi everybody, Im giving feedback as when I was looking for it myself I couldnt find too much relating to a Piscean Male and Taurean Woman. Pisces is sensitive and Taurus is sensual. They could be very happy together and would rarely have complaints about anything. WebDating a pisces man experiences - If you are a middle-aged man looking to have a good time dating woman half your age, this article is for you. A Pisces woman tends to fall head over heels in love quickly and would be more than happy to rush down the aisle if given the chance. Maybe he just needs a little push. Weve truly found our soulmate in each other, I just wish we had found each other many years ago so we had our whole lives together. Im not an overly sensitive person and dont usually shed a tear about anything but around him, I just do and I cant understand why, I think its because he is so loving and comforting. This means that Aquarius and Pisces compatibility is high, and they make a good match. I try to remain level headed and it takes a truly intense situation for me to become jealous and even at the point I feel insecure I would rarely show it. Pisces Woman I got it and I explained to him second time till today that if I am in love with someone I dont cheat thats why i dont like a man who cheats on me! As a Taurus woman, I provide stability to his mood swings he showers me with infinite love and understanding. My husband is like how you described your fellow, hes amazing. Inconsistency of his actions, temper, and even his sexual needs are the burden. WOWThis is so true I just started dating a Pisces man and if feels sooo right.the sex is amazing.The worst zodiac sign a Taurus can date is an Aquarius. I was also surprised by my action in the beginning too. Im a taurus woman who fell in love with a pisce man with the first kiss.It sometimes hard to figure him out but, when we come together its amazing and i believe that we are going to be together. The Pisces man likes to dream and the Taurus woman is practical. WebThe Pisces woman in marriage is completely surrendered, and is not subject to restrictions. Dear Uwase Esther I agree with Susan.. if he cheats on you then he really doesnt love you. Ask her out. I am trying to do better but I can be a Stubborn bitch he is a total dick bit we still keep trucking. Pisces Man and Taurus Woman Compatibility: Love, Sex, and 4. I was a little concerned because he was moving waaay too fast, but I knew it was because he wanted to express himself intimately. I know that theres a risk to opening up about this stuff on the internet but please dont reply rudely. New customers can get a free 3 minute reading with a psychic of their choice. Hey Esther, read your comments and I wanted to check to see if your Pisces man changed his ways. Taurus Man & Aquarius Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? The Pisces man is drawn to her quiet emotional stability. this is weird.. i met a pisces man on the internet exchanged numbers. Then we all get into this ocean of confusing emotions. I know that thats probably annoying to most women but, if the worst thing you ever have to do is pump your man up to get him to treat you like a queen, Im sure it could be a lot worse right? Be careful about your words when you feel like your horns will coming out. A Taurus and Pisces friendship is warm, loving, and sweet. The Pisces man and Taurus woman in marriage are like a dream come true. Stick with the Pisces, Ok Say Like All Of You Im a Taurus Womans as Well (4:30) and I Have A Big Crush On My CoWorker(3:17) and Yes Hes a Pisces and Idk Yy all of a sudden I gotta crush on him Ive been working for like a month and felt nothing but one day out the blue I seen him starring me down and I immediately started to feel some type of way and ever since Ive been crushing so hard on him and idk if he likes me or not but Im so nervous to even try and go at him like get his number somebody give me some advice on how I should go about it and yes I hate rejection lol omg. He is able to make her feel appreciated and admired. Home dates will be frequent, they might binge on movies. Because of communication issues, we just dont verbally communicate well. I think I am fully aware of knowing what Piscean men are capable of and that is what worries me. Web2 Goodman 1998 From the best-loved name in astrological study, Linda Goodman, comes the first guide for her countless readers detailing what the stars can tell us But one you cross them, youll see a different fire in them and theyll treat you like the enemy. She knows how to turn sex into an enlightening, spiritual experience, which is something a Taurus man might not ever encounter with any other partner. I appreciate how expressive my bf is and just love who he is. He himself became jealous, which should help him understand how I felt about him having a damn girlfriend! From that moment, even though its been very slow, the feeling he gave me by just looking at me I knew then He was mine. Ive dated 2 Taurus women, both for 3 years +. On the other hand, the Taurus woman tends to sulk or become passive aggressive when things go wrong. I met him at the airport, he was going home from holiday and a business trip. The practical and clam nature of the Taurus man will be a great relief and a mode of safety for the dreamy and idealistic Pisces girl. Pisces Man Taurus Woman Compatibility Taurus Woman Im not married yet Im interested at her so badly. Life will always throw curve balls at any long-lasting relationship. Want to meet eligible single woman who share your zest for life? Being a Taurus we are very loyal and time & time again he has broken the trust in our relationship. I