Having a cheetah Patronus means you are confident and have a fiery personality. They are highly intelligent and simultaneously very humble. Lynxes are large, furry wildcats that are naturally skilled, night hunters. They can be highly aggressive when threatened and swallow their prey without a single bite. Black swans are one of the most protective and loyal animals. Lucky for you, they have great endurance and will do anything to protect you! They are quiet yet powerful and reserved yet achieve great things. Echolocation is done by making clicking noises that bounce sound waves off their target to reveal where the prey is and how big it is. They are considered highly intelligent, resourceful, and tend not to fear many things including Dementors. Warmth and happiness follow any interaction with this lovable Patronus, so a Dementors darkness does not stand a chance. Thestrals were memorably featured in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Fox terriers, along with the caster of this Patronus, generally work wonderfully in groups or teams. When surrounded by friends, they'll laugh and eat out, while being social. A common trait that magpies likely share with the witch or wizard who casts this Patronus is that they are homebodies and prefer comfort and familiarity. This majestic Patronus will defeat any Dementor that dares to cross your path. Dementors, beware! This Patronus is represented by some form of animal or creature native to the Wizarding World, and represents our innermost character traits, standing up for us when we need it most, and shouting Expecto Patronum!, RELATED:The Best and Most Iconic Harry Potter Spells. They can also flare out their head to look like a terrifying cobra. An occamy Patronus is said to only be conjured by a pure soul. Those with this Patronus will do anything for the people they love, including making significant sacrifices. Users may follow the story to find out their Patronus by selecting sets of timed choices with their instinct. Hyena (Patronus) 13 0. People with the Libra Patronus will often feel vulnerable when they're away from the pack. Sparrows enjoy spending time in large groups and feeling needed by those around them. They are more introverted and enjoy time to themselves. Nightjars are medium-sized birds that many refer to as goatsuckers because, as the legend goes, they were seen in fields sucking milk from goats. What's the difference between very uncommon and unusual? However, do not let their appearance fool you because, in reality, they are pranksters and clowns. This magical creature is a three-headed snake native to Africa. We all get along quite well, and when something major hits the fandom - like the Patronus quiz finally becoming available on . If you have ever put out a bird feeder for a hummingbird, you know that you might miss them if you are not watching for even a few seconds. Having a Jack Russell Terrier as your Patronus means youre very loyal to your loved ones. They utilize their tusks and trunks to pick up items and move them, and for defending themselves. Those who have this Patronus are passionate and fierce, but they have a loving side to them as well. This rare Patronus represents those who are simultaneously fearless, optimistic, happy-go-lucky, and ambitious. You enjoy solitude, but just like how lynxes travel in small-knit groups, you have a close circle of friends and family you trust. Those with the Hippogriff Patronus are among the most sincere and loyal characters in the Wizarding World, violently defensive of anyone they care about; and also secretly forgiving, even of enemies, allowing them to grow and change over time. They take an aerial approach to catching their prey so that their mark, in this case, a Dementor, does not know what hit them. A snowy owl Patronus is very loyal to its caster and will fearlessly protect you against any harm. Patronus Quiz | Pottermore Wiki | Fandom When I first took the Pottermore Patronus quiz, my result caused a lot of the same emotions as the stages of grieving: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and finally, acceptance. These techniques will fool even the smartest of Dementors. White swans are one of the most beautiful and graceful creatures. Falcons are some of the fastest animals in the world, and there are records of them diving at speeds of over 200mph! It also speaks to the personality of the one who casts it. Notorious for using tools and rocks to crack open fruit and drinking the juice inside, these monkeys prove just how smart they are. Huskies were utilized initially as sled dogs in polar regions for transport. Dementors better not mess with a red squirrel Patronus because they can be ferocious when threatened. One of the most popular mythical creatures of all time, Unicorns are brave, mystical and feminine. Widely known for their songs and calls, magpies are also one of the most intelligent creatures in the world. Brown owls are swift predators that are wise, brilliant, and exceptional guardians. Otters are arguably happier than a Dementor is dark and sad, so maybe their warmth will scare off a Dementor without even a fight! It is a projection of someone good, a protector that can have everything a Dementor feeds upon. They ride a fine line between self-assured and prideful. The Adder Patronus represents determination, cunning, and being free-spirited. They're often misunderstood by others and are way ahead of their years, having contemplated ideas that most only think about on their