But, he had done those things as Spider-Man, so he could just ignore those things. The kid shook his head , pouring himself another glass or apple juice. Tasha? Clint says the next morning, when he finds her in the training room kicking Cap's ass. So why can't he get Eleanor's words from the winter dance out of his head? Clint, Natasha, and Bucky I get, they were assassins and seduction is normal in that field, and everyone knows Im a giant man-whore, but you? Wait, Clint says. But fine, okay if your taking a drink could lead to the universe spontaneously imploding, don't do it. This was a request from@imwithtonyandnatasha, I had a lot of fun writing it and really I hope it doesn't look like I rushed the ending. Should we proceed? And they were all wrong. His name is Percy Jackson. Right! "Never Have I Ever had a girlfriend." Said Sam. Tony grinds down against him, and Clint's hands settle on his hips on their own accord. Peter smiled, he never knew this. Thirteen-year-old Natalie Pierce--aka Agent Sola--is no stranger to tough times. Clint buries the urge to giggle, because whose idea was this, anyway? You were doing so well. He's on his third glass by now, and most of them are getting foggy. #spiderman Surprisingly not only did Steve and Bucky take a shot, but so did Peter, though he tried to hide it. Thanks, he says again. Hi, have you met me? Tony says. It's Stark.. Back the fuck up." The title says it all, just a few random field trip one-shots made by yours truly. I'm not saying you are one, just that it might be a possibility., Steve's eyes are big and wondering. She takes a picture and texts it to her group chat with Eleanor, Fabiola, and Aneesa: our last brain cells, she captions it. Anyway, I told everyone we could meet up at seven-ish, get some food, Tony says and waves his hand in a circle for Clint doesn't know, maybe emphasis. I broke like 4 ribs, my ankle, my hand and my foot. Pietro and I needed food before we joined Hydra. Thor brings a keg a fucking wooden keg, ladies and gentlemen to the floor, and cracks open the lid. It's important to establish routines. He nods faux-seriously. Awesome! Clint knows he's feeling his pulse. Always with the dramatics, Clint teases and drinks. Steve, Bucky, Tony, Peter, and Clint all drank. Morning.. And nobody wants that shit. Nope, Clint says. A sex ally! He squirms happily where he sits and knocks his elbow against Clint's in what's probably supposed to be a companionable gesture. They fell into bed and fell out of it again. Alright, Tony said, because of course he would take charge of anything alcohol related, everyone have a drink? and other people I can't remember right now. "Okay, my turn. left kudos on this work! Tough mission? Tony says and glances at the bandage covering Clint's shoulder. He didn't want to think about it. Marvel: The Beast System Chapter 100, a Marvel + Avengers Crossover fanfic | FanFiction. Peter Parker One Shots - Never Have I Ever - Wattpad You make a country-boy blush.. But why the hell're you in my room, man? Now that the adrenaline's not as potent, his mind starts to alcohol-muddle again. I don't care what you want this to be, Stark I just like knowing what I'm getting into. He doesn't mean it as an accusation, and he's glad when it doesn't sound like one. Not that fond of the taste, to be fair, but it'll do nicely. Maybe it would just be funny. He couldn't deny this one, and now had four fingers. Clint squirms underneath the covers, reveling in the softness all around all of him, and lets out a happy noise into the fluffy pillow. Scott questions and I smirk. Classified information. "Even if you don't believe the internship, I have heard from his Aunt May that he was saved by Iron Man at the Stark Expo when he was younger, so he has definitely seen the guy very close. It's my vanishing act." Oh, he says. The Avengers "Bullsh*t!" Tony's the only person Clint knows who can flop miserably. I really don't wanna assault you in your sleep. Yeah, let's not, Clint murmurs back and doesn't miss the way Tony's smile widens. Flash was surprisingly silent, dipping his head up and down, as if listening to music only he could hear. Tell your friends about this story - short address https://tthf.me/Xlw4. Never have I ever Bucky started, stolen a friends clothes and lied about it so I could keep it.. My turn! But one of Tony's hidden superpowers is pitching, and the fucking infallible ability to know just who he has to talk to to get someone onto his side, and then make said terrible idea into reality. Yeah, well, I didn't listen back then either, did I? Clint points out. Edward had many regrets in life, ones that he probably would never get to remediate forbecause death made a sudden but wild appearance in his life, or so