The Bishop of Ferns at the time was. How is your reputation more important than children? Instead, they told me that my best chance of finding the killer was to talk to the producers ofUnsolved Mysterieson television and try to get them interested in the case., After reviewing the new information uncovered byCity Paper,FBI spokesman Maddox concluded : All of these coincidences certainly rise to the level of possible significance for solving both killings. Says one former high-ranking Baltimore County Police investigator who preferred not to be identified: Whoever dumped the nuns body there had to know the area well. His older brother, Tommy Maskell, was a lieutenant with the Baltimore Police and became a local hero after surviving a gunshot wound suffered during a robbery call. I cant imagine what the abused women have had to endure for decades. (In an interview, Koob toldCity Paperhe willingly gave the letter to the detective, in order to help the police with their investigation.). WAS HIS DNA TESTED,I BET NOT COVERUP!!!! The Catholic Church is one specific example of what he was talking about. This is an inconsistency that makes me question the accuracy and truth of many of the allegations made. ., When Roemer showed the priest the letter, the detective later recalled, Koob quickly broke down and admitted he was having sex with the nun. As I do believe one is innocent till proven guilty but to leave them in the hen house is wrong for certain. I agree with you on Billy, the fact that he was gay is big to me as well and not only making him easier to control. They became the fallen angels and Lucifer himself. In fact, It is the antithesis of Him. A cold case task force (CCTF ) should be sent out. There were credible reports from Florida that he, Father Donal Collins continued his rape of children while serving the local community as a Priest in Florida. Police say Cesnik was last seen at her apartment in Baltimore before she ran out for some errands "in the Edmondson Village area" one day in November 1969. within myself. A person who feasts and binges on vulnerable children. In 1968, Fr. Inside Baltimore regularly.Your writing style is awesome, keep up the good work! Many of its parishioners do not understand that that is what is happening to them, but it is provable. In episode 2 of the documentary, a student is taken to her body. You lot of sycophants are all the same. People who choose to do evil things will happily use anything to conceal and/or protect themselves. And out of the Iraqi wars ashes, arose ISIS. They also confirmed that they had called Bud Roemer in October 2003 and discussed the case with him. And Edgar Davidson, Ronnie and Billy Schmidt answered the calling. What Roemer learned from the city detectives was also deeply troubling. So this includes the police as well as the Diocese. I pray the grace of Gods Holy Spirit will free the victims of this unholy act, that justice will prevail and that end the end, people with strengthen their faith. Catherine Cesnik is the reason I became a teacher, says Hoskins, 52, today. Also im wondering if Malecki was killed due to her being mistaken as jane doe, and someone trying to cover Mascalls stupidity for showing jane doe the body. I just finished watching the series and was surprised they did not make that connection? Theres no question but that she knew about the abuse that was taking place during the months leading up to her death.. On the other side, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis died and their country became a new battleground for sectarian fighting. And they also incorporated others into their little scheme and its all obvious it is for protection. The other problem is he, Dr. Thomas Maskell wasnt going to tell Irish Immigration Officials that he was the subject of a dozen criminal investigations for rape of children and a leading candidate in a murder investigation of a Catholic Nun. So now I transpose my life-knowledge on to Cathy Cesniks case, and I ask why Billy Schmidts sexual preference hasnt been discussed as a possibility for his being roped into killing Cathy. Father Joseph Maskell was exhumed from his Baltimore grave on February 28 to have his DNA tested against evidence found next to Sister Cathy Cessnik's body in . Billy and Edgar had to carry her body into Sister Russells apartment (thus the bloody clothes) where Cathys body was wrapped up in a rug. We are learning that many of the pedophile rings flourished and operated in all the Irish Seminary Colleges, with older Catholic Priests, actively recruiting young student Priests into their secret societies. In fact, people around the world were so distraught at learning about Sister Cathy's case that they started flooding the Baltimore County Police with calls. Pingback: Movie Monday: The Keepers (2017) Law Enforcement English. In 1988, 10 young girls, aged 12 to 13, were all raped by Fr James Grennan, who sexually raped all ten of the girls while preparing them for Confirmation. He ruthlessly used his Priest Connections to secure his safety. According to the Dead Sea Scrolls, written in Jesuss own words, Jesus said The kingdom of God is within you and all around you, not in buildings of wood and stone. As the commander of the "M Squad"the Major Crimes Investigative Unit at Baltimore County Police headquarters in Towsonhe was in charge of all criminal investigations involving murder, rape, and armed robbery. Maskell's older brother, Tommy, was a hero cop who had been shot and injured while trying to stop a robbery. And that could be a BIG mistake. Other victims of abuse have followed a similar path. And the rest is history as the saying goes. Cop Tommy and Father Maskell also had an uncle who was on the police force since at least the 1920s. Her granite headstone offers the eye only four stone-carved words: sister catherine cesnik ssnd 1942-1969. Thats the only thing that makes sense, once you remember that her car was returned to her apartment complex after she was killed.. And you can look our website about . I just hope it comes before everyone dies off or gets too old to remember. Blessings ! The temple of God, the true temple of God and Christ is within you and all around you. To