Many believe sexual energy is akin to creative energy, and that it can be harnessedand transformedto help us in other areas of our life, such as fitness or art. Your email address will not be published. "The heart generates the strongest electromagnetic field of the body, and this field becomes more coherent as consciousness shifts from the brain to the heart. %PDF-1.7 We are immersed in living fields of vibrational information. Blood moves through the heart and vessels in a vortex-flow. The yogic practices that awaken the kundalini can suddenly raise it at any time, uncontrolled. % A new octave then develops within the organism, not outside it. Cannabis is a cure for many diseases, in the ayurvedic system it is called vijaya which means winner (over ailment). Hot or cold changes in body temperature. Hippocampal activity increases significantly when the heart becomes the dominant oscillator. These phagocytic cells are activated and mobilized by T-cells to the site of infection where they kill invading organisms. Joseph Chilton Pearce in Biology of Transformation p.57, mentions that inserting a single ion into such a vortex will create a powerful electromagnetic field. This is achieved by doing the inner work, by practicing exercises such as self-remembrance and self-observation, through which we keep our consciousness awake and active, and also work on the egos. No matter where one journeys away from ones Heart-eye, all roads lead back to itusually found again on ones death bed. startxref Key to the transmutational ability of kundalini is that DNA is EMF sensitive, as is RNA and protein synthesis in general. Suggested keywords Search Subscribe RSS Feed Subscribe to this site with an RSS Feed Reader . And this is the possibility of creating a new life within the actual organism, in which the si 12 has been manufactured, without the union of the two principles, the male and the female. Turning water into wine #AgeOfAquarius. 3 0 obj Website: Donate via PayPal: appreciate all your support! Considered female, this invisible energy is often symbolically represented as a serpent, a goddess, an ocean or a spiral. They stimulate a balanced response of the whole immune cascade. Normal waking consciousness and ego activity prevents the syncopation needed to let all the bodymind systems fall into this higher alignment. Zigzag or double helix of energy up the spine. As the overall energy vibration of the body continues to increase, it rises above the level of thoughts and impressions and you begin to experience yourself as a purely intuitive consciousness. Kundalini can act in all centers and with its help all the centers can be satisfied with the imaginary instead of the real. Our EMF has more of a medium in which to flow and this ups all the energy exchanges in the bodymind. Maybe for you this looks like painting, making music, or writing a poem. When you practice sexual transmutation, creative energy will fill the space where sexual thirst previously controlled and dictated your every move. Function: The lower dantian is the original source of energy. The origin of human life has finall This ad is displayed using third party content and we do not control its accessibility features. When Roxo practices sexual transmutation, she works through the heart center by directing the sexual energy through the body, then her heart space, and out. It is 'seed' or 'fruit.'. " Yellow Book - The Divine Mother, Kundalini, and Sexual Yoga. "You have to physically be aware of that build of energy," Allan explains, "and instead of right away going to the release of it (orgasming), you take it and maybe you clean the house, for example. Kundalini & Transmutation The Abuse and Use of Sex L. Ron Gardner Celibacy, the Great Aid to Meditation Carlos Castaneda Comments on Sexual Energy H.P. Interestingly during an awakening we have the hyper-activation of the sympathetic nervous system creating the physiology of "stress" and this increases the permeability of the blood vessels. The higher the ion count the higher the flow in the EMF. "The transition of matter si 12 into emanations and the gradual saturation of the whole organism by it is what alchemy calls 'transmutation' or transformation. You can experiment with this theory of metamorphic catabolic breakdown by macrophages by eating something noxious to the body like processed cheese or processed meats which will activate the immune system. Jung intuited this nondual Pleroma to be a collective transpersonal reservoir, an ocean of collective unconscious. [1. g;P !oX+:Y?