he thought, at least. Which means he usually ends up getting way drunker than the rest, and with two superhumans, a demi-god, a borderline alcoholic and a Russian as his competitors, Clint is screwed before the questions even start. Tony makes a small, disgruntled noise and rubs his face, except he miscalculates the motion and it turns into more of a slap that swipes across his cheek and into his ear. Never Have I Ever-Avengers Edition Prompt: After a very tiring mission, the Avengers decide to play "Never Have I Ever" What could happen? Oh, come on, Merida, Tony says in his high-pitched whine that is completely put-on, because although it might seem that way, Tony Stark never begs. "We - we can play you know 'giggles' truth or, or never have I Ever, we could play, with the bell, for - 'even more giggles' - comedic purposes!" He knew Sally was lesbian or bi, but with MJ he didn't know. "Never Have I Ever been an animal themed superhero." Wanda said. Yeah, that would that would be great, doc, Steve says with a relieved smile. She was very preserved, even when she hung out with Ned and him. permission from the author is required to publish them elsewhere. Plus, the whole team probably wants to know whether Steve's actually a virgin or not. Clint wakes long before Tony, and has time to take a shower and eat breakfast before Tony staggers into his relatively modest living room. One moment. They quickly released Gamora from the Soul Stone, then scattered the Stones to the edges of the universe. Nazi, Steve says. So why did he suddenly feel like he was being avoided? A strong, almost sickly sweet wooden aroma fills the air, and Thor takes a deep whiff before sighing with contentment. Nah, stay here. And horny. He's too tired and strung out for anything acrobatic, but he still finds his way to Tony's room. "Never have I ever shot a gun," Scott says and everyone but Aunt May and he takes a drink. Maya Romanoff was trained to be a killer, so she feels she doesn't deserve love. AU of the avengers where they are all in highschool in present time and it will probably not go anywhere but enjoy anyway lol. Home again by CadenceIX, a good post endgame story with a less than ideal situation for peter as his friends have all aged up. Clint snorts. Okay, so this is just a book of MCU (mostly Peter Parker centric) one shots with tropes you've read a thousand times. Spill." Al1v3p00l, AddSomeSparkles, Gretetel, pheonixfeathers, Mani_readz, Athena_83, Son_AviAgreste, Theseeker100, Sydneyy205, Sarah_248, Bessiesboy04, Blackdahlia3000, th3_r4t_k1ng, lileolily, and_AS, 14Muffinz, Psyclopticfury, Annaparkerjones, Nicecutgee, Rahhpixy, Korbi01, Mian975, Ejiro_kiripima, localbookgirl, jnate101, minho_stole_my_cats, dxnllse, Artistik_nobody, yasammy4life, TheLyingGrapevine, apeacufulocean, Rudgiraffe, Yoosangah, rozeis, udonsuperiority, ImAHyperPotato, Madmadds01, daughter_of_apollo_7, Radzy_N3rd_time, OliOcelot, Blackwidow622, hockeyaddict, natalicja_w, charlotte1217, alilhopelessromanticgremlin, kukutajam, Alphandrew23, goldenzingy46, Tonydeservesbetter, nexttoyouboyfriends_larry, and 145 more users Thats messed up man. Sam shook his head. Wait, Flash? Wanda and Vision had left to their apartment, the other honorary members being in their own homes (or, in T'Challa and Shuri's case, country). "Really?" Oh FUCK YOU MAXIMOFF! Tony shrieked while the others howled with laughter; even Vision smiled reservedly. Tony is still up, working on his tablet in bed, sprawled with his feet poking out from beneath the silky covers. Michelle was even prepared to get the bells from her own room. They're lying in bed, embracing, making out, and it's probably one of the gayer things Clint has done but he doesn't mind. The building only fell on the bottom half of me so I just continued to eat my bagel while the ambulance tried to get me from under the building. He's got his own floor, but it's just too fucking far right now, and he's feeling lazy. But she now was at a new school, with new friends and even a boyfriend. So why are you asking us to date, then?, Tony deflates a little, caught between looking sulky and dejected. I should call Pepper! Or I rip my clothes.. God, shut up, Clint grits out and grabs the remote so he can turn up the sound and drown out Tony's babble. MJ, these are the guys." I remember!. "Because the morning after we woke up in random places half-naked, we all swore that we would never smoke marijuana ever again," Luke says and this makes everyone in the junior team nod and the rest shift around. So I was at the police station eating a bagel when the building just started falling apart. Awww, Tony says and sits down across the table from them, chugging down his murky green milkshake like he's getting paid for