Ella divide en dos la historia: las fotos anteriores a la 506 son de alegra, la foto 506 es de pnico y la 507 y 508 de preocupacin. But even when a phone is locked after thee attempts the screen says emergency calls only. He has a whole series of You Tube videos (over 50) that were made that show that the pictures were manipulated and he names the suspect. I know that its tempting to a lot of people to make simple conclusions, but its simply not possible to make conclusions without more information. I read that the backpack belonged to Lisanne Froon. I dont know what Chris means by this, but at first I thought it was a wooden post sticking up from the ground and painted white at the top. perhaps there is much that was missed by a very bungled police investigation. I think this was a setup for the 2 girls from the beginning. That is EXACTLY what it looks like to me! This! Happy reading! They make no sense in spite of the speculation. The predator is methodical. The dog came back, but the young women didn't. Perhaps a piece of a tarp or a wrapper? When the girls were vacationing in South Panama it shows a photo of them in the ocean, and behind them in the ocean is a fat white man seemingly staring at them. But most people going on a hike with a dog would take some pictures of themselves with the dog, right? They got lost and succumbed to the wild. It looks a bit wierd, but that is just because everybody is assuming they see her upper arm when in reality is is her lower arm. Yup, I toot checked and her video came only after this post. Notice how Juan has actively injected false information into the public investigation, including a picture of 4 people standing in a pond with heavily photo edited faces (one of them has their head moved off of the neck in a very obvious edit). Indeed it does not even accidentally appear. Really sad story, whichever way you look. ^ But the galvanized sign marking the terminus of the Pianista isnt really the end of the trail. In fact, theres a very obvious, albeit mud-choked, passage that goes down the other side of the crestonly to intersect with an entire web of paths constructed and used primarily by members of the indigenous Ngobe tribe. So, if the dog went on the hike with the girls, its most likely that the owners would not have known that fact. And theyre gaining steam in recent years. But in a country of just 300,000 people, how much tourism is too much? Kris has somewhat prominent cheeks and a full lower lip. There is so much to see and Juan is amazing. He even found pictures of the suspect and a local model wearing Kriss blue shirt right after the disappearance. Was someone who's still out there responsible for their deaths? Their families believed the women were still in the unrecovered plane wreckage, and as the search stretched on for days and then weeks, they pleaded with the U.S. government for help they said never came. Looking forward to reading what Bethzaida Pitti comes out with in the book she is co-authoring about the case. Out of the dozens of calls, only one managed to connect, but broke up after just two seconds due to the lack of reception. The theories go from accident to a crime to a combination of both. Hundreds! Unfortunately we dont have a lot of answers to your questions. Whatever happened and if it did not include a third party must have been serious and traumatic because we live in selfie times and as can be seen from their earlier fotos they were in the selfie zone. Shes clearly holding a bottle of water in her left hand in front of her. Perhaps this stranger had suggested he could guide them on a more interesting trail, or show them something interesting in the jungle. Theres a circular object hanging to the left of Kris. One of them probably fell got hurt, a local found them said they would help and well they didnt help they killed them and dumped in River knowing the river would remove any evidence. Slight left and up from the girl. Even the bones, the few that remain. I havent spotted the finger with the silver ring in photo IMG_0580 thats the name of the hair photo, and in the night photos you found out that there are not one but two individuals that are of native origin nonetheless, which specific photos led you to that conclusion? In all of the photos, there is zero evidence to suggest that the dog was truly with the girls on their hike into the forest. For other inquiries, Contact Us. This trip to Panama was a major life experience for Kris and Lisanne. It could be that the taxi driver couldve called someone and given them a heads up that two beautiful young ladies had just headed up the Pianista alone. A witness who wont be staying in Panama for long. If the dog went with them, its likely that the girls would have taken a photo of the dog, even if the dog was in a photo accidentally. However, her surroundings were my intended focus regarding this photo theres a lot of things in this photo that havent been discussed elsewhere and could provide clues as to what happened to them. I think it would be nice for a botanist to take a look at the vegetation. Given that most people crop off the top of this image, people would have missed the findings that I mention below. If anything, they work harder to try and bring anyone to justice that harms a tourist. Let me dampen the third party argument by asking IF their end was at the hands of another personwhy not simply bury the rucksack rather than all the elaborate need for photoshopping and phones used in the hands of a third party ? Especially the beams and details, and the cave behind her. That is not a cave or a ravine behind her. Why did they not do that? Sadly however, the Beaumont children are just three of around 2,000 long-term missing people in Australia. Dutch authors Marja West and Jrgen Snoeren claim they have solved the mystery in their book Lost in The Jungle. So without doubt, someone tampered with the photos to some degree. Vittorio Caruso. "For now, however, this finally marks the beginning of our grieving process and provides us with a path to closure.". What is that clear brown glass-looking circle in the upper righthand corner? Theymade numerous emergency calls afew hours into their hike; logs show they managed to connect only oncedue to poor reception in the forest. Thanks for pointing this out. Froonand Kremerswere both in their early 20s; they traveled toPanama to work with children. Matts article about the daytime photos (link), https://voyager.lupomesky.cz/kremers-froon/kris-gully-3composite.jpg, https://koudekaas.blogspot.com/2019/12/the-disappearance-of-kris-kremers-and_11.html, https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-CJKQMGxJ1Kc/XH7ld3XtSnI/AAAAAAAAjOg/kechIb5Cge8msf5kRVinBCrEjIiBCl7TwCLcBGAs/s1600/7reCdlm.jpg, https://www.laestrella.com.pa/nacional/141020/of-piece-medical-studies-examiner, https://koudekaas.blogspot.com/2019/12/the-disappearance-of-kris-kremers-and.html, Kris Kremers Case: The People Involved (Reference Guide), New Case Data: Night Photo EXIF Temperatures, Video Footage: El Pianista Complete Trail Hike, Canadas Freedom Convoy Raises Millions On GiveSendGo, Panama Expedition 2021 Complete Overview, Disappearance Stories A Word Of Caution, Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon (Case Articles), 18 Critical Tips for Traveling Central America. I cover a lot of these things in my other comprehensive article regarding Kris Kremers Bones: There are simply too many variables involved to oversimplify the case with the conclusion that they got lost. I suspect the timestamps on some images are incorrect. Also, it wouldnt make sense if Lisanne didnt know Kris password. Also, I do not know about the girls living situation and the relationship between the girls and the owner. There is, of course, the possibility that they might have agreed to share passwords considering that a remote wilderness could present an emergency that might result in a combination of one of them losing her phone while the other was too incapacitated to work hers. Hi, do you know when and where this book will be available? The oddest thing about this photo is the look on her face which looks very distorted. incredibly complicated for a new story to be written. Maybe a struggle or fall? Despite these . A man and a woman. Were the photos altered in any way or is this a presumption? Bright sunlight is coming in from the left side of the photo, so Kris holds her flattened right hand up to her face to shield her eyes, similar to a salute. I know that its highly irregular for 17 foreigners to uproot their lives and relocate to the obscure jungles of Panama, especially for the purpose of sacrificing locals (whom are often Catholic). Shame! after studying the original photo, she is actually posing sticking her tongue out, in a slight hunched over salute, the light is hitting her hand, her pose and demeanor makes me believe it is Lisanne taking the photo. The students from Amersfoort in the Netherlands had spent six months planning their dream trip to Panama, hoping to spend some time backpacking, volunteering and learning Spanish. For example, I visited numerous hostels in Panama and the hostels that have dogs usually permit their dogs to roam freely outside of the house and to come and go as they please. This article seems to have a crop from high resolution version of the above photo. Theres no denying that the face looks skewed and mask like. They keep trying to call emergency. The next morning, on April 2nd, a substantial earthquake of magnitude 6.0 hits Panama at 11:13 AM. Its perfectly normal and had they not tragically passed, its the type of photo theyd have been joking about later. Have you performed this same work on any of the other case photos? More than 100 pictureswere on the camera; the first few looked like normal tourist photos with the womensmiling together. Hi Mel, thanks for sharing. No accident. He goes down some intriguing avenues which while I may not agree with either the direction or point have value because they stimulate me to think. I too noticed a nose and lips appearing. With all the misinformation thrown out there and poor follow up work (likely to protect tourism), any ones guess is possible. Is it possible that Kris and Lisanne reached this field with fencing (past the second stream crossing) and mistook this place to be a different entry to the farm areas which are closer to the trail head ? I never noticed this before All comments are held for moderation prior to being published. This basically kills the idea of living in Panama on permanent tourist status. I hope you understand my english, im not a native speaker. Perhaps the owner had an underlying influence/incentive to express conviction in his or her statement about the dog. Tony and Debra Velleman are pictured in an undated image. Debbie, I agree. Take care. Thanks in advance! Political corruption runs rampant, depending on the community, which has a cascading effect on law enforcement and local crime. But arent there the subsequent photos of Kris Kremers crossing the stream and so the developments may have occurred after this picture 505? Basically akin to that in the movie the predator. If you think America is safe you are ignorant! This case certainly is perplexing, as many of the disappearances Ive written about. They took a swim before the trip with to local young man the same day they went in the forest. So they made it out of there, The picture with her standing at cave entrance is also the same place she was standing in dark way off in background. Of course there is room for healthy and rational speculation surrounding what happened but the vast majority of these theories are absolutely ridiculous and downright disrespectful. Also, aserial killer might have stalkedtheir area at the time. The commenters here are speculating wildly about this particular picture. How many tourists go missing in Australia each year? Photoshopping is not hard to do nor is it very tactical as many have proposed here. Patients often tell our staff about finding the corpses of people who have suffered fatal falls or drowned in swollen rivers. Two Dutch women who went missing in April in Panama are now confirmed dead, according to police and the women's families. I wanted to share this article from a big newspaper in Panama. If the culprit is not brought to book, the rest of the world says it is to protect the tourist industry. No sir, just ordinary incompetence. I just want to agree with Chris and the poster JW that she is shading her eyes with her right arm up. Apparently the dog had no comment. She looks as if her hands are above her head in a way someone would have them if a police officer were to tell them to put their hands above their head. It would be like a marker for anyone to see. (The photos where the sky is suddenly cloudy). So this photo may possibly offer more insight into the story.