and yet the ministry of motherhood has been derogated in recent decades some women may choose to have careers, after becoming mothers, but more disturbing than this is the popular notion that motherhood or even parenting is a second-class calling Dr. Grace Ketterman writes: The calling God places on women often seems like a hidden role compared to the men around us. And the thing is, I'm changing too. But what I'm learning right now is to embrace the ministry I've been given. And Jesus himself gives us strength and perspective when we feel discontent with the seeming quietness and hiddenness of motherhood. I get to watch her grow and change every day. “ Ministry of Motherhood is the story of one mother who has dared to go beyond the ordinary in loving, leading, and training her children to follow Christ. Legit, valuable, brutally hard, amazing, beautiful ministry. Sally Clarkson's "The Ministry of Motherhood" is a book of encouragement for mother's designed to show them ways to reach their children's hearts. And yet we are still equal before God in dignity and value. The Ministry of Motherhood (An Introduction) – grace upon grace: a mother’s perspective “It would seem that Our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak. Motherhood is ministry.
I'm not even a year in to this mom gig and I have a long ways to go and endless amounts of wisdom to gain.