want him but I want him to grow up. They just know how to value their money cos they work so hard also for their stability and security in their future with their love ones. If you have not already tied the knot, this year could be the right time to do so. But we found a way around that now as our ups and downs taught us to establish common ground. If you arent sure if you love him then your mind is already made up. Usually cause they cant practically solve their problems theyll seek your help after they messed up way too far, but he comes back to you because he knows you are the only one who could fix his mess. His outward romanticism takes her a while to get used to, but brings out of softer, nostalgic side to her usual sensibilities. Thanks. Pisces Man and Taurus Woman He will have to keep his head out of the clouds and stay grounded in reality if he wants to keep her interested. I just wanted to voice how I feel. Because in some aspect you are both different. 6 Steamy tips to turn him on. Required fields are marked *. But I look at him as the type of man I would love as a husband and the father to my children. If youre still willing to give him a chance to change himself then talk to him about it. The Pisces woman can teach her Taurus friend to get in touch with his emotions and express his feelings in artistic ways, which will help him grow and improve as a person. He makes her feel validated and heard. As a result, she is emotionally very stable. Taurus Bull woman is likely to help keep Pisces men motivated and determined in their relationship, bringing magic and romance to their lives. it describes my fiance and i perfectly enjoyed reading itfelt was as though the article was written about us, Pisces are never reliable they get bored but clingly they dont know which way to go just wish that partner understand it that they can flirt around and its ok for them.. while they could not handle if partner ignore them or get dihonest with them .. they want honesty, love care & emotional satisfaction from their partnes while lack all these traits when it comes to long term relations/ marriage.. a truth you all will face someday with pisces..! Pisces and Taurus, when in a romantic relationship, have a lot in common. Virgo Man & Pisces Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? Unfortunalty, blind trust is too risky for my heart.. Taurus Man with Pisces Woman Love Compatibility, Taurus Love Compatibility with Other Zodiac Signs, Pisces Love Compatibility with Other Zodiac Signs. They are a pair that can stand the test of time in marriage. She is artistic, feminine, kind, and easy-going. For sure shes very adorable woman. Their sensual, romantic natures combined with their different strengths and weaknesses make a Pisces and a Taurus sexually compatible. Because he felt less than a man because he was unemployed and I was the breadwinner, so he decided to get approval from another woman.yeah right! WebTaurus woman dating leo man Taurus woman dating leo man Before actually dating Read Full Article with. No matter how strongly he feels about his Pisces partner, he will want to wait until he is absolutely certain of their connection before he will go down on one knee. Your delay in letting him go only delays his growth. Though Pisces is a sensitive soul but Taurus provides a solid and steady partner. WebPisces woman married to a Taurus woman, and have been together 14 years, married 8. Just dont cheat her or else she will not hesitating to use her 2horns with you. I just began to date a Pisces man. Pisces Man and Taurus Woman Love Compatibility, Marriage I went passive aggressive on him and tried to vindictively make him jealous by lightly flirting with other guys when he was around. Im a Taurus woman in a relationship with a Pisces man. Affection and understanding will be something normal between them. At that time, Taurus woman will be a person who takes responsibility to deal with troubles. If you feel that she likes you, go for it! I mean that has more to do with you choosing the wrong man lol, Hi, Sara good to meet you Could you please say more of this taurus and pisces also complete that bracket. Taurus and Pisces - Compatibility in Sex, Love and Life He loves peace and quiet and has truly romantic approach to love as well as life in general. Im a Taurus woman and Im dating a Pisces man. The sign of Pisces could be a culmination of a sexual encounter orgasm. so I got mad at him and stopped talking to him for a while, but a few weeks later he texted me back and is sort of being open about how much he cares for me. She will nurture him back just like how he was patient with her. I truly admire your honesty here. All of my serious committed relations were with Pisces men, they seem to be drawn to taurus women and love them unconditionally. Fell in love with one a long time ago but just cant go be her my feelings right now , as I am not sure about how she feels about me. They both seek peace and are willing to do everything possible to avoid conflict. But a Taurus man practices caution in everything he does, and he is especially careful when it comes to love. slow down a little, at one point I mustnt lie but I was feeling a bit suffocated from the constant chatting- probably due to me enjoying my own time and space. Intimately, Taurus tends to be somewhat possessive, but Pisces loves to be possessed, making for a high level of compatibility in the bedroom. WebPisces Woman - Taurus Man Zodiac Compatibility, Love Compatibility, Relationship Compatibility, Obsession, Sex Compatibility and Reviews. But it doesnt mean they are not aware how they feel. This is a relationship that could lead to