it. L'oreal? Not even a little? comes Tony's voice, sulking. Blanket excuse.. Clint figures he'll just steal Nat's drink; he didn't bother to buy anything for tonight, and he doesn't keep alcohol on his floor. But Devi Vishwakumar was something else entirely. It wasn't a conscious decision for either of them, which is freaky as hell. hey guys i wanna tell you something + a snippet of something im writing, I Guess I've Got A lot Of Explaining To Do. Clint's stomach does a weird little tumble that Clint is definitely not going to analyze later, and he folds his arms and keeps his eyes on the screen. Clint closes his eyes and lets his head fall back against the wall. Yesh. Which is, Clint muses, exactly what he is. Never Have I Ever Chapter 1, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction Peter and Natasha were the only ones to drink. Clint isn't exactly the once-a-year kind of guy himself, but he's pretty sure that Tony's number counts double of his own. He walked over to over and kissed her passionately. It's been great, guys.. Yep. Clint nods. I travel because I'm awesome, Tony says. Are we dating? It's cheesy as hell, but it's been over two weeks since they last had sex without some kind of other mushy activity attached to it, and as much as they agreed about the no-strings arrangement, Clint can't help but realize that he's got quite a few strings attached to this crazy bastard by now. He knows hers, too. The Avengers were gathered in the common room, ready with bottles of booze for the drinking game of the century. It's strangely optimistic, for her, and Clint wonders if the crazy genius has grown on her too. That was really nice., I know, Clint says and doesn't so much sit down as he falls on his ass. They were ready to get WASTED, with Vision on hand to make sure no one got alcohol poisoning. Now, Peter knew that to his teammates he looked like an average nerd, who was a virgin. Tony, it's three in the morning. It's my bed. "You're the worse Clint" Peter said. ), depois que devi entrega o papelzinho do one free boink. It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye, though, which is why Clint doesn't like playing it. "I will get the bells. Sex isn't very important to me. Not that he were in any danger for any of those questions. The tension settles in like it plans to stay, but of course, Tony won't stand for that. I'm pretty sure I would've remembered that.. Aye! Thor booms anyway. That's all I have to say, so goodbye, until next time, and thank you all (again)! Parley Stories - Wattpad The only comfort Abby finds is watching her favorite Lilly needed a job. Then Thor throws his head back and laughs, clinks his jug against Tony's bottle and takes a long swig. You looked all cute and Sleeping Beauty. I don't know, Clint. There is a mentioning of an injury, but it is not too descriptive. Clint is an affectionate drunk, Natasha says, amusement and exasperation coloring her tone. Peter stood up. Yeah, Clint coincides, because really, half the fun is getting to tell shit you've already done and see who else have done the same. Weak sauce, man. Clint rolls his eyes and tugs Tony's shirt off. That's pretty much it. He thinks for a moment. She also knows that Clint maybe, possibly, might have this thing where if he doesn't get cuddled he'll feel rejected and go from happy drunk to wistful drunk. 5 Times The Avengers Broke the Internet and the 1 Time Stony Won The Bet, 2 Times Peter Was Almost Killed and 1 Time Peter and Clint Had 1 Thing In Common, 10 Times An Avenger Picked Him Up From School + 1 Time Tony Did. Well, there you go. Tony's fingers trace a scar on Clint's lower back; stray bullet, Prague. She grins back, not entirely unprotected, but close. he countered, looking at everyone in the circle. Lindsay's bitching at her sister already and they're only in the preliminary round; she's going down. What the hell Pete?! He hadn't expected Peter to take another drink, however, in fact no one had. This is all my idea. Nine pair of eyes looked at him. Clint wonders, in the privacy of his own mind, if Tony actually did choose this game for team bonding and not just to determine the virginity of Captain America. My turn. and Flash was looking a bit, what was it? Other than someone on the team.. His arm comes down to trail across his chest instead. It was obviously not a good idea to play 'never have I ever' with his slightly drunk AcaDec team, but Ned had insisted he should join, especially cause; you were recently stabbed, man, you can't even go out even if you wanted to!' Then I got beaten half to death by Toomes, then I had to save him from getting blown up. In case you wondered. He grimaces. Devi woke up abruptly, after a sharp pain shot up her back, as her baby girl kicked her twice hard in the back. No, we decided no strings, and then there were strings, strings everywhere except they were invisible strings, you know? "Nope, he's straight and started dating Cassidy from maths. 