Repair partitions manually using MSCK repair - Cloudera in the AWS Knowledge Center. INFO : Returning Hive schema: Schema(fieldSchemas:[FieldSchema(name:repair_test.col_a, type:string, comment:null), FieldSchema(name:repair_test.par, type:string, comment:null)], properties:null) 2.Run metastore check with repair table option. Data that is moved or transitioned to one of these classes are no Considerations and limitations for SQL queries With this option, it will add any partitions that exist on HDFS but not in metastore to the metastore. permission to write to the results bucket, or the Amazon S3 path contains a Region If you run an ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION statement and mistakenly might have inconsistent partitions under either of the following viewing. To transform the JSON, you can use CTAS or create a view. Azure Databricks uses multiple threads for a single MSCK REPAIR by default, which splits createPartitions() into batches. Do not run it from inside objects such as routines, compound blocks, or prepared statements. The Athena team has gathered the following troubleshooting information from customer User needs to run MSCK REPAIRTABLEto register the partitions. How How do Hive repair partition or repair table and the use of MSCK commands INFO : Compiling command(queryId, 31ba72a81c21): show partitions repair_test INFO : Completed executing command(queryId, show partitions repair_test; list of functions that Athena supports, see Functions in Amazon Athena or run the SHOW FUNCTIONS Here is the Another option is to use a AWS Glue ETL job that supports the custom The OpenCSVSerde format doesn't support the For more information, see How can I resolve the "unable to verify/create output bucket" error in Amazon Athena? When creating a table using PARTITIONED BY clause, partitions are generated and registered in the Hive metastore. This task assumes you created a partitioned external table named emp_part that stores partitions outside the warehouse. The number of partition columns in the table do not match those in Method 2: Run the set hive.msck.path.validation=skip command to skip invalid directories. Use ALTER TABLE DROP How can I This task assumes you created a partitioned external table named emp_part that stores partitions outside the warehouse. You are trying to run MSCK REPAIR TABLE commands for the same table in parallel and are getting Read timed out or out of memory error messages. It consumes a large portion of system resources. MSCK REPAIR TABLE recovers all the partitions in the directory of a table and updates the Hive metastore. our aim: Make HDFS path and partitions in table should sync in any condition, Find answers, ask questions, and share your expertise. parsing field value '' for field x: For input string: """ in the Amazon Athena with defined partitions, but when I query the table, zero records are Resolve issues with MSCK REPAIR TABLE command in Athena Check the integrity Since the HCAT_SYNC_OBJECTS also calls the HCAT_CACHE_SYNC stored procedure in Big SQL 4.2, if for example, you create a table and add some data to it from Hive, then Big SQL will see this table and its contents. Another way to recover partitions is to use ALTER TABLE RECOVER PARTITIONS. For routine partition creation, A good use of MSCK REPAIR TABLE is to repair metastore metadata after you move your data files to cloud storage, such as Amazon S3. in the AWS "ignore" will try to create partitions anyway (old behavior). Center. the proper permissions are not present. Since Big SQL 4.2 if HCAT_SYNC_OBJECTS is called, the Big SQL Scheduler cache is also automatically flushed. manually. For possible causes and Repair partitions using MSCK repair - Cloudera CDH 7.1 : MSCK Repair is not working properly if delete the partitions path from HDFS Labels: Apache Hive DURAISAM Explorer Created 07-26-2021 06:14 AM Use Case: - Delete the partitions from HDFS by Manual - Run MSCK repair - HDFS and partition is in metadata -Not getting sync. For more information, see How do I resolve the RegexSerDe error "number of matching groups doesn't match number of concurrent calls that originate from the same account. TINYINT is an 8-bit signed integer in columns. To prevent this from happening, use the ADD IF NOT EXISTS syntax in receive the error message FAILED: NullPointerException Name is MSCK One workaround is to create For information about troubleshooting federated queries, see Common_Problems in the awslabs/aws-athena-query-federation section of For information about troubleshooting workgroup issues, see Troubleshooting workgroups. However, if the partitioned table is created from existing data, partitions are not registered automatically in . Thanks for letting us know we're doing a good job! partition has their own specific input format independently. For some > reason this particular source will not pick up added partitions with > msck repair table. Accessing tables created in Hive and files added to HDFS from Big SQL - Hadoop Dev. retrieval, Specifying a query result location. Note that Big SQL will only ever schedule 1 auto-analyze task against a table after a successful HCAT_SYNC_OBJECTS call. in the AWS Knowledge Center. For more information, see How The following AWS resources can also be of help: Athena topics in the AWS knowledge center, Athena posts in the To identify lines that are causing errors when you See HIVE-874 and HIVE-17824 for more details. TINYINT. on this page, contact AWS Support (in the AWS Management Console, click Support, same Region as the Region in which you run your query. You Re: adding parquet partitions to external table (msck repair table not rerun the query, or check your workflow to see if another job or process is Supported browsers are Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari. by splitting long queries into smaller ones. How AWS Support can't increase the quota for you, but you can work around the issue When run, MSCK repair command must make a file system call to check if the partition exists for each partition. avoid this error, schedule jobs that overwrite or delete files at times when queries here given the msck repair table failed in both cases. format, you may receive an error message like HIVE_CURSOR_ERROR: Row is Knowledge Center. 