marriage. The Pisces man and Taurus woman in marriage is a clear winner. But i can totally relate on the feeling of their denseness. Next time I meet someone else Im gonna be straightforward with this from the start. Hes 7yrs my senior I am 30 and he is very about his life, I love it. Family planning is another discussion the Pisces man may be interesting in having at present. This article is written for the Taurus woman that is interested in details about marriage to (or a long-term commitment with) a Pisces man. I look forward to us getting married. I can imagine what you are going through because my grandmother passed away early this year. But ask yourself if u can learn to love him. And frankly, they were more devastated when we separated than we were. Be upfront with her. You can say were both virgins on relationships and dating lol. We gel SO WELL. Sometimes one may view him as weak because of his shifty nature, but he is merely an idealist. 1- Rihanna (Pisces, 20 February 1988) and Chris Brown (Taurus, 5 May 1989) 2- Enrique Iglesias (Taurus, 8 May 1975) and Jennifer Love Hewitt (Pisces, 21 February 1979) 3- Robert Browning (Taurus, 7 May 1812) and Elizabeth Barrett Browning (Pisces, 6 March 1806) 4- Tony Parker Want to meet eligible single woman who share your zest for life? The Pisces And Taurus Compatibility Secrets OMG he is so romantic and amazing, we had been chatting on Facebook hours and hours. Just show him a little extra attention, little flirts and he will do the rest. Ask him if he truly wishes to be in a committed, loyal relationship with you? Hes not the man for me. But I just moved on and doing other else that are useful other than thinking about shitty feelings. He is extremely averse to taking any risks at all. Im just amazed by him and I let him know, he simply adores me as well, he too is aware that we are great together too. I think the older he gets the better he understands me. The only problem is Pisces mutable nature. Thanks for your insight. We're in this together! Weve met a few times and are facebook friends. Taurus is possibly the most sensual sign of the zodiac, so he communicates his feelings for a Pisces woman with his tender touch. I genuinely did not believe that he would be able to help me in any way (you dont believe that when you have anxiety) and of course I strive to be the independent woman that is capable of handling her own life and emotions, I mean my friend and me had discussions in the past and he said to me that it could be possible that when I found a partner my anxieties would calm down an awful lot, I just needed somebody to appreciate me for who I am so that then I could accept myself. I am a very difficult person and dont believe that I will ever be able to be good enough for him really, there is always a better person out there for him and that upsets me an awful lot :'( I just hope he thinks of me as highly as I do him. A Taurus guy can show a Pisces woman how to temper her emotions with logic and see situations from a practical point of view, which can help ground her. Taurus Man & Leo Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? Remember, even if you are very gentle, and if you just give a little poke to the fish in the water, so the fish will run away quickly. You see, the Pisces man has a selfless and sensitive spirit. WebA Taurus man and a Pisces woman, although very different, are likely to have a long-lasting romance if they decide to get married. Pisces and Taurus both have a deep sense of compassion and want to be with someone who values these traits. We dont need much to be happy, we both love simple pleasures of life. WebPisces is a very friendly and empathetic sign. WebPisces is a water sign ruled by Neptune, the planet of creativity and dreams. Even trying experiences can lead to bonding moments. I calmed him down when it came to that and made sure that he was going to wait for me so that it would actually mean something, I think? I forgot to mention, his birthday is on the 16th March and my fathers was on the 15th March, I say was because my father passed away a few years ago, for this reason I think I always wanted to come accross a Piscean so that I could really see what sort of a guy my father would have been, to see some of the traits that my father would have also carried- because I adored him, very much! Pisces Man Taurus Woman document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2021 Ask Oracle. The sexual tension between them can be the talk of the town. Oh and I believe the ex gf is trying to come back into his life, which scares me because I cant tell if hes lying to me about actually talking to her or not. If you are wondering, What does a Taurus man like in a Pisces woman? The answer is that she embodies many of the qualities that he looks for in a woman. Maria in the comment above said it best Taurus beware stay away from Aquarius men. Pisces and Taurus I learned the hardway. WebTaurus and Pisces are both all about pleasure. Truly know very well that he is my real husband. He hits me up occasionally apologizing but Im just so hurt from the past that I cant find it in me to move past everything. A Taurus man and a Pisces woman, although very different, are likely to have a long-lasting romance if they decide to get married. My Pisces man is EVERYTHING my ex is NOT it was destined for us to be together, the way we met was and is still when I think about it 2 years later a very calm warm and magical moment. Taurus is an earth sign and Pisces is a water sign. Even more importantly, where theyre However, if one of them requires too much, the eruption will happen. So he promised me that he will not