The Endurance stat encompasses a lot of skills and perks in Fallout: New Vegas. +5% accuracy in V.A.T.S. Radiation only applies to the player: Any non-player characters do not gain rads. In V.A.T.S., you do an additional 15% damage when targeting the torso. Radioactive zones deal 1 Rad damage upon entering the space, and enemies with radioactive damage will deal rad damage times their level. -Ain't like that Now: You attack and regenerate AP faster on top of gaining immunity to critical hits. -Better Healing: You get to heal a whole 20% more from all consumables. (Level 6, EN 5 Required) ? This perk will solve almost all healing issues your character may have. Raul, return to the way of the vaquero ending of. +25% addiction resistance. Explore every inch of the Wasteland when you fear no radiation. -Finesse: This single perk grants 5 luck worth of crit and has no SPEICAL or skill requirements. Categories 2 days), the level drops again by 90%. with one-handed weapons. Games. +10 Health per 100 Karma; Karma reset to 0, +10% damage, immunity to critical hits. Repair any item using a roughly similar item. You never feel it until it's too late. I am also not rating companions on their combat ability or other qualities besides the value of their companion perk. In Vault 101 on July 13, 2268, the public announcement system reported the level of radiation, "Current radiation level - 0 rads, as always. I do not know how this perk stacks with Atomic! Remnants Power Armor is the best power armor in terms of DT in Fallout New Vegas. One thing to note is the critical bonus granted by this perk is NOT effected by your weapons critical hit multiplier, which sucks for weapons with high crit multipliers like the AER14 prototype but is absolutely broken on weapons with small critical multiplier like the Gatling Laser. Below is the rating scale I will use for ranking all my perks. [17] Even if treated, radiation exposure can also lead to persistent mutations at a genetic level. Form ID -Fortune Finder: If you know what you're doing you will be swimming in caps in FNV, even if you don't know what you're doing this perk will not make any difference. Fallout New Vegas. Level 8Endurance 5 Sleep removes all Rads (Hardcore: only -100 Rads). In addition, Fallout 4 features radiation damage as a damage type that can appear on weapons. No Sneak penalty for using Pip-Boy light. The health regeneration kicks in when the Courier gains radiation sickness and becomes more powerful depending on the severity: They will still die on reaching 1000 rads. No need to waste a perk just to get through Vault 34. -Tunnel Runner: Moving faster is always nice and when stacked with other movement bonuses you can almost sneak at your full running speed. [30] Most mutated lifeforms are similarly immune to radiation but may become "glowing" by accumulating exposure, with a distinct green glow accompanying them, together with a radioactive "cloak" that poisons their surroundings.[31]. Most doctors will flush the rads for 100 caps. Download: Manual; 0 of 0 File information. Merely being "radiated" incurs no penalty. Surgery purchased through dialogue with the. -Miss Fortune/Mysterious Stranger: 10% chance when your VATS attacks end that one of these goons will be summoned to dunk on your foes. hit chance when you have no companions. The entrance at Vault 87 peaks at 3 932 rads per second, virtually instant death. -Jury Rigging: Makes repairing your weapons (and more importantly armor) much easier, and it should for a whopping 90 repair requirement. A: Demolition Expert, Hand Loader, Vigilant Recycler, The Professional, Shotgun Surgeon, C: Bloody Mess, Ferocious Loyalty, Mad Bomber. Great, never take this. See what I've said about every other conditional SPECIAL buff. Like the monocyte breeder, this perk allows healing while waiting/sleeping. Unlike in Fallout 3, the Perk Rate in Fallout: New Vegas is one perk every two levels. The best use for this perk is adding it to your character via console when you want to DPS test or perform various experiments. Any living creature you kill has a 50% chance to have the potent healing items. Fallout New Vegas Modding Guides.