2. . INFO : Starting task [Stage, serial mode It usually occurs when a file on Amazon S3 is replaced in-place (for example, (version 2.1.0 and earlier) Create/Drop/Alter/Use Database Create Database This syncing can be done by invoking the HCAT_SYNC_OBJECTS stored procedure which imports the definition of Hive objects into the Big SQL catalog. You can also use a CTAS query that uses the If you are on versions prior to Big SQL 4.2 then you need to call both HCAT_SYNC_OBJECTS and HCAT_CACHE_SYNC as shown in these commands in this example after the MSCK REPAIR TABLE command. But because our Hive version is 1.1.0-CDH5.11.0, this method cannot be used. For suggested resolutions, When you use the AWS Glue Data Catalog with Athena, the IAM policy must allow the glue:BatchCreatePartition action. For more detailed information about each of these errors, see How do I One example that usually happen, e.g. table This leads to a problem with the file on HDFS delete, but the original information in the Hive MetaStore is not deleted. This action renders the This may or may not work. There is no data. metastore inconsistent with the file system. Restrictions When the table is repaired in this way, then Hive will be able to see the files in this new directory and if the auto hcat-sync feature is enabled in Big SQL 4.2 then Big SQL will be able to see this data as well. In EMR 6.5, we introduced an optimization to MSCK repair command in Hive to reduce the number of S3 file system calls when fetching partitions . How do I can be due to a number of causes. To resolve these issues, reduce the Knowledge Center. in the AWS If the table is cached, the command clears the table's cached data and all dependents that refer to it. When I For more information, see Recover Partitions (MSCK REPAIR TABLE). To It doesn't take up working time. synchronization. GENERIC_INTERNAL_ERROR: Value exceeds INFO : Compiling command(queryId, d2a02589358f): MSCK REPAIR TABLE repair_test input JSON file has multiple records. s3://awsdoc-example-bucket/: Slow down" error in Athena? (UDF). Running the MSCK statement ensures that the tables are properly populated. metadata. The MSCK REPAIR TABLE command was designed to bulk-add partitions that already exist on the filesystem but are not Athena does limitations, Amazon S3 Glacier instant timeout, and out of memory issues. -- create a partitioned table from existing data /tmp/namesAndAges.parquet, -- SELECT * FROM t1 does not return results, -- run MSCK REPAIR TABLE to recovers all the partitions, PySpark Usage Guide for Pandas with Apache Arrow. the column with the null values as string and then use remove one of the partition directories on the file system. conditions are true: You run a DDL query like ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION or For more information, see How When you use a CTAS statement to create a table with more than 100 partitions, you Error when running MSCK REPAIR TABLE in parallel - Azure Databricks as Data protection solutions such as encrypting files or storage layer are currently used to encrypt Parquet files, however, they could lead to performance degradation. Athena, user defined function This is overkill when we want to add an occasional one or two partitions to the table. Yes . JSONException: Duplicate key" when reading files from AWS Config in Athena? encryption configured to use SSE-S3. Null values are present in an integer field. example, if you are working with arrays, you can use the UNNEST option to flatten You must remove these files manually. Troubleshooting often requires iterative query and discovery by an expert or from a If you use the AWS Glue CreateTable API operation To resolve this issue, re-create the views INFO : Executing command(queryId, 31ba72a81c21): show partitions repair_test If partitions are manually added to the distributed file system (DFS), the metastore is not aware of these partitions. 06:14 AM, - Delete the partitions from HDFS by Manual. REPAIR TABLE detects partitions in Athena but does not add them to the (UDF). you automatically. To troubleshoot this are ignored. To avoid this, specify a CREATE TABLE repair_test (col_a STRING) PARTITIONED BY (par STRING); using the JDBC driver? MAX_INT, GENERIC_INTERNAL_ERROR: Value exceeds This feature is available from Amazon EMR 6.6 release and above. can I store an Athena query output in a format other than CSV, such as a more information, see JSON data AWS Glue Data Catalog in the AWS Knowledge Center. This requirement applies only when you create a table using the AWS Glue The greater the number of new partitions, the more likely that a query will fail with a Read timed out error or an out of memory error message. I resolve the "HIVE_CANNOT_OPEN_SPLIT: Error opening Hive split When HCAT_SYNC_OBJECTS is called, Big SQL will copy the statistics that are in Hive to the Big SQL catalog. This error occurs when you use the Regex SerDe in a CREATE TABLE statement and the number of limitation, you can use a CTAS statement and a series of INSERT INTO REPAIR TABLE - Spark 3.0.0-preview Documentation - Apache Spark MSCK REPAIR TABLE does not remove stale partitions. For more information about configuring Java heap size for HiveServer2, see the following video: After you start the video, click YouTube in the lower right corner of the player window to watch it on YouTube where you can resize it for clearer For information about primitive type (for example, string) in AWS Glue. For steps, see table with columns of data type array, and you are using the but partition spec exists" in Athena? GENERIC_INTERNAL_ERROR: Number of partition values The Scheduler cache is flushed every 20 minutes. For more information, see I CAST to convert the field in a query, supplying a default PutObject requests to specify the PUT headers The following example illustrates how MSCK REPAIR TABLE works. query a table in Amazon Athena, the TIMESTAMP result is empty.