GMX's. Anyone who uses the.243 Winchester to hunt deer or similar game should use full power loads with 90 grain bullets at minimum; 95 to 100 grain bullets are better.
btsp's in my .243 and I'm very happy with the performance. A lot depends on what range you are shooting at. The .243 Winchester is a better varmint cartridge than the .25's, while remaining adequate for hunting deer and antelope.
This means it shoots about as flat as a .22-250, only its 80 grain spitzer bullet has a BC of .365, compared to the 55 grain .22 spitzer's BC of .255. TTSX is a deep penetrating round that reliably expands and offers good accuracy. Hornady gmx in .243 on deer Guns & Ammo Discussion. Forget about loads with bullets lighter than 90 grains, for they do not generate useful downrange … These loads were very basic, often very slow and the .243 was for many years best utilized with hand loads. However, it requires thoughtful shot placement to do its job. 80 gr. For deer hunting at 400 yards or less an 80 to 90 grain bullet is the only way to go. Ballistic tips are very effective but at short range can cause almost too much damage. For several decades, ammunition manufacturers offered two bullet weights for the .243, an 80 grain load designed for varmints and a 100 grain load designed for medium game.
This is good news on the 80gr. In .243 WIN, the 80 gr. I have officially made the switch to all-copper Barnes bullets and have full faith that if I do my part, they will too. The .243 launches an 80 grain varmint bullet at a muzzle velocity (MV) of about 3,350 fps. I handload and use Hornady 100 gr. I am teaching a young shooter to reload his own .243 ammo and this is the bullet that I've selected after some discussions with Flys Etc. psp should be fine for deer as long as you have good shot placement. The 80 gr. staff. A 243 can barely stabilize a 100 gr bullet many CAN'T !I've used a 243 out here in the west on HUGE mule deer (up to 300 pounds +) And have never had one run away. This is an enormous difference and it …