deathbeds. An erumpent is a magical creature that resembles a rhinoceros. Herons are known for being cunning, intelligent, and quick-witted. However, those with this Patronus are genuinely gentle, kind, and powerful. Some say only deep-thinking, complex witches and wizards cast this Patronus. Hyenas are loyal, creative, and fierce. You will see these characteristics described thoroughly in this article. They are scrappy fighters but can also be mild-mannered and easy-going. But it can't feel fear and despair like humans and therefore it is the best protection against Dementors. The 12 Rarest 'Harry Potter' Patronuses, Ranked, The Best and Most Iconic Harry Potter Spells, The Smartest 'Harry Potter' Characters, Ranked by Intelligence, The Most Powerful Wizards in the Harry Potter Universe, Ranked, The Strongest Patronuses In 'Harry Potter' Ranked. If you have this Patronus, then you likely share their quick-wit and fiery passion. You tend to keep a small circle of close friends, and you would do anything for them. A full-grown elephant, weighing up to 14,000 pounds, charging a Dementor will get the job done. With their intimidating stance, this Patronus might scare off a Dementor without even bearing its fangs. A Complete List of Pottermore Patronuses - So Far - MuggleNet Patronus: Hyena Status: Unusual Hyena is a species of predatory, cat-like carnivorous mammals from Africa and one possible corporeal form of the Patronus Charm. Having this Patronus means you thrive even in stressful situations, and you enjoy overcoming obstacles and difficulties. A stoat Patronus, and the witch or wizard who casts it, embody resilience, adaptability, and cleverness. An interesting fact about magpies is that when they come across a dead fellow magpie, they will use their calls to do a funeral for it. The dapple grey mare Patronus is simply a ball of contagious, joyful energy, which is the perfect defense against a Dementor. Granian winged horses are so fast that witches and wizards initially used them to bring messages before using owls. Hummingbirds can reach speeds of up to 45 mph, and the smallest species weighs a mere 1.95 grams! Some witches and wizards will never have a corporeal Patronus (such as Neville), while others will have theirs appear as an animal. The albatross is the rarest Patronus on our list; the one belonging to the lowest number of Wizarding World fans. Erumpent (very rare) Falcon. Badgers are down-to-earth and fiercely defend those close to them. Hyena patronus meaning. Will appear as humorous to others. They set lofty goals for themselves and work hard to achieve them. A runespoor is a three-headed snake that can reach up to 7 feet in length and is commonly associated with dark magic. The basset hound Patronus represents kindness, protection, and determination. Dementors likely will not detect these adorable Patronuses until its too late. As natural leaders, Dragons will hold steadfast in their convictions and will fight wholeheartedly for what they believe in. Having an Impala as your Patronus means you likely tackle lifes challenges with ease. King cobras are the longest venomous snake on earth (the longest one reaching almost 20 feet in length). It is a very challenging spell that produces a magical creature specific to the one who casts it. You can also find a list of all the Harry Potter spells (including the correct pronunciation, origin, and description). A black swan Patronus will defeat the darkness of a Dementor with a light of love and kindness. Dragons were fed goats as you might remember from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, but rest assured, a goat Patronus will not back down from any Dementor. Since sphynx cats are one of the most affectionate breeds of cats you will ever meet, those with this Patronus are extremely loving and friendly. They will attack a Dementor with warmth, light, and energy. In this sense, the Occamy as a Patronus showcases genuine flexibility and willingness to make peace and compromise. Known for its insightfulness, intelligence and sharp senses, the Snowy Owl is among the rarest Patronuses reserved only for those with a deep love for learning and keen perception. A goshawk is simply a hawk and tends to be on the larger side of the species. These cats are eternally loyal to their chosen humans, meaning if this is your Patronus, they are devoted to you for life. She is constantly underestimated and has experienced much sadness in her life, but her eccentric and carefree nature make her extremely . A flying Dementor is not swift enough for this Patronus! Many cultures revere and respect this massive non-venomous beast and even use their fat, blood, and skin in medicine. Bay Mares are gentle and compassionate, but they are also strong and resilient. Your friends and family love you for your unique personality and cute quirks. Having a deerhound Patronus means you are unbelievably determined and work hard to achieve your ambitions. Pottermore. Dementors are fast, but Borzois are arguably faster, reaching up to 35-40 mph. These massive dogs look intimidating and will easily scare off any Dementor that intends to harm you. The Snowy Owl's piercing eyes see through facades and its distinctive white features allow it to blend into the harshest winters. Those who conjure this Patronus are loyal (almost to a fault) and will do anything in their power to protect the ones they love. While it resembles a wild cat, an ocicat is a domesticated house cat with spots and stripes. A wolf