-q8, Kundalini and the 6th Sense - Sex Transmutation and Internal Alchemy: 11/22/17: 3: Transmuting the harm that is done to us is true spiritual alchemy: 11/14/14: 4: Mental Alchemy, Chaos Magick, Subatomic Transmutation and responsibility: 06/17/20: 5: Alchemy transmutation of elements:how to turn hydrogen into helium and lead into gold:) 11/13/17: 6 "This is the normal and natural way to use the energy of si 12. On Relations (Review of novella by Tolstoy), Book review of Sexual Force Or The Winged Dragon, Comments on Celibacy by a Hare Krishna In order for the practice of transmutation to have positive results, it is necessary to have a strong foundation. It is very curious how these occultists have got hold of the word from somewhere but have completely altered its meaning and from a very dangerous and terrible thing have made something to be hoped for and to be awaited as some blessing. It was the chief contributor to the cultivation of kundalini and the preservation of its knowledge prior to present times. For those interested in Christ, Gnosticism, Self Mastery, Ego-work, Healing, Meditation, Sexual Transmutation, Kundalini, New Age Info, Enlightenment. 1 Transmutation By: George W. Carey Audiobook Animation #AgeOfAquarius #Astrotheology #Kundalini 1,216 views Premiered Dec 15, 2020 Part 1. The body's EMF requires ions in the air through which to flow. This may be explained by the catabolic enzymes (hyaluronidase, elastase and collagenase) produced by the macrophages. 43:13 - Healing & Protection From The Serpent. Allan and Roxo both note that sexual transmutation requires a great deal of awareness, particularly of your own sexual energy. You begin to become aware that you are a spiritual being, as the light of consciousness overflows and dissolves the bondage of impressions that had been imprinted in the bodysystems. First, it's important to understand what "transmutation" actually means. Chemical transmutation is the process of changing a substance from one form or state into another. Out of body experiences. 111, ~ Bruce Lipton, Biology of Belief. "You can create with that energy because sexual energy is creative energy," Roxo notes. stream Sexual Transmutation: From Pleasure to Willpower. Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, a registered yoga instructor, and an avid astrologer and tarot reader. Heart coherence also reduces cortisol production thus enhancing hippocampal activity as well as boosting the immune system. From the quantum perspective the universe is a meshwork of interconnecting interference patterns of energy fields. With the combination of pressure and prana effected in each kundalini exercise, the capillaries and cells of each specific area of the body, for which the yoga exercise is meant, begin to open and discharge toxins and accumulated waste. Sexual transmutation or sexual sublimation, an attempt to transform sexual energy into creativity and thereby facilitate spiritual awakening -Wikipedia Can we use Kundalini for sexual transmutation? trailer We don't truly see or hear the world, but rather we see through the lens of the mind darkly as though living our lives by the light of the moonlit night. The most famous Meditation is "Kundalini Yog". During times of intense kundalini heat, when emotions are being eliminated through tears, it is possible that blood vessels near the surface of the skin and in the tear ducts would rupture, reddening the sweat and tears. They can lead to a problem called kundalini syndrome in which all your energy gets blocked up, you have alternating hot and cold chills, your body forcibly contracts your body into painful asanas, and a whole list of other problems. The crystallization of this matter constitutes the formation of the 'astral body.'. 0000000016 00000 n For those interested in the foundation of Christ, Alchemy, Esotericism, Christianity, etc. Some of waves that affect life include, light, sound, radio, microwave, extremely low frequency waves, gravity waves, scalar and cosmic rays. Kundalini and Yoga. If dance is an art form to you, perhaps you dance. -oJYWMw_w_~Nq^ZBLe@>\&*",bD?7}k{]!W Any purported physical benefits are merely secondary side effects and may or may not happen for every practitioner. There are methods to make it change. 0000007057 00000 n P.112 Philip St. Romain, Kundalini Energy and Christian Spirituality. Romain sites Stephana Quinzani and St. Catherine of Siena as examples of body elongation. "In so-called 'occult' literature you have probably met with the expression 'Kundalini,' 'the fire of Kundalini,' or the 'serpent of Kundalini.' <> 0 2 0 obj "Kundalini is a force put into men in order to keep them in their present state. You begin to sense yourself as being truly present and here, hearing and sensing from the perspective of a ground or screen of light upon and within which everything appears no longer just reactive. This transformation is called sexual transmutation, and it may be just what you need for your next big project. -Samael Aun Weor, Igneous Rose I imagine that the connective tissue of the pupael self and the connective tissue of the transmuted Self are quite different in structure. This leads to the total reorganization of the material structure, its transformation or transmutation. %%EOF Can we divert Kundalini energy into socially acceptable activities? Because it sits at the base of your spine (at the location of root chakra ), it's strongly connected to the sexual energy in the body. The following is her three-step process for doing so: When you feel you've harnessed your sexual energy and you're ready to channel it, dive immediately into the area of your life you want to focus that energy