-Healing is slow in combat ( for example by going into inventory and healing to full has been removed). Even if you aren't running a shotgun build you can always just take this perk, grab a riot shotgun and cheese your way through almost every fight in the game. This mutation is a result of Moira's experimental radiation treatment. The dialogue options they grant usually have other ways of resolving themselves and the DPS bonus isn't really that noticeable. While in Fallout 3 this was limited to the creation of custom weapons, Fallout: New Vegas takes this a step further by allowing the creation of weapon variants based on basic weapons by adding weapon mods. Health loss from radiation poisoning as well as the radiation poisoning itself is unaffected by difficulty settings. Receive 15 Mysterious Stranger or Miss Fortune visits. Combine this with Travel Light for even better kiting. The Super Mutant works differently also, as he gains 1 XP per point of radiation he takes, but still takes the rad damage. Additionally there are . If you come across a problem, first look at the perk details in datamore perksperk details folder, all perks have each of thier own perk detail.txt and the file includes specific condition and script and some abilities that are now shown in the little perk description screen. +25% sneaking speed when wearing light or no armor. This does not affect weapons modded to under 10 wg. This functions exactly like environmental radiation in Fallout 4: 10 points of radiation poisoning will reduce max health by 1%. If this perk included abominations it would be usable but it doesn't so skip it. Ways to remove radiation poisoning include: The radiation system has been retooled so that radiation decreases max health as radiation poisoning rises. Useful if you want your character to be a master of everything. -Claustrophobia/Early Bird: Conditional SPECIAL bonuses. Similar to Fallout 4's radiation mechanics, radiation damage in Fallout: The Roleplaying Game decreases the total maximum HP pool of the character when they have taken radiation damage. -Adamantium Skeleton: How are broken bones real just take a nap bro it'll be fine. Combine this with the pitiful +25 health you heal per corpse and this perk is only useful for roleplay, karma tanking or challenge runs. -Alertness: Wow two whole perception, the most useless SPEICAL in the game rendered even more useless by EDE's enhanced sensors. Launch nuclear missiles at Caesar's Legion. The advanced radiation suit is a suit specially designed to stop radiation. 20 isn't a ton but it's better than nothing. -Explorer: Maybe this would be a useful perk if the internet didn't exist, but the internet does exist and you can print out a map of the Mohave for free. The player character is a courier who was ambushed while delivering a package to New Vegas and is now left to explore the post-apocalyptic world alone. You also have all hand load recipes unlocked at any reloading benches. As you might imagine, the nuclear fallout that ended the world left behind some lovely radiation as a parting gift. Rad Absorption is a perk in the Fallout 3 add-on Broken Steel and in Fallout: New Vegas. +1 SPECIAL point, Boomers and Powder Gangers Fame, Caesar's Legion and NCR Infamy, +1 SPECIAL point, Brotherhood of Steel and Followers of the Apocalypse Fame. Radiation damage inflicted by weapons can be reduced by locational radiation damage resistance. With this perk, one's radiation resistance improves by 25%. Even if you could this perk sucks compared to other companion perks. -Junk Rounds: While this perk should be D tier since it TECHNICALLY provides benefit to the player, I'm putting this in F tier because of how egregiously bad it is. Foes killed by your Energy Weapons emit a corona of harmful energy. Do note that to make up for the endurance lost from radiation poisoning you will have to spend 10 seconds in combat (slightly less for the last stage of rad poisioning) so in short fights this perk hurts you. Take only if you have nothing better to grab. +25% damage to robots; can shut down robots by sneaking up on them and deactivating. Rad Resistance With this perk, your radiation level will decrease by one rad every 20 real-world seconds so long as the player is not currently being exposed to radiation (standing in radioactive water, for instance) - the perk will still be reducing the radiation but the new accumulation of rads will more than overpower . In irradiated areas, +25% move and attack speed, +2 DT, +2 ST. With excess rad level, AP regen scales from 1.1 times to 1.5 times normal. If a weapon applies radiation damage and another type of damage (such as with the Radioactive damage effect), resolve