Patronus will never fail to fight for you and defend you against anything that comes your way, including a Dementor. People with the black and white cat Patronus are watchful guardians and fiercely loyal to their friends and family. Many associate lions with bravery, courage, and heroism granted, it is the mascot of Gryffindor House. Having a thestral patronus is rare you're probably uncommonly kind, understanding, and quiet. Dementors would be wise to steer clear of this Patronus. Mortal Distinction Carnivorous Predatory Can attack humans Status Extant [Source] A Hyena is a species of predatory, cat -like carnivorous mammals from Africa and one possible corporeal form of the Patronus Charm. Did You Get A Weird Patronus From That Pottermore Quiz? - Printkeg Blog They are more active at night to avoid their innumerable predators, so they are no stranger to the darkness of a Dementor. In reality, you (along with sharks) make excellent leaders, even if you can be a bit intimidating sometimes. You also have good friends who keep you in check. When you set their mind to something, you will keep at it until they achieve it. Additionally, they are free-spirited, adventurous, and they know exactly who they are and stand up for what they believe in. A Buzzard is swift, fierce, and opportunistic. With a slightly rebellious side, they can get into trouble, but they mean no harm. A doe Patronus symbolizes relentless love and protection. Salamanders can be very dangerous as some species are poisonous. The 9 Worst Patronuses and What They Say About You As a Person | The If you have this Patronus, you are likely very ambitious, passionate, and goal-oriented. You would be lucky to have this Patronus fighting for you! The Fire-Dwelling Salamander is one of the most unique magical creatures in the Harry Potter universe. . Herons hunt their prey by remaining perfectly still until their target wanders unsuspectingly into their reach. Casters of this Patronus are often perceived as extroverted and playful, but they will defend you fiercely. Since only people who have witnessed death can see thestrals, many associate them with loss of life. As you can guess, because they make deep and lifelong relationships, they will go to the ends of the earth to protect them, especially from a Dementor. This Patronus will stop at nothing to protect you. You might be surprised to know that pythons are gentle giants that can be very shy even though they are one of the biggest species of snakes. The Lamest Patronuses From the 'Harry Potter' Quiz - Insider The Dragon Patronus represents someone who is fearless, assertive and accepting of any challenge thrown at them. You grow stronger because of what you have been through and use it to your advantage. A Dementor will never see this Patronus coming! Ragdoll cats are more like dogs than cats due to their kind and sweet nature, in addition to following you around everywhere. Greyhounds are large and muscular while simultaneously gentle and sweet. This Patronus is commonly found in the Ravenclaw house since calico cats are very unique, loving, and independent. While they have deep stability, they are not afraid to fight back and defend themselves if you mess with them or their loved ones. As the name implies, wild boars are wild warriors that do not shy away from confrontation. Rest assured, this Patronus will not let a Dementor come near you. Witches and wizards with an aardvark Patronus are independent, resilient, and true fighters. Does anyone know what the Abraxan Winged Horse symbolizes? You cannot miss the vibrant and dazzling plumage of a peacock. The Patronus Charm is a famous defensive spell that protects witches and wizards against dementors. It's hair, tails and even exploding fluid is used in potions though considered dangerous. Leopards are very graceful creatures and avid tree climbers. Witches and wizards lucky enough to have this Patronus have creative minds and often think outside the box. Copied; Likes (10) Comments (0) Copied; Likes (10) Like 10. You also might struggle with fitting in and caring too much about what others think of you. Those with a lioness Patronus are fierce protectors. 2. However, Jack Russell terriers can also be stubborn and independent when they dont get their way. This Patronus will go to any means to protect you from even the sneakiest and most cruel Dementors. We dont know much about this Patronus, other than that goats are sweet, loving creatures. A brief introduction to Patronuses. They are very headstrong and have fantastic eyesight. What field mice lack in stature, they make up for in speed, perception, and skill. You might be a member of Slytherin House if this is your Patronus. Rest assured that the swifts upbeat and cheerful personality will drive away any darkness brought on by a Dementor. The bat Patronus is representative of rebirth, honesty, and empathy. How to Always Get a Rare Patronus on Pottermore - potterheadsunite So they just love being yourself. Ospreys are fascinating birds that have incredible eyesight and can see fish under the water from the sky. Ferocious and strong, anyone with this Patronus is automatically respected (or feared) by most in the Wizarding World. Hyena Reply more reply . Ravens are mysterious and intelligent, and they can mimic human sounds. A thestral Patronus is extremely rare. Physically they have a double-layered coat to keep them warm, and metaphorically they also have layers to their complex nature. However, if you have this Patronus, you are