25 Feb/23. How long have Tony and I been dating? Tony's right behind him, wearing one of Clint's t-shirts, and Clint's wearing Tony's sweatpants. Then Peter took a shot. Yes, Barton, I know you love me. But her voice is warm. Nah, you heard Steve. My homework was in the building " Matt explained. It becomes a semi-regular thing. as well as Peter had assumed it was some little science project that was supposed to improve his web-shooter fluid or something, but Mr. Stark had sent him an address in lower Manhattan with instructions to come in his suit. Clint blinks and looks at the ceiling, but the AI stays silent. Otherwise, all bets are off. I'm too I'm fucking beat, man, he sighs when he's down to his boxer-briefs, and climbs onto the bed. Romance Avengers Lokiandreader. I thought it was just a month and three weeks., Nope, she says and somehow manages to get behind the Captain, driving him to the floor with a well-aimed kick to the back of his knees. Y/n grew up as most children do. It's not needed; the genius does a fucking smashing job by himself, and Clint can't be bothered to give any shits. So why did the recent interactions between her boyfriend and her friend suddenly make her feel like she was starting all over again? Weak sauce, Sam jeered playfully. When he does, Tony sleeps beside him. Includes: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Peter Parker, Thor, T'challa, Scott Lang, Rhodey, Clint Barton, Pietro Maximoff, Sam Wilson, Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange a Abby Romanoff is a normal girl, well as normal as any kid would be if their parent was Black Widow. Please consider turning it on! Got a hangover, Clint says, but he pushes into it when the hand moves to trail up and down his thigh, slowly, languidly. Anyone we know? I may be putting a few not field trip one shots because I feel like it but most will be field trip. i should continue that, and because i have writer's block and felt a moment of motivation, Paxton Hall-Yoshida/Ben Gross/Devi Vishwakumar, my benvi bias made itself known in the writing of this, but my love for every dynamic in the love triangle also made itself known, (if you consider canon proceeded as usual from 3.04 when reading this), never have i everplayed never have i ever. You learn stuff about each other.. You gonna run off every time someone asks if we're dating? He frowns at the ceiling. Not that he could remember, at least. He stays like that for another minute, listening to Steve's calm heartbeat against his own chest, before he disentangles, stands up and goes back to his pillows, ruffling Steve's hair on the way. That's just plain sad. Captain America: The Winter Soldier: completed (but they still needed to stay at an hotel) and since Mr. Harrington was probably in his room calling his wife, they could do what they wanted. He won't be bothered by it. Last time they offered him alcohol, he refused, explaining how he didn't like the smell. Never have I ever battled motherfucking aliens.. It doesn't even bother him much, now that he's back home and out of Medical. She's super badass. (The universe has a terrible sense of humor. Clint chokes on his whiskey when he laughs. All stories posted remain the property of their respective authors; The other teenagers smiled too, not in a 'you are so stupid' way, but how one might discover a new fun fact, like how Ned discovered Peter HATED peppermint with a passion. 5 Times Peter Parker Saved an Avenger - Archive of Our Own #watty2019. "I think that's a good idea," I say before leaning over onto dad and passing out. Except Pepper. Okay! Aunt May yells but I can tell it's a joke along with everyone else. This is my room.. Damn. Field Trip to the Compound (Part Two) (Completed), Not an update but a question for my curiosity, The sun will shine on us again (Part One), Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones but Words Will Always Shatter Me. He's certainly grown on everyone else who lives in this tower even Steve's stopped looking at Tony like a secondary version of his dad, and started smiling at the guy more. He rarely drinks at all, actually. I'm not really he huffs and his ears grow pinker. Wanda said. avengers fanfiction peter intern meets team cap This is darker/dirtier than I've written Bucky before, so strap in, y'all. And strangest and probably best of all, no halting 'look, I think you should go back to your own room if you're just going to sleep'. But he was also spider-man, and he just couldn't help but think of the possible things he could reveal.