on. Various immune cells cycle in and out of the spleen and bone marrow for special conditioning and possible nourishment and instruction. Immune suppression resulting from prolonged high adrenaline/cortisol levels must occur for different reasons in both the peak and the exhaustion phases and that although there are periods of radical immune activity during die-offs and restructuring, the majority of the awakening probably involves immune overload if not outright immune suppression because of hyper-nervous system activity. Sitemap of Pieter's Articles on Non-Duality. Just as sex can physically bring about new life, channeling that energy can bring you "new life" in a spiritual and energetic sense. Biology of Kundalini - Immune System And Transmutation Immune System And Transmutation Although the first impulse of fight-flight activation does decrease immune response in order to conserve energy for the immediate danger, after this the immune system kicks in to prepare for bodily injury. Transmutation & Expansion | Kundalini Yoga - YouTube In today's class we will open the energetic channels and focus on sublimation - or transmutation - of the energy upwards, toward the. During kundalini the blood and cerebrospinal fluid are laden with extra ions, thus these ions in the flow of blood would increase the EMF of the heart and blood vessels. 0000002725 00000 n In this sense Jung was approaching the Buddhist axiom: "Emptiness is Form, Form is Emptiness." And because there is a self-reinforcing feedback loop between the generation of increased field and the supernal alteration of body tissue, this is why full-on awakenings last for such an extended period. Here is a list of common Kundalini awakening symptoms and manifestations: Spiritual: Blissful experiences of Oneness and seeing the divine in everything (can be a glimpse or last for months). Meditation has a profound and lasting impact on spiritual evolution, leading to inner peace, enhanced health, relationships and overall wellbeing.The only exception to this recommendation is if you're experiencing strong Kundalini energy in the upper chakras. "You'll let that physical energy build up," clairvoyant intuitive Catharine Allan notes, "and you purposely don't release it in that sexual way." It is afterall the seat of the soul and the organ for "Whole-seeing. Keep the head above the cross formed by such placements of hands. xb```b``qa`a`.aa@ rl``8* +,x1SI3v5%01)dxA'nE#!MJk f`Hl@7L%P~ (Recommended for those seeking to learn about the Right Hand (White) path of becoming Resurrected.). "` 6$ endobj In fact the body after a kundalini awakening is so much more opened, painless and flexible than the former body, that it seems that only an awakening could produce such effects by melting former hyper-contracted connective tissue associated with the ego-personality. The more the heart entrains to the brain and the longer it does so, makes the heart less sensitive, less variable, more dissociated and basically less intelligent as an organ of gnosis. 0000000636 00000 n ", Also see: Gurdjieff on the Abuse and Use of Sex: gurdjieff-on-the-abuse-and-use-of-sex.htm, Diagrams are from In Search of the Miraculous, chapter 9. 2 Transmutation By: George W. Carey Audiobook Animation #Transmutation #Kundalini - YouTube #Kundalini #Transmutation By: George W. Carey Audiobook Animation ~ Read along. It's basically a method of raising kundalini to a very advanced level, but in well-controlled and safe stages. Devotee, Comments on Celibacy by an Esoteric Student, Paraphilia: Unacknowledged Harm of Masturbation, Masturbation, a Disastrous Problem Faced by the Youth, Early Vinaya Stand on Monastic Sexual Behaviour, John Paul II - Chastity for the Sake of the Kingdom (1994), John Paul II - Continance for the Sake of the Kingdom (1982), Christopher Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs2.5 License. If they act to make the vessel walls more permeable during the height of an acute cycle then its conceivable that blood could ooze out of the skin through the sweat glands. Gurdjieff talks about this "kundabuffer" in All and Everything, Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson.]. " "We're working with many different bodies," she explains, from the physical to the emotional, and so on. The spleen symptoms of the Left-Brain-Freeze and the self-digestion (autolysis) sensation during the die-offs, convince me that it is the highest function of the immune system to dissolve the pupael body. For those interested in Hindu based history, Knowledge on Sacred Hindu belief systems, a beginning guide to yoga, Hindu Deities, Sexual Alchemy, etc. af Samael Aun Weor . "When we consider transmuting our sexual energy, we're really asking ourselves into quite an advanced practice," Roxo adds, because sexual energy exists on so many levelsphysical, mental, emotional, and even astral. . FOR SALE! That's like saying the sun is a big candle. The spleen receives blood from an artery off of the aorta. A Science and Protocol of Spiritual Alchemy, Creative Pt. >J N>J ro>(>J;DJ0 DTQ"P0uz~Zfw41Gb'2J Rf.U.D$.J 0000003022 00000 n Tingling/throbbing in left foot and leg is one of the main signs that kundalini is active. for those interested in Eastern rooted wisdom, a guide to everyday life, awakening layers of your being, answers to states of being, self help, and mastery. "Before attempting to go into any advanced practices around your sexual energy, I would recommend healing practices. And just like in tantra, sexual transmutation doesn't always have to involve a partner (see tantric masturbation). It's meant to help a person "experience the truth and reality of oneself and the world." In simpler terms,. Although the acute aspect of this crisis happened over a two-week Kundalini Yoga: The Mysteries of the Fire The mind must be united with its Divine Triad, together with the psychic extractions of the astral, vital and physical vehicles. Range for plants begins at 768. Considering that the body's energy field, and the heart in particular is greatly enhanced by the extra nerve flow and metabolism of kundalini we can assume that there is increased informational communication via energy waves and the alteration of receptors and all body processes. Kundalini was a rarity in the West before the 1970s until more attention became centered upon the consciousness. How to transmute sexual energy: 1. Snake's energy is that of old knowledge and ancient wisdom and is the dynamic experience of radical awakening and shifts in awareness. It's not. 33:35 - The State of Our Chakras Right Now. Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs2.5 License. Transmutation is very intense and easy when we make love (not just sex), perfectly controlling the desire for the need of sexual pleasure in men and respectively the explosive discharge from the moment of sexual pleasure in women. Indian yoga, emphasis on the transmutation of energy to higher consciousness. This increased heart field would reorganize the matter and energy in the body (transfiguration). It is necessary to transmute sex energy, not suppress it. The CBD component in particular has various . This process of field amplification and matter restructuring is known as "eating one's soul." As one of the most powerful energies in existence, our sexual energy can be directed towards achieving goals, manifesting dreams, and experiencing deeper states of consciousness. 87 0 obj <> endobj You feel coolness, heat, electricity, an etheric illumination, and steady abiding awareness that expands beyond the body and in and through the arc of your aura. It is the Prakriti, the root energy that in some religions is symbolized as the Divine Mother. These reactions can be nuclear decays and involve some energy change. 39:48 - Why Snakes Are Sometimes Depicted As Evil. gYdKRon For those interested in Christ, Alchemy, Sexual Magic, Kundalini, Awakening, Mastery through sexual transmutation, breath work, aguide to healing, ego work, and more. The capillary wall is only one cell thick, composed largely of collagen and can be as little as 3-4 mm in diameter, and red blood corpuscles are 7.5 thousandths of a mm. 0000001336 00000 n That is, the direct perception and understanding of the world via "Whole-Seeing." West - Celibacy for the Kingdom, Recommended books for manliness and self-development, /gurdjieff/quotes/index-gurdjieff-quotes.htm, gurdjieff-on-the-abuse-and-use-of-sex.htm, Lee Warfield: Same-sex attraction overcome, Max Freedom Long's experiments with celibacy, Sridhar Swami - commentary by Srila Prabhupada, Gary Wilson, scientific study, effects of porn, Bernarr Macfadden, from Manhood and Marriage 1916. The EMF or nadi egg comprises the sum total of the body's energy generation and conductivity. %PDF-1.4 % The union of male and female si 12 and all that accompanies it constitutes the 'shock' of the first kind and the new octave begun with its help develops independently as a new organism or a new life. Energy waves are a more effective and efficient method of information transmission than the locks and keys of physical matter. Christ at Gethsemane also experienced bloody sweat." 7 R e a s o n s t o P u r s u e S e x u a l T r a n s m u t a t i o n So now let's quickly review some of the reasons individuals may be interested in sexual transmutation and the potential benefits it can produce. #incarner l'amour de "toutes nos forces" Une transmutation est en cours, qu'il est important de respecter et d'honorer avec recul, sagesse & "maturit". Blavatsky Comments on Celibacy, Chastity On Relations (Review of novella by Tolstoy) Omraam Mikhal Avanhov Book review of Sexual Force Or The Winged Dragon During times of intense kundalini heat, when emotions are being . The energy ocean both informs and creates our physical matrix. ', "You must understand that the 'astral body' is born of the same material, of the same matter, as the physical body, only the process is different. This amplified energy field effect is the foundation of the metamorphic process. Two forms has Kundalini: dormant and awake; Only connoisseurs of Yoga know its true nature! 