Until late 2012, the Governing Body described itself as the representative[13] and "spokesman" for God's "faithful and discreet slave class",[14][15][16][17] a limited number of "anointed" Jehovah's Witnesses. Jehovah's Witnesses - A Controverrsial Denomination - Learn Religions We may remember them as the people who often come to our homes in order to evangelize, but do we actually know what they believe? Deliverance from sin and death is possible through the ransom sacrifice of Jesus. When Taze began disputing some of the traditional views within Christianity, the Jehovah's Witnesses were born. [195] Individuals who choose to depart and announce their decision to terminate their membership are regarded as abandoning God's organization and protection. [90] He is described as God's first creation and the "exact representation of God",[91] but is believed to be a separate entity and not part of a Trinity. [72] Jehovah's Witnesses base all of their beliefs on the Bible, as interpreted by the Governing Body.[73]. [196], They are still visited by church elders yearly and encouraged by congregation members. Jehovah God, Jesus Christ, and the faithful angels reside in the spirit realm. It is a religion where people believe in one god. Salvation. And they claim to have support for their views in the Bible. While many Jehovahs Witnesses will tell you they have faith in Jesus, they have a wrong view of having faith in Jesus. 10 Things You Should Know about Jehovah's Witnesses [169], Witnesses base their beliefs about the significance of 1914 on the Watch Tower Society's interpretation of biblical chronology,[170] based on their belief that the destruction of Jerusalem and the beginning of the Babylonian captivity both occurred in 607 BCE. [57] Former Governing Body member Raymond Franz, who was expelled as part of the purge, subsequently criticized the Watch Tower concept of organization,[58] claiming the conceptwhich posits that God does not deal with individuals apart from an organizationhas no scriptural support and serves only to reinforce the group's authority structure, with its strong emphasis on human authority. Yet again, this is another wrong belief being taught by Jehovahs Witnesses. Two Religions That Claim to be Christian - Josh.org Jesus commanded: You must love your neighbor as yourself. He also said that Christians are no part of the world. (Matthew 22:39; John 17:16) So we try to work what is good toward all, yet we remain strictly neutral in political affairs and avoid affiliation with other religions. The Bible tells us that Jesus was resurrected with a true flesh and bone body (Luke 24:39; John 2:19-21). 2:6-7). Who are the Jehovah's Witnesses? Each Witness makes decisions in harmony with his or her own Bible-trained conscience.Romans 14:1-4; Hebrews 5:14. What Do Jehovahs Witnesses Believe? Regarding sin. Jehovah's Witnesses Beliefs & Symbols | What is a Jehovah's Witness No mere man could live a sinless life, die for the sins of the world, and rise up from the grave. [148][149] Watch Tower Society publications state that salvation at Armageddon is also contingent on baptism, accurate knowledge of Bible truth, adherence to God's standards of conduct and morality, use of the divine name "Jehovah" in worship,[150] membership of God's "organization",[151] and active support of anointed Christians. Photo courtesy: Thinkstock/NexTser, There are reportedly 8.3 million Jehovah's Witnesses around the world and nearly 120,000 congregations. The Witnesses understand Jesus' words at John 3:3"except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God"to apply to the 144,000 who are "born again" as "anointed" sons of God in heaven. In 1876, Russell encountered Nelson H. Barbour; later that year, they together produced the book Three Worlds, which combined restitution views with end-time prophecy. [165] They assert that the Greek word parousia (translated in most English Bible translations as coming when referring to Christ) is more accurately rendered presence, perceived only by a composite "sign". Matthew 28:19-20 says, Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. They believe that Jesus Christ is St. Michael the archangel. The Watchtower and the 1914 Generation | Carm.org Now, try the right place. Jehovahs Witnesses believe in a myriad of unbiblical ideas. [60] Sociologist Andrew Holden has observed that Witnesses see no distinction between loyalty to Jehovah and to the movement itself,[61] and other researchers have claimed that challenging the views of those higher up the hierarchical ladder is regarded as tantamount to challenging God himself. Instead, they emphasize citizenship in God's heavenly kingdom. While their practices broke with the Adventists . 2. They believe it is God's will to "abstain from blood" (Genesis 9:4; Leviticus 17:10;. This, of course, is a major diversion from orthodox Christianity. [194] However, Jehovah's Witness doctrines provide no method for members to terminate membership and remain in good standing. Bible. [146], For anointed Witnesses, salvation is said to be achieved through their death and subsequent resurrection to heavenly life to share with Christ as a co-ruler of God's kingdom;[147] for others, it is gained by preservation through the Great Tribulation and the battle of Armageddon. (Daniel 2:44; Matthew 6:9, 10) It will take these actions soon, for Bible prophecy indicates that we are living in the last days.2Timothy 3:1-5; Matthew 24:3-14. The terms "little flock" and "other sheep" are drawn from Luke 12:32 and John 10:16 respectively. They think the Holy Spirit is an "impersonal force" and not actually God and Lord Himself. (John 13:34, 35) We avoid practices that displease God, including the misuse of blood by taking blood transfusions. Jehovah's Witnesses focus on God the Father, so their name is taken from the