the other type of damage first and then resolve radiation damage. Sure you could play around them but the effects are so negligible that there is no real reason to bother. However, because of how much faster Rad Child heals, this perk almost obviates the need for sleep, as waiting one game hour will restore 240 to 960 health. -Better Criticals: While the description makes it appear as if your whole shot hits 50% harder when you score a critical hit, all that really happens is the critical portion of your hit gets increased by 50%, not the whole shot. -Nuka Chemist: Turn 3 nuka cola into a slightly better nuka cola that gives negligible buffs. The game helpfully displays the current irradiation at the status screen and on the Pip-Boy 3000's dosimeter in the upper right on the HUD and on the Pip-Boy itself when the player accesses it. This perk makes your instant death a little less instant, also useful for explosive builds where you hit yourself a lot. -Heavyweight: Allows you to weapon toolbox easier without having to worry about carry weight. Radiation is an environmental hazard in Fallout: New Vegas. attributes drop at certain thresholds, and radiation poisoning kills the Wanderer at 1000 rads. Consuming night stalker squeezin's now grants bonuses to Perception (+1 PER), Poison Resistance (+5), and Stealth (+5 Sneak) in addition to the normal benefits. Chems, firearms & ammunition within a short distance are highlighted when you zoom in. While radiation never directly affects the current hit point level, the player will receive progressive penalties to SPECIAl, until they reach a total of 1000 rads and die. The character has a hidden radiation ("Rad") count that can be checked with a Geiger counter. -Four Eyes: This perk decreases your base perception by 1 while granting you +2 as a buff if you wear eyeglasses meaning that it becomes harder to hit SPECIAL threshold for perks. This rad count causes the effect of "radiated" to appear. Special unarmed moves can be learned from various characters in the Mojave. -Heavy Handed: Take this on builds that use low crit dmg melee weapons like 2 step goodbye or Oh Baby!. While it does have a worse skill requirement than hand loader does (repair vs science) it makes up for it by allowing the player to recycle full energy cells while handloader only recovers casings. Plus you can just sleep in your own bed to gain well rested so the usefulness of this perk is quite limited. Consider this if you're going for a genocide run but just like all other situational damage perks it's not really worth it. The icing on the urinal cake is that BENT TIN CANS ARE NOT USABLE FOR JUNK ROUND CRAFTING, YOU NEED 5 PRESTINE SHIT CANS JUST TO MAKE A SINGLE BULLET. The mixture thus quickly becomes even more complex, some 300 different isotopes of 36 elements have been identified in fission products. -Rad Resistance: Unless you plan on being Rad Man of Rad Land don't take this perk, radiation is a non issue. This 3% crit is also effected by your weapons critical hit multiplier making it a solid choice for crit builds, but not a mandatory one. Thus after 7 hours, the residual fission radioactivity declines 90%, to one-tenth its level of 1 hour. Sieverts, another scientific unit of measurement, is less frequently used. Items with a weight of two pounds or less now weigh half as much. The player can craft workbench items through Veronicas dialogue. -Meltdown: The explosion of meltdown does equal damage to the damage of the shot that caused said meltdown ,can critically hit, apply on hit weapon effects and will cause other enemies to meltdown if they are killed. This Perk will reduce radiation poisoning by contaminated drink or food by 50%. Dog will devour the limbs of any Ghost People, preventing them from resurrecting. When a player's Rad's damage is higher than the player's current HP, the player is dead. [12], A wide variety of tools have been created to monitor the presence and intensity of radiation fields. It's that bad. [9], After the Great War, radiation has decayed to a habitable level. -Silent Running: Makes you sneak even sneakier. If you don't like the Khans then the Quartermaster in Hoover Dam is your next best bet. You can also take EDE with any companion besides Rex who has a terrible perk so just run EDE all the time. -Eye for an Eye: Just because crippled limbs are easy to deal with doesn't mean you should break all your limbs for a damage boost.