31:23 - Kundalini Is Not Dangerous, The Ego Is! Histamine produces larger pores in the blood vessels as the first step in launching an inflammatory response. But at a certain point of readiness the body just naturally falls into the groove, the flame ignites and we become a transmutation machine! It is the state of Consciousness sought by all schools of . 0000003249 00000 n Not all practices are suitable for everyone. They patrol, scavenge, attack and destroy invaders, send for help and remove debris. A Science and Protocol of Spiritual Alchemy,, Creative Perhaps even a change in composition. In addition, numerous kriyas, mantras and laya yoga chants, mudras and meditations effect still subtler changes in the consciousness that release accumulated mental and physical blockages. This is where it differs from kundalini yoga. You feel coolness, heat, electricity, an etheric illumination, and steady abiding awareness that expands beyond the body and in and through the arc of your aura. For those interested in Christ, Alchemy, Sexual Magic, Kundalini, Awakening, Mastery through sexual transmutation, breath work, aguide to healing, ego work, and more. m0} g# ClN ^I0i,PdfZ"0;DScnPK [0fp0S. It is fascinating that the immune system is activated with the fight or flight response during danger to prepare for possible damage to the body.What probably happens is that during the years of kundalini cycling there are periods of increased immunity followed by periods of reduced immune activity. We know that each element has a certain atomic number so transmutation involves the change . Aisthesis is gnosis of The Good, The True and The Beautiful through the empathetic direct perception of the heart. <>/Font<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 960 540] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Kundalini and The Princess of swords of the thoth tarot. The macrophages that were grown and activated during the metamorphic initiation chemistry probably have a very different nature and purpose than those produced by the body under normal chemistry. Involuntary laughing or crying, deep sighs. The macrophage is the evolutionary oldest and most competent immune cell. Authentic growth, growth through cycles, using potions to heal, the Dark Goddess, deep magic, alchemy, transmutation, kundalini (serpent's power) and Shakti. Kundalini is a Sanskrit word which in yoga is believed latent feminine energy represented by two coiled serpents. "Transmutation is the conversion of one element into another, so it's changing one state into a different state," Alexandra Roxo, spiritual teacher and author of F*ck Like a Goddess, explains to mbg. Discussion about Sexual Kung Fu: Energetic Transmutation and Inner Alchemy [Page 2] at the GodlikeProductions Conspiracy Forum. This website wouldn't be the same without the ethical web hosting provided by Modern Masters. The release of histamine in the brain and the consequent improvement of blood supply is probably one of the main reasons for the increased sensory and extrasensory perception during kundalini. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York. Macrophages are large, phagocytic cells that engulf foreign material that enters the body and the dead and dying cells of the body. The whole of the physical body, all its cells, are, so to speak, permeated by emanations of the matter si 12. For those interested in a comprehensive guide through ancient to modern spiritual beliefs, origin stories, expanding spiritual knowledge, diving into a buffet of different subjects that may help you discover your personal blueprint interests, etc. Thus the stress response always activates the immune system." This latter is entirely wrong because Kundalini can be in anything. I joined one of their groups and asked if anyone has had increase in . Macrophage means "big eater." Meditations: I am convinced that it is largely the macrophages which do the catabolic breakdown of tissues in preparation to building the (more) spiritualized body capable of carrying deeper consciousness. P|}nA0;g\VOMf|,1t?O8X(T #%.t54N mNT;$=g5_WyFg8kz"#?7Y'[QU>^9 Elastase and collagenase are enzymes capable to spit collagen and elastin, the basic members of connective proteins." But in the same organism there is a further possibility. HW]o8|@1b -&dR_({cO?gb?'vb;*v7|6wwl[*aO1[p +Aj4X_R>->6m#kj EMF's induce cell differentiation and morphogenesis. Even though the above concepts might appear terribly abstract, Kundalini's energy is real. In this lies the chief difficulty and in this also lies the guarantee of its possibility, for there is no organic reason for sleep and man can awaken. 'Hydrogen' si 12 can pass into do of the next octave with the help of an 'additional shock.' Sexual transmutation can be incredibly powerful when done right, but Roxo does note that we live in a sexually wounded culture, and trauma ought to be addressed first. This bliss can be accompanied by a sense of dissociation from the physical body. For those interested in diving into Divine Femininity, Dragons, Isis, Hathor, Mother Mary, Quan Yin, Green Tara, White Buffalo Woman, Awakening Abilities, Healing layers of self, (Takes about 6-8 months to read due to strength of transmissions).