As far as customer service, I started using the .284 175 eld-x, my powder of choice is H1000. .270 Winchester Short Magnum / .270 WSM (Using 130 GR Hornady Bullets) reloading data with 17 loads. This tells me that the burn rate chart accurately predicts the relative behavior of the powders in the cartridge in question. If you're unsure, or just want options, check as many boxes as you'd like. Load Data: 270 Caliber Loading / Reloading Information By Nosler Inc
Hodgdon ®, IMR ® and Winchester ® powders neither assume nor authorize any person to assume for it any liability in connection with the use of any product or data. It has a BC of .525. Gracias, .270 Weatherby Magnum (Using Hornady Bullets) reloading data with 194 loads. Ok so finally found some of the new ELD-X bullets for 270 at Midway however could not find any load data for this bullet. 57.8gn of H4831 SC with Remington Brass and Magnum primers gets me about 2920 from my Tikka M65 in 270 and groups are nice and tight. Prior to attempting the above, I studied the available load data from various sources to be sure that powders listed as faster burning than H4831, as expected, used smaller charges than H4831, and vice versa for slower burning powders. I just purchased a box of 120 grain hornady SST's but neither hornady- nor anywhere else I could find has any data on this bullet for this caliber. I load … I emailed Hornady this morning but thought I would also ask here. I don't know if the new Hornady GMX's are available yet but sounds like one worth looking into as well. Select your cartridge type from the drop-down list. Good call on going with the 24" barrel as well I think that gets the most of of 270. 270 WSM 130 GR GMX; 7MM REM MAG 150 GR GMX; 7MM WSM 150 GR GMX; 308 WIN 165 GR GMX; 30-06 SPRG 180 GR GMX; 300 WSM 180 GR GMX; 300 WIN MAG 180 GR GMX; 375 RUGER 250 GR GMX ; 375 H&H MAG 250 GR GMX; Das neue Hornady Gewehrkaliber .300 Precision Rifle Cartridge (PRC) verspricht viel Leistung auf langen Distanzen. Unfortunately, there is less reloading data available for both of these bullets than with traditional bullets. Seems to be the only way to get the data). I believe Mule Deer has worked with this powder in the .270 but anubody else's experience will be appreciated. If you're unsure, or just want options, check as many boxes as you'd like. Gracias, Looking at Hodgdon-IMR data with 140 and 150 gr bullets, I plan to work towards a 100 pct capacity or slightly compressed load, or 3,000fps, whatever come first. Finally, Hornady is coming out with a .277" bullet in their new ELD-X line to load in the 270 Win, 270 WSM, 270 Wby. I believe Mule Deer has worked with this powder in the .270 but anubody else's experience will be appreciated. Any help would be appreciated. Click "Get Data" to view results.
Looking at Hodgdon-IMR data with 140 and 150 gr bullets, I plan to work towards a 100 pct capacity or slightly compressed load, or 3,000fps, whatever come first. Find what you need in four easy steps. Using bullets from Hornady SP, Hornady V-Max or HP, Hornady GMX, InterBond, SST or InterLock SP, Hornady SST or InterLock BTSP, Hornady InterBond, SST or InterLock SP. Thanks. Derived from extensive testing by Hornady Manufacturing Company, this app includes reloading data for over 200 cartridges and 300 bullets. The 9th Edition of Hornady’s handbook of cartridge reloading shows the following for that bullet in a Win model 70 with 1 in 10 twist, 24” barrel and a COAL of 3.210”. I'll look forward to seeing your set up and how you do with what you go with. That has the potential to be an excellent long distance load.