Die Laughing: Usually the most benign form of this trope is the one at play: the character laughs because they die genuinely happy. James T. Kirk during his third Kobayashi Maru test.
He blows it up, calmly explains his decision and gets lauded for it. Instead of giving the occasion his full attention, they seem more invested in the snack they rather conveniently happen to be eating. Examples: Star Trek: The Next Generation included and ships named USS Yamato and SS Kobayashi Maru . Edit.
History Talk (0) Share ... "STOP THAT!!" Then getting Shelby to retract her own argument regarding …
The trope, on the other hand, describes a character failing a training programme, and spending the rest of the episode learning to overcome the factors that led to their failure.
[Archive] Kobayashi Maru question (Star Trek II) Cafe Society. In a way it could be interpreted as how in the US warships are named USS “insert name” , Enterprise, Ronald Reagan , George Washington, etc In the UK, Australia and Canada would be HMS “name“ Kobayashi is a common last name in Japan, but usually battleships are named after respected historical people. I know very little about Star Trek, so to me, 'Kobayashi Maru' means a test that is impossible to complete, used to examine the character of the person taking it. 23:08, 24 August 2009 (UTC) It was winning the Kobayashi Maru marathon and beating the Cardassians, IIRC. At this stage in her career, she often quoted Starfleet regulations and was surprised by the way Kirk occasionally bent those rules, questioning several of the commands he gave her. Punching out Si Cwan when he first gets on the USS Excalibur. Shelby is raked over the coals for her immaturity., Punching out Si Cwan when he first gets on the USS Excalibur. Action Film, Quiet Drama Scene:
Examples include the crew of Atlantis, who escape before their ship is destroyed over Tau Ceti IV. William Shatner and Ricardo Montalbán fight to see who is the Largest Ham in the galaxy. The Film of the Series from Lost creator J.J. Abrams using the Star Trek: The Original Series characters, but different actors.
When it first appeared in Star Trek III it was depicted as thuggish and clunky, and it was only in subsequent appearances we got a good look at the design and discovered it was actually graceful and elegant.
Foster's group is named Time Bandit., Myth Busters: This is where we will put all of the Shout Outs we find in the Chakona Space stories. If you meant one of those, just click and go.
Of particular note was her involvement with the failed Genesis project.
04-27-2009, 11:03 PM. Then getting Shelby to retract her own argument regarding loyalties.
Kobayashi was just a hard-working, otaku software programmer living in Tokyo until one night she got drunk. The Fanmake Blooper Series' main theme surrounds the idea that a Film Fic that's just a Transplanted Character Fic is doomed to get derailed simply because the characters have changed.
The former Trope Namer was the "Kobayashi Maru" training scenario seen in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, which is a test of how the OCS cadet responds to a Heads I Win, Tails You Lose situation. Pretty much could be considered the ultimate form of this trope.
Star Trek/Funny < Star Trek.
Spock Prime: "I am Spock." Shelby is raked over the coals for her immaturity. (Just curious, does anyone know what her science project was? And sometimes, the characters purposefully derail the story just to be entertained.
Bodacious Space Pirates provides examples of: .
That’s the only other time the scenario is seen onscreen, although it comes up a lot in the tie-in fiction .
Kobayashi Household note Kobayashi, Tohru, Kanna Kamui, Ilulu Dragons note Earth ( … A page for describing Characters: Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid. View Full Version : Kobayashi Maru question (Star Trek II) HubZilla .
The ship's master was Kojiro Vance. It's full of action and adventure, and he gets to show off how heroic he is, but at the last minute, something unexpected goes badly — often ridiculously so. In her drunken stupor, she climbed a mountain, came across a wounded dragon named Tohru, and pulled a giant, divine sword out of her, … It is set about eight years before The Original Series would have been set, but is also an alternate reality.. Jay Gordon Graas and Patterson Supra both have their science projects listed.) Lieutenant junior grade Saavik was a Vulcan Starfleet officer who, in the mid-2280s, served aboard both the USS Enterprise and the USS Grissom. Abandon Ship: Said by Saavik at the end of the Kobayashi Maru simulation. His take on the Kobayashi Maru scenario.
Kobayashi Maru; The Romulan War: Beneath the Raptor's Wing; The Romulan War: To Brave the Storm.
He blows it up, calmly explains his decision and gets lauded for it. In the alternate reality, the Kobayashi Maru test was programmed by Spock between 2254 and 2258.
On the good side, David Marcus has a truly fabulous perm. Tropes that have good synergy with this one include: Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: Quite simply, the character reached the zenith of existence and become one with the universe.