Edited by Xiaomei Chen, 1–55.
New York: Columbia University Press, 2010. x … The plays are not simply material for historical survey; their line-up forms an argument on China's pursuit of modernity, social justice, and equality. Print. E-mail Citation » This is not only the most recent but also the most informed overview of modern, spoken drama from the early 20th century to the 21st century. The Columbia Anthology Of Modern Chinese Literature. 2, Fall 1996 Joseph S. M. Lau and Howard Goldblatt, editors. Edited and with an introduction by Xiaomei Chen.
[New York: Columbia University Press, 2001. New York : Columbia University Press, 1995. (1995) The Columbia anthology of modern Chinese literature /New York : Columbia University Press, MLA Citation. Description xliii, 726 pages ; 25 cm. ), The Columbia anthology of modern Chinese literature (2nd ed., pp. The Columbia anthology of modern Chinese literature / Joseph S.M.
641 pp. Edited by Victor Mair. Download Citation | The Columbia Anthology of Modern Chinese Drama. Lau and Howard Goldblatt, editors. 3, No. Much of this experimentation was concerned with the question of modernity versus tradition, wherein some poets adapt[ed] the reality of the modern spoken lan- guage to what they felt was the essence of the old classical Chinese forms (Haft, 1989).
The Columbia Anthology of Modern Chinese Literature by Joseph S. M. Lau (Editor); Howard Goldblatt (Editor) Call Number: PL2658.E1 C64 1995 This comprehensive reference work covers a range of genres from contemporary China, both before and after the Communist revolution of 1949. - Volume 178 - Bernhard Fuehrer ILLC 362: Contemporary Chinese Literature. The Columbia anthology of modern Chinese literature by Joseph S. M. Lau, Howard Goldblatt, 1995, Columbia University Press edition, in English Paperback, $45.00. The Columbia Anthology of Modern Chinese Drama is a great piece of historical and analytical scholarship, evincing a breadth of history and depth of ideological critique hard to find in critics preoccupied with body and performance.
Chen, Xiaomei. https://bit.ly/2MKKUOp (Original work published 1928) Online dictionary, encyclopedia, or other reference work *When an online reference work is continuously updated and there is no stable or archived version of the work, include The Columbia History of Chinese Literature. Historical Dictionary of Modern Chinese Literature presents a broad perspective on the development and history of literature in modern China. This book offers a chronology, introduction, bibliography, and over 300 cross-referenced dictionary entries on authors, literary and historical developments, trends, genres, and concepts that played a central role in the evolution of modern Chinese literature. “Introduction.” In The Columbia Anthology of Modern Chinese Drama. (Eds. Details Subject(s) Chinese literature — 20th century — Translations into English Related name. These citations may not conform precisely to your selected citation style.