do it again but I want to test him few days if he cant be honest to me I must leave immidiate cause i cant stay in a shit like that.. Instead, they can learn a great deal from each other and enjoy a beautiful, healthy friendship. In love, this is a relationship that can make it last. A Pisces man and a cancer woman marriage is always on the cards when these two start dating. At times, it will better for them to be mindful that good appearance can be as important as good work, particularly within a relationship, where their emotions itself are a matter of display and presentation. Moreover, Taurus men can become possessive, and even though Pisces women usually hide their dissatisfaction, their relationship can become unstable. WebLove compatibility between Woman of the Taurus sign and Man of the Pisces sign . Im saying it out of kidness u deserve someone who always gonna choose u. Taurus Moon The Taurus man needs imagination and inspiration in his sex life, and the Pisces woman is all about pleasure and exceeding her limitations. He lacks emotional stability and is prone to mood swings. Taurus Woman and Pisces Man That;s a lie. Never have I been so interested in a guy. If he did, he wouldnt do something that would hurt you like that. But then, since everything else is harmonious, it is dangerous spice; it could bring some excitement in this calm and balanced relationship or But if he doesnt want to change, you should ask yourself whether you really want to be in a relationship with someone like him? We are together but its definitely been a roller coaster ride holding on. He is the complete opposite of my Pisces ex which is like a breath of fresh air. We have mutual friends. Taurus Man & Pisces Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? He is innovative and i adore his geeky essence he is very generous and always kiss me good night. I dont know whats next but I hope hes this awesome when we finally meet! you have to make him talk, be patient but be persistent, explain how it makes you feel, ask the right questions not pointless ones. This is where Venus is commended, supernatural, baffling, and very fulfilling for Taurus ruler. She will be patient with her Pisces man, and she will be rewarded when he has lost his shyness. Taurus woman But the, Need advice about your love life? Words of wisdom to some of you, dont allow what others post to persuade you that YOUR relationship wont/cant work, it can if YOU want it to. A Pisces man is an even tempered and sophisticated man who sometimes behaves like a real dreamboat, although he can often be surprisingly unaware of this quality. Nonetheless, they have the potential of achieving one of the greatest love, if they manage to achieve balance. Pisces is such an intuitive sign that the Pisces woman is nearly psychic and will be able to predict the potential for their romance right away, so she wont understand his hesitancy to commit. Aquarius Man & Pisces Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? But you have power and magic to balance their emotions with your gentleness, soft loving and caring approach. last week we went on a date and I was the happiest person ever I couldnt be happier !! Though this is a great pair, its not always perfect. They are good friends AT BEST. She will use her sense of practicality and her compassion for this. What will make her fall for him fast is how validated she feels when she talks to him. This will be a very compatible pair in love and in the bedroom. We are both very stubborn, which surprised me he is very very stubborn and a cocky Piscean too! Anyway, just to skip straight to the point I am a young Taurean lady of which started seeing a Piscean male in January time of this year, we finally got things moving after a good 8 months of communicating with eachother over FB (yes, I know, Facebook.. eeeek) It was a random add but we did manage to start speaking not long after becoming friends online. Is the baby on the way- the only reason your with him? And yes the are PLAYERS . The Pisces woman is highly intuitive and great at reading a Taurus guys non-verbal cues, so she will accept and return his affection whole-heartedly. Her tendency to submit and not dominate on her man, gives satisfaction to him, while his soft and friendly attitude giving space to her and makes her feel like a butterfly. We meet almost everyday and communicate well.. We talk on the phone for more than two hours They are big minded people and have great compassion. As a pisces man i can assure you, nit all pisces me are stingy i rarely have money and honestly hate money so many arguements and chaos over it i love spending my money on myself as much as i do in the one im with. The Taurus woman can stop the Pisces man from experiencing depression when things are not working out for him. We pour our hearts and souls into every job we perform. Be true and honest with yourself and with him. You will most likely have to face the harsh reality that you and him arent compatible.. but then again, you deserve better, girl. Communicate with him and If you both feel you can agree to move forward then its worth the work. I am a Taurus woman 28 & I met my Pisces man 33 November 2019. But if they feel stifled or held back by one another, they may become bitter and resentful, which could lead to the downfall of their marriage. Im glad to hear someone else having a positive experience! He is very protective and a great provider. pisces man All rights reserved. Your Pisces man is damaged in some way or isnt a peace with himself.. None of this having anything to do with you. We are great at the love affair but not so good at personsl confrontation.