Skin cancers and psoriasis While there are countless testimonials to Dr. Simoncini's protocol available online, here's one of the early accounts, in his own words from an interview. He received his degree in 1976 in Rome. Lay down on your back, preferable on a bed, Change your position 90 after 15 minutes, Repeat the last step for the other positions: left, right and front, With the help of a nurse (RN), locate a catheter into the bladder. He is not alone in this and he is not alone with the knowledge that sodium bicarbonate is effective at wiping out fungal colonies. It is well established that cancer cells flourish in an acidic tumor environment that is detrimental to other cells, such as immune cells. IV 500 ml sodium bicarbonate 5% 6 days on 6 days off for 4 cycles. In 1931, Good Housekeeping was among the first to promote the usefulness of baking soda in the home, eventually espousing its ability to polish silverware, maintain freshness in your mattress, and even unclog a showerhead. It was reported that tumor acidity neutralized with bicarbonate induced arrest of cancer cell growth. For intravenous therapy: 500 ml of 5% solution of baking soda directly into a vein, every day. Everyone should know that the 'war on cancer' is largely a fraud. The regression rate of the cancer is usually seen to begin within 45 days. Dr. Simoncini has extensive experience in Urinary Conditions and Urinary Calculi & Removal. Privacy Policy and Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine That box of Arm & Hammer in your fridge is great for eliminating odors but when it comes to using baking soda as a cancer treatment, there are some things you need to know. There is, however, no documented research to support Dr. Simoncinis theory that baking soda can revert cancer cells into healthy cells. Make an enema with one soupspoon of salt in 1 litre water, for two days. 2023 Keys to Cancer, All Rights Reserved. A large-scale case-control study was held in Kashmir, India, to investigate the association between salt tea drinking and esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC). Make a washing out with 1 soupspoon of salt in 1 litre water, for two day, Side effects: Irritation and few bleeding, Make a washing out with 1 soupspoon of salt in 1 litre water, for two days, telephone: (+39) 335294480 Ingesting high does of sodium bicarbonate could be risky. So, the treatments will alternate, Side effects: bruise and infection in the arm; tiredness, thirst, Side effects: bruise and infection in the arm; fever, tiredness, thirst. Dr. Tullio Simoncini uses multiple clinics in Rome. Testimony Some of my patients put their story on Youtube to show the world they survived. Dr. Simoncini is a leading proponent of sodium bicarbonate usage and believes that infection with fungus is the cause of cancer. Only under the care of a medical practitioner should these maximum internal doses be exceeded. The new, metastatic tumor is the same type of cancer as the primary tumor. It helps eliminate candida communities and prevent their growth. During the second and third week no more than one TEAspoon a day of baking soda should be taken orally. Thank you for your tax-deductible support! Put both ingredients in a saucepan and heat over low heat till they bind.. Cancer cells love sugar. email: This treatment costs about $3 and in most cases is far more effective than the $350,000 treatments! Cancers outside of the digestive tract generally need a health practitioner to inject the baking soda solution. FAIM depends on public donations to continue its work. If the lesions are fairly small, they must be painted with the solution 10-20-30 times twice a day for five days and then once for another ten days so that they become very dark. threatened with jail. Some of my patients put their story on Youtube to show the world they survived. 3) They are designed to kill microbes and parasites in the organs to energize organs and the immune system to deal with the "root cause" of the cancer. Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) is an anti-fungal commonly used in hospitals to treat urinary tract infections. After the above mentioned treatment has been fully carried out, start with the IV (Infusion Vein) administration. The treatment to choose for skin cancer is an iodine solution at seven (7) per cent, as it is capable of precipitating the proteins of the body of the fungus and destroying them completely in a short time. by dr. Simoncini Protocols Please notice that cancer treatments using drops, whashes or drinking the control of a doctor is indicated. For example, if breast cancer spreads to the lung, the cancer cells in the lung are breast cancer cells, not lung cancer cells. It burns it all clean. Click or drag files to this area to upload. Dietary supplements ie. Andy Cutler Protocol. More serious reactions include metabolic alkalosis, edema due to sodium overload, congestive