bold but also friendly toward family and friends much like Slytherins. Their bright feathers attract mates but also intimidate any potential enemies. Phoenixes are arguably the most unique and dominant Patronus of them all. So, your python Patronus will have no problem taking down any size Dementor. A hyena patronus represents a wizard/witch who is clever or cunning. This Patronus will use both their brains and their size to fight off a Dementor. This is the perfect Patronus to challenge a Dementor since they will never back down from a fight. These Patronuses, along with their owners, are very driven and work hard to accomplish their goals. A Patronus is a shield between a wizard and a Dementor. Ibizan hounds are an exquisite and long-legged dog breed. A hyena Patronus is related to finding comfort in a pack. The Patronus Quiz is an interactive feature added to Pottermore on the 22nd September in 2016. Hyena (Patronus) | Wiki | Harry Potter Amino The brown owl Patronus is great for hunting down Dementors, which means youll be in safe hands. The witches and wizards who cast this Patronus also have a soft side, easy-going side to them. This Patronus will hold their ground against any Dementor. Known as one of the most famous magical animals, unicorns are mighty and majestic. This enormous winged horse also has a tendency to be a picky eater, and needs someone equally determined as they are to be a handler. It symbolizes resurrection, and rightfully so because it dies in an explosion of flames and resurrects from the ashes. Those who have the Wolf patronus seem to share a strong sense of justice and an innate aptitude for combat. Most famously known for being Harry Potters Patronus, stags symbolize heroism, bravery, and new life. Not only are white stallions brave and daring, but they can also be stubborn. A black bear Patronus will fiercely protect those they love. These birds are a force to be reckoned with and can scare off any Dementor with their 11-foot wingspan alone. You spark both fear and respect in your enemies. Fox terriers are adorable and spunky dogs that are well-loved by all and give plenty of affection in return. In the "Harry Potter" universe, the Patronus charm is among the most mysterious, revealing, and difficult types of magic to master. A famous Harry Potter character that has this Patronus is Nymphadora Tonks. Crows have a creative intelligence, a keen eye, and are very good at spotting hidden dangers. One thing you can always count on with a white stallion Patronus is they will never back down from a battle and will protect you with everything they have against a Dementor. me too. Impala . Each individuals Patronus says a lot about their personality and who they are as a person. If your Patronus is an eagle owl, then you likely enjoy time to yourself, and you gain energy from solitude. Having a doe Patronus means you are gentle, nurturing, and will stop at nothing to keep those you love safe. By now, most Harry Potter fans have taken the official Patronus quiz on Pottermore.com. You are always up for an adventure, and you enjoy living life to the fullest. Eggs of the Runespoor assist mental agility when used in potions, and the Runespoor Patronus represents dynamic and ferocious thinking and intelligence. A dun stallion Patronus is a bit more serious than a dun mare Patronus and they symbolize stability and structure. This Patronus will not be ruffled in the slightest by any Dementor, big or small. People with this Patronus likely place value in other peoples opinions of them and how they look. Mastiff dogs are massive, broad-shouldered dogs with a big heart to match. One of the quickest beings alive within the Wizarding World, the Granian Winged Horse is named after a character from Norse Mythology (Grani) who was capable of running faster than wind, itself. These creatures can sometimes be cautious, so you probably assess all sides of a situation before acting. This can be a wonderful protector . They stealthily lie in wait for their prey and then strike at just the right time. Rare animals are marked. Their personality is curious and open to exploring all kinds of hobbies and activities because they want to get the most out of life. Their skills will come in handy when you encounter the looming darkness of a dementor. Witches and wizards who have a heron Patronus are unique and determined. This Patronus is most definitely a force to be reckoned with. Scroll down for an A-Z list of every Patronus. Additionally, they are fierce fighters. They will only listen to authority if they trust those in charge much like a Gryffindor. A symbol of protection and adaptability, the Occamy Patronus comes to casters who embrace openness and change. If your Patronus is a hyena, Dementors won't stand a chance! Seemingly thought of as pests, rats are actually very intelligent, clever, and goal-oriented. As far as personality traits go, the Erumpent Patronus also represents determination and a strong will. You might be easily annoyed, but you can be level-headed when necessary. Their loving and caring nature is their biggest strength and their natural inner light will block out the darkness of dementors. With a calming presence and kind demeanor, Newfoundlands are indeed a mans best friend. Warner Bros. A woolly mammoth Patronus is rare because Patronuses dont usually take the shape of an extinct animal. If you have a wildcat Patronus, you are likely a passionate, confident person many people look up to and respect. You'd rather live a peaceful, quiet life than a crazy, adventurous life, and there's nothing wrong with . Highly intelligent and witty, they are stealthy hunters and out-of-the-box thinkers. Those with the hummingbird Patronus tend to be free-spirited and seek to enjoy life to its fullest. Owners of this Patronus are spontaneous, playful, and intuitive. They can also be headstrong and get angry quickly if provoked, so Dementors better watch out! Dementors, beware! A stag patronus is probably the most memorable and recognizable form that a patronus can take on. Not only do they have an extraordinary beginning, but their blood also has healing and regenerative abilities. However, scops owls also have very sharp talons and beaks, so they are well-equipped for any battle. Common conjurers > Slytherin. They love to care for others and find joy in simplicity. Some People Got ~Rare~ Patronuses On Pottermore - Bustle So, if you have this Patronus, you may find yourself in a similar place. If you have this Patronus, you are a unique individual and people love you for it. Fox Terrier Patronus - Anything Terrier No matter the time or the place, your lynx Patronus will stealthily attack even the strongest of Dementors. You have your friends and familys trust because youve earned it. Should the Patronus be determined as rare, they will be given another set of choices. This Patronus is commonly found in Slytherins because buzzards capitalize on the work of others. Understandably, orcas hold the title of one of the most excellent hunters in the entire ocean. Those dark Dementors do not stand a chance! King cobras live up to their name as they represent royalty and power. Not many people are thrilled to find out their Patronus is a rat. You are guaranteed either a dragon, unicorn, thestral, hippogriff, or another magical creature. When threatened, these creatures are a true force to be reckoned with, and with one strike of their horn, your dark assailant will explode before your eyes. They are also generally associated with light, and therefore all of the . Lucky for you, once this Patronus sets its sights on a Dementor, it will not rest until the Dementor is defeated. Those who conjure this Patronus are the epitome of what it looks like to be reliable and faithful. Those with the basset hound Patronus are unique, somewhat odd individuals which is why a lot of Hufflepuffs also have this Patronus. Hippogriffs are extremely dangerous and powerful, the type of creature that people tend to revere and hold in high respect. Those who have this Patronus are strong and resilient. I. . Having a dapple grey stallion as your Patronus means you are prideful and stubborn, but devoted to yourself and protective of those you love. With a sharp mind, stubborn attitude and inability to let things go, those with a Granian Winged Horse are often moving quickly throughout their lives. Its likely that your loved ones rely on you the same way. They are excellent communicators and care deeply for others. Others are envious of their drive and passion that helps them achieve the loftiest of goals. Lucky for you, this wise Patronus is a fierce defender. They fly freely and happily, with an unwitting determination that only someone. Dragonflies are small, yet mighty and very fast creatures. We work hard together, from writing editorials and features, to organizing online and IRL events.We also, as you can imagine, play hard together. Hopefully it scares off a Dementor, but if it doesnt, then this Patronus will not rest until the Dementor is taken down. Their rarity exists not only on the Patronus ranking, but within the Wizarding World as well, with their blood possessing healing powers. People with the Thestral Patronus are empathetic, realistic and have the ability to look at the bigger picture, making them deeply powerful. If you have this Patronus, you are probably one of the most loving, affectionate, and kind friends someone could have. Orangutans are solitary and brilliant animals. Seals look adorable on the outside, but they can be fierce fighters when needed. Patronus charms can also be used to send messages. Casters of this Patronus are also beautiful inside and out. Owners of the wild rabbit Patronus tend to be a bit quirky yet fully confident in who they are. You also have high standards and goals you set for yourself, but you work very hard and usually achieve them. Those with an Abraxan Winged Horse Patronus are said to be dominant, powerful, and strong leaders. This Patronus and their casters have various interests and hobbies since they love to be busy. Tonkinese Cat (Patronus) | Wiki | Harry Potter Amino The bay mare Patronus is representative of freedom and living life on your own terms. Since Dementors thrive on fear and darkness, this is a great Patronus to bring happiness and light to defeat them. Legend says swans could remove their skin and turn into fair maidens, so they are often associated with transformation. While they may not be the most talented fighters, they are observant and know the right time to strike. They can also sense danger, so they will be able to tell if a Dementor is coming. Similarly, those with a mole Patronus enjoy their alone time. If you have a salmon Patronus, you are most likely an ambitious, wise, and resilient person. Callie Ahlgrim. Many people revere king cobras with respect and awe. They fear nothing. A hare Patronus will either bounce around the Dementor until it finally makes its swift attack, or it might surprise you and fight right away.