Tetragrammaton, written as YHWH or JHVH and articulated either as Yahweh or Jehovah. These include literacy classes, Pioneer Service School, School for Kingdom Evangelizers and Gilead School. The Trinity is the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. If you are a Jehovahs Witness or you know one, share these truths with them. Great pains are taken to keep records of the number of visits, return calls, Bible classes, and books and magazines distributed. Learn Religions. [62], Witnesses believe that after the death of the apostles, the Church embarked on a "Great Apostasy", diverging from the original teachings of Jesus on several major points. Consequently, they refuse all ecumenical relations with other religious denominations. Learn Religions, Feb. 8, 2021, learnreligions.com/jehovahs-witnesses-beliefs-700792. According to TowerWatch.com: "The New World Translation of the Bible is Jehovah's Witnesses own translation, no other religious group uses this Bible and Jehovah's Witnesses make very little use of other Bibles. Witnesses believe that they are living in the last days, and they look forward to the imminent establishment of Gods kingdom on earth, which will be headed by Christ and jointly administered by 144,000 human corulers (Revelation 7:4). Only God in the flesh could do all these things. JWs believe that Jesus is God's only direct creation, "the firstborn of all . We recognize the Bible as Gods inspired message to humans. 726 Followers. [153] They believe that most of those are already in heaven, and that the "remnant" at Revelation 12:17 (KJV) refers to those remaining alive on earth who will be immediately resurrected to heaven when they die or during the Great Tribulation. [54] Loyalty to the organization is said to require full involvement in public preaching[55] and regular meeting attendance. [121][122] The Society teaches that the first human, Adam, was created in 4026 BCE. [152], Based on a literal interpretation of scriptures such as Revelation 14:14, Jehovah's Witnesses believe that exactly 144,000 faithful Christians go to heaven as spirit creatures to rule with Christ in the kingdom of God. This is wrong because the Holy Spirit is God, and He is divine. [183] After Armageddon, Satan will be cast into an abyss and unable to influence humanity, then God will extend his heavenly kingdom to include earth,[184][185] which will be transformed into a paradise similar to the Garden of Eden. Rather than believing Jesus was physically resurrected from the dead, Jehovahs Witnesses believe Jesus was only spiritually resurrected. 2. Jehovah's Witnesses Official Website, ReligionFacts.com, and Religions of America, edited by Leo Rosten. [208] Witnesses are told they must loathe and hate in the "biblical sense of the word" those who are defined as apostates and show no curiosity about their ideas,[209] and that apostates' "whole purpose is to tear down God's people and to distort the truth. God. [5] [1] They have their own literature including a Bible and Watchtower Magazine. Jehovah's Witnesses -10 Things to Know About Their Beliefs Jehovah's Witnesses - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum [97][98][99] Even as king of God's kingdom, Jesus remains subordinate to God. Basically, Jehovah's Witnesses believe that their own members will survive Armageddon, and live on earth after everyone else dies in the day of destruction. Brooklyn, NY: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, 1993. Jesus Christ is Gods agent, through whom sinful humans can be reconciled to God. Share any teaching or belief that is contrary to what Jehovah's Witnesses are taught. Therefore, they promote moral and spiritual education over secular education. This article will begin with a brief description of the beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses and will then recommend spec (Matthew 20:28; Acts 5:31) Thus, we are Christians. [6] The group reports a worldwide membership of approximately 8.5 million adherents involved in evangelism and an annual Memorial attendance of over 19.7 million. As believers, we need to help them know the truth of Jesus and the gospel. Witnesses participate in the annual commemoration of Christs death, celebrated on 14 Nisan of the Jewish calendar (March or April of the Gregorian calendar); Witnesses pass around bread and wine, symbols of the body and blood of Christ. Jehovah's Witnesses don't say "god bless you" when someone sneezes, because that practice supposedly has a pagan origin. The beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses are based on the Bible teachings of Charles Taze Russellfounder of the Bible Student movementand successive presidents of the Watch Tower Society, Joseph Franklin Rutherford, and Nathan Homer Knorr. (Matthew 5:9; Isaiah 2:4) We respect the government where we live and obey its laws as long as these do not call on us to disobey Gods laws.Matthew 22:21; Acts 5:29. Know this: The beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses must be accepted and followed by each and every member. Jehovah's Witnesses believe and teach that Jesus Christ is the . [95], They believe that after his death, Jesus appeared to his disciples, convinced them of his resurrection, and then ascended into heaven to sit at Jehovah's right hand until he would become the promised king of God's heavenly kingdom. "Mum, I haven't died. They believe having faith in Jesus means believing in Him, but they do not see Him as being sufficient to give them salvation. The beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses are based on the Bible teachings of Charles Taze Russellfounder of the Bible Student movementand successive presidents of the Watch Tower Society, Joseph Franklin Rutherford, and Nathan Homer Knorr. Well-wishes made on a person's birthday were historically meant to ward off evil spirits that are non-canonical to the Witnesses' theology; secondarily, they . (Galatians 6:10; 2Corinthians 6:14) However, we respect the choices that others make in such matters.Romans 14:12. 3. Rather than placing faith in Jesus for salvation, Jehovahs Witnesses believe you have to work for salvation by doing good deeds, being involved with Kingdom Hall, and obeying the rules of Kingdom Hall. Jehovah's Witnesses hold the controversial view of rejecting blood transfusions, even in life or death situations. Jehovah's Witnesses believe God is the Creator and Supreme Being. Jehovah's Witnesses (hereafter JWs) consider themselves to be Christians ( but not Protestants ), even though they reject the doctrine of the Trinity. For example, we dont accept blood transfusions because the Bible forbids taking in blood to sustain the body. [202], Jehovah's Witnesses regard secular education as fundamental, but they emphasize their preaching work as the top priority in their life. Congregations . We adhere to Gods original standard of marriage as the union of one man and one woman, with sexual immorality being the only valid basis for divorce. [46] Witnesses teach that people must choose between God's organization and Satan's. [38][42][43], Jehovah's Witnesses believe that God uses an organization both in heaven and on earth, and that Jehovah's Witnesses, under the direction of their Governing Body, are the only visible channel by which God communicates with humanity. Although they are generally law-abiding, believing that governments are established by God to maintain peace and order, they refuse on biblical grounds to observe certain laws. How long after death is a Jehovah's Witness funeral? Should Christians Seek Revelation from God Apart from the Bible? All rights reserved. Members of local congregations, known as publishers, meet at Kingdom Halls and engage in doorstep preaching. [132] They believe that 144,000 people will be resurrected to life as spirit creatures in heaven to be priestly rulers under Christ, but the vast majority, to physical life on earth. [78][79] They view God as the Father, an invisible spirit "person" separate from the Son, Jesus Christ. The instead believe the Holy Spirit is a force applied by God. "[210] Apostates must be shunned and Witnesses are warned that those who greet one become "a sharer in his wicked works". Jehovah's Witnesses Beliefs. [204], Apostates are said to have become part of the antichrist and are regarded as more reprehensible than non-Witnesses. [161][162] Those destroyed at Armageddon and other specific judgments by God are not resurrected. What weird things do Jehovah's Witnesses believe? - Quora 10 Things Everyone Should Know about Jehovah's Witnesses and Their Beliefs. [198] Individuals who commit serious sins and are unrepentant are considered disfellowshipped. Worship services begin and end with prayer and may include singing. Before this translation was released specifically by and for Jehovah's Witnesses, most relied on the King James Version. Annihilationism teaches that when a person dies, they cease to exist. In Germany prior to World War II, the Nazis sent Witnesses to concentration camps, and Witnesses were also persecuted in Britain, Canada, and the United States. 10 Things Everyone Should Know about Seventh-Day Adventists and Their Beliefs, 10 Things Everyone Should Know about Mennonites and Their Beliefs, 10 Things Everyone Should Know about Baptists. [79][107] Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Satan is God's chief adversary[107] and the invisible ruler of the world. What do the Jehovah's Witnesses believe about the 144,000 and a Jehovah's Witnesses with 1.3 million members in the U.S. who hand out brochures on sidewalks and subway platforms and ring doorbells are one of the most visible religious groups in the. What is the condition of the dead? The Holy Spirit is the name of God's active force in the world. A Christian Response to Jehovah's Witnesses | ABR Apologetics Help them understand the truth of the Bible and how the Jehovahs Witnesses' beliefs do not align with the truth of Gods Word. [164], Watch Tower Society publications teach that Jesus Christ began to rule in heaven invisibly as king in October 1914. The Jehovah's Witnesses believe Jesus is a lesser "god," but not the God of the universe. Jehovah's Witnesses truly believe that they are the one and only true religion and that their leaders are directly appointed by God and should be obeyed as such. Three distinct Persons, yet one God. Jehovah's Witnesses are strictly non-violent and refuse participation in warfare. Summary of the Jehovah's Witnesses - Religion Resources Online Jehovah's Witnesses & Their Beliefs New members are baptized by immersion and are expected to live by a strict code of personal conduct. We do not venerate the cross or any other images. [18][19][20] The Governing Body seeks neither advice nor approval from any "anointed" Witnesses, other than high-ranking members at the Brooklyn headquarters. (John 17:17; 2Timothy 3:16) We base our beliefs on all 66 of its books, which include both the Old Testament and the New Testament. Professor Jason D. BeDuhn aptly described it when he wrote that Jehovahs Witnesses built their system of belief and practice from the raw material of the Bible without predetermining what was to be found there.a. As Jehovah's Witnesses returned to knocking on doors this month after a 2-year hiatus due to the pandemic, here's a quick look at the history, beliefs and worldwide reach of the organization . They also don't celebrate other national holidays or birthdays in an attempt to remain separate from the world. The Jehovah's Witnesses - CULTWATCH [131] Death is considered a state of non-existence, based on their understanding of Ecclesiastes 9:5: "For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all."