the person above who spent two years in seminary, if thats true, then you also know that the Bible says that Jesus would rise again and reign for 1000 years and at the end of that reign, the devil would be set loose on earth for 1000 years. To add insult to injury Father Donal Collins was appointed Principal of St. Peters, Seminary College in 1988 by Bishop Brendan Comiskey. Its more than 25 times the average of other developed countries. To me, that sounds like a confession shrouded in self-reassurance. In July 1991, Father Donal Collins resigned as Principal of the College and was sent to Florida, in America where he sought counselling in one of the Catholic Churchs many pedophile treatment clinics while he continued to serve as a Priest in a Catholic Parish nearby, in Florida. Donal Collins was recalled to St Peters and restored to his teaching post at St. Peter's Seminary College, in Wexford Town. You have immeasurable courage, and I hope this exposure, leads to those responsible being brought to justice, and at the very least, more scrutiny of those involved in the blatant and wilful effort to protect the church. Many has been bitten and there could even be more to come. Dec 28 1964 About Shot Lt Maskell Dec 29 1964 About Shot Lt Maskell These are the men that shot at Officer Maskell and Cooper 1965 A. Joseph Maskell is Ordained as a Priest. Every homicide cop has one case that haunts him to the end of his career, and Sister Cathy is mine, Roemer said. A production still from the Netflix docuseries The Keepers. Timings seem off so thats probably nothing. The Catholic Church sits on over 50 miles of books, ancient scrolls, statues paintings and sculptures, and knowledge that they have stolen and hidden from the world. Father Joseph Maskell found a true friend and a kindred spirit. I didnt see that addressed in the Netflix series. Fr. I also have some questions, in the same vein, regarding Russelland possibly Cathy. The coming to light of the abuse by Maskell and friends, and the precautionary ignorance as a response to that by the Bisdom, was triggered by her death for obvious reasons, but it was not the reason why she had to die. No. It has remained a mystery as to who her murderer was because her murderer is deceased. Or there could be a child that could have been born because of these manifestations. Remember you will see Him face to face. Tom, just finished watching The Keepers last night. There was something wrong at the Catholic high school where Sister Cathy taught, Roemer said while reviewing evidence previously unknown to him. Father James Grennan was a pedophile who showed his victims, innocent children, with no mercy. Malecki, a secretary for a liquor distributor in the Baltimore area, had been abducted from the parking lot of an E.J. Local people describe Fr. Joseph Maskell never travelled to the City of Limerick, he didnt want to, he knew that if the Baltimore Police were looking for him and they knew he travelled to Ireland, then it would be a safe bet that they would look at Limerick City and County. The local chapter of the secret Societies of pedophiles would also help with children of both sexes to approach or in many cases the child was brought and provided to the visiting member. An Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent and Benevolent Being one day decided to play around with His power. Not only did my grandmother tell in the 1960s, other abuse victims told. Instead, Phillips had phoned a Catholic priest living in a Jesuit community known as Manresa, located near Annapolis. For it is under the cover of teaching salvation that millions young and innocent children were RAPED, over the ages, by the CHOSEN few God selected to be His shepherds on earth! The circumstances surrounding the case were mysterious and disturbing at the time; in the wake of aCity Paperinvestigation, those circumstances seem even more disturbing now. I honestly mean no offense when I say this to you, and I sincerely pray that the rage you feel will disappear and you can begin to see goodness again. Bishop Herlihy sent him to the Diocese of Westminster, London 1966-1968 for two years. Everything around you is a miracle created by a single Architect, a supreme being. Why would Billy allow his nephew Brian to be a party of a heinous crime?? This is an intriguing thought that Russell was more involved than people think. A. Joseph Maskell -- had come up during their probe of the 25-year-old crime. We thought Koob was about to break, retired Baltimore City homicide investigator Harry Bannon says. But some of his earliest creations revolted and became jealous of his power and wanted it for themselves. Lieutenant Joseph Thomas (Tommy) Maskell, survived the shooting, but later retires. According to the autopsy, she had been strangled and stabbed several times in the throat; cause of death was strangulation. Where Father Joseph Maskell on a prearranged flight travelled on to Dublin Ireland by Aer Lingus, the Irish State carrier Airline. And they are not the only ones. 21 Irish Catholic Priests raped over 100 children in the dioceses of Ferns, which covers the South East Irish counties of Wexford, and some of County Carlow and some of County Wicklow. Who really thinks that everyone who attends or belongs to a Christian Church is a true Christian by definition and that Christianity should be judged thereby? Bishop Herlihy reportedly remarked to his secretary, Hasnt he done his penance? In spite of the fact since 1968, Fr. . There is good and there is evil. Jesus said that Gods people would perish from ignorance. We havent ruled anything out, including Father Maskell, and we have gone back to reinvestigate the Malecki killing and possible links to the Cesnik case.. If bad reports are made and not corrected then serious government funding could be withheld. Joseph Maskell father, Joseph Francis Maskell was born in the city of Limerick in the West of Ireland and emigrated with his parents, Daniel and Hanna Maskell, to Ellis Island New York in 1898, before settling in Baltimore City, an area popular with Irish immigrants. Having a two-sided personality, like Jekyll and Hyde-Fr. If you can debate the points Ex-Believer raised, do so.