heart failure, Hypersmolar syndrome, Hypervolemic hypernatremia, and hypertension. Help keep Cancer Tutor on the cutting edge of relevant natural treatments and display ad-free. Posted on February 3, 2022 January 3, 2023 by Dr. Frank L. Simoncini Southeast Valley is excited to introduce Pro-Nox to our medical devices used at our urology clinic in Gilbert, AZ. Potassium, Magnesium, Vitamin complex etc. Should someone you know and love be . Tullio Simoncini is a roman doctor specialising in oncology, diabetology and in metabolic disorders. While nearly everyone has candida present in their bodies, the overgrowth of candida due to an immune deficiency - or even repeated antibiotic therapy, can cause the immune system to create a tumor. Pain, fever and infection. These videos reveal an astonishing truth about cancer and its safe successful treatment. It is a naturally occurring, inorganic, alkaline mineral salt that has been used by humans in many ways for millenium. Has anyone been put on Vagifem that has had several uti infections ,l am 71yrs old.Reading up about consultant. Tullio Simoncini's cancer quackery, which claims that all cancer is really a fungus because it's "always white" and that baking soda injections are an effective treatment. The third protocol, the Dirt Cheap Protocol, uses fairly low doses of baking soda, but it also includes more than a dozen treatments that revert cancer cells into normal cells by killing the microbes inside the cancer cells. We always recommend when and wherever possible that licensed local healthcare professionals be consulted. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Step 1: Around bedtime, use a large pot with lid and bring 3 quarts of filtered water to a boil. In 2015, Pilon-Thomas et al. If available at the pharmacy it may instead be used a physiological solution. ), In case of tiredness and thirst take many drinks, lot of sugar and lot of salt in the meals Heat the water over a low flame so that it becomes warm. Dr. Simoncini and his assistant, radiologist Roberto Gandini, were found guilty of culpable manslaughter. Dietary supplements ie. A prospective, randomized, controlled trial of preoperative transarterial chemoembolization for resectable large hepatocellular carcinoma. This is also the case when it concerns psoriasis or most skin cancers. The pain lasts few minutes, the swelling some days, Take many drinks, lot of sugar and lot of salt in the meals Dr.Simoncini the famous Italian oncologist, recommended aluminum free baking soda for cancer treatment. In this case take 1-2 days more break and make 1 time a day a bladder washing out with a solution of a table spoon salt (natrium chloride) in liter water. Gandini received a 2-year sentence. 2) They are designed to kill microbes which are inside the cancer cells. Put in the eye 2 salty water drops twice daily, Start the IV infusions when there is the first inhalation break The process of apoptosis may be blocked in cancer cells. There are two current clinical trials utilizing TILA-TACE (targeting-intratumoral-lactic-acidosis (TILA) by transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE)), one recruiting and one not yet recruiting, for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Please Support Alternative Cancer Research ), Side effects: In case of pain or irritation take 1 day break during the treatment Dr Simoncini, a board certified oncologist placed his career on the line by abandoning all conventional cancer therapies and electing instead, to administer sodium bicarbonate. For people over 60 years old, the maximum daily dosage only for up to 2 weeks is 100 mEq sodium and 100 mEq bicarbonate. It occurred to Dr. Simoncini that cancer acted just like a fungus and if it could be a fungus, it could be treated. Soda ash can be manufactured by passing carbon dioxide and ammonia through a concentrated solution of sodium chloride (table salt). The best way to contact Dr. Simoncini is by visiting his website: Dr. Simoncini Cancer Therapy or via email., Will cancer cells be defeated by sodium bicarbonate? This study utilized pancreatic cancer and melanoma cell lines as well as a genetically modified mouse model with immune deficiencies and cancer. Acid Suspends the Circadian Clock in Hypoxia through Inhibition of mToR. If some bruise or irritation appears, take 1-2 days break in doing injections, Side effects: pain and swelling Dr. Simoncini believes that all tumors contain fungus. High doses of sodium bicarbonate may cause headaches, nausea, or irritability. Posted by Melissa (Belpre, OH) on 06/08/2008. Very interesting. The trial found that bicarbonate delivery using TACE enhances anticancer activity. Dr. Tullio Simoncini is a former Italian doctor, born in 1951. It has blood vessel dilating action (vasodilator), and it also increases blood fluidity, facilitates blood flow delivery, and assists oxygen dissociation from hemoglobinthus, more oxygen flows to the capillaries and cells. When the cancer is based deeper in the tissue, injections of sodium bicarbonate around the . This effect occurred in tumor bearing mice when there was increased activity of a type of immune cell called a T-cell. This process allows for tumor growth and metastasisThe spread of cancer cells from the place where they first formed to another part of the body. Probably it is worth tripling the mix and using a very low heat. [3], Tumor hypoxia (lack of oxygen) is a recognized link to poor therapeutic outcomes. His patients usually come to Rome and stay in a hotel close to Dr. Simoncini's home and he treats them at local clinics on an outpatient basis. Step 2: Stir in 1/4 cup Ojibwa: Tea of Life Essiac Tea blend and stir. Dr. Simoncini has identified the substances uniquely able to penetrate these volumetric infections: for cancer of the internal organs it is sodium bicarbonate; and the best substance to eliminate skin cancer is iodine tincture, particularly when it is spread onto the growth. Thus, sodium bicarbonate alone did not cause reduction of the tumors in the mice, but paved the way for reactivation of the T-cells that were then able to target the tumor. The products discussed are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent or treat any disease but are proven useful for health and life extension. Usually from the 3-4th administration of this solution, the fungal colony regresses. Today, she has launched a national campaign to change the way that cancer is detected. Acidic pH reduces VEGF-mediated endothelial cell responses by downregulation of VEGFR-2; relevance for anti-angiogenic therapies. Protocol of an oncologist tullio simoncini testimony A type of sugar; the chief source of energy for living organisms. Soda ash is used in manufacturing chemicals, detergents, glass, paper, and textiles. This therapy is also applicable in paediatric oncology, provided the dosage is adjusted and revised according to the weight and age of the infant, as well as the type of neoplastic formation. Candida, and its many variants are not only the cause of cancer, they are the cancer. telephone: (+39) 3389997821 See the protocol for cancer in a cavity above. The research showed adding sodium bicarbonate to salt tea was associated with an increased ESCC. Genetics, the battle horse of modern oncology, is about to give up the ghost, together with its endless explanations based on enzymatic and receptor processes. Take many drinks, lot of sugar and lot of salt in the meals An initial consultation is required prior to setting the protocol and pricing. The information and/or products which on this website are reproduced are not meant to replace and/or to ignore the advice of a practicing physician. Very specific uses of baking soda, namely as a pH neutralizer and vehicle for chemotherapeutic agents seem to hold some promise. Ultimately, the research showed no overall survival advantage was observed for the TILA-TACE treatment. The information and/or products which on this website are reproduced are not meant to replace and/or to ignore the advice of a practicing physician. As Harriet Hall warns, Came from & it has no scientific basis. Using this method, he claims an average success rate of 90%. It eats upon the host. It has been successfully used to protect crops from fungus during storage. They said they will have will it be quicker to reach a diagnosis if I go private? If so, how long did you wait after being diagnosed with an infection until doing his protocol? The process of apoptosis may be blocked in cancer cells. Many of his patients recovered completely from cancer, even in cases where official oncology had given up. Vernon Johnston Confirmed Bicarbonate Cancer Cure. In many cases this topical treatment had remarkable results as shown in this collection of images. Dr. Simoncini deserves the highest award in medical science for his genius and medical courage in discovering and developing what might come to be seen as the single greatest medical breakthrough of the century. He has designed a theory that all types of cancer are caused by . Dietary supplements ie. The goal of this study is to rectify some of the controversies surrounding TILA-TACE by doing a randomized comparison study of surgical resection and TILA-TACE in combination. Unlike conventional anti-fungal drugs, which fungi quickly adapt to, baking soda can rapidly destroy the tumor with little to no side effects. 4 soupspoons sodium bicarbonate in 2 litres tepid water, 4 soupspoons sodium bicarbonate in 4-5 litres tepid water. This treatment was developed in Italy by an oncologist and uses baking soda or sodium bicarbonate. Since acidosis is more critical for the survival of tumor cells, Zhang said it would not be a surprise to see a dramatic effect on tumor apoptosis by merely modulating the pH of the tumor microenvironment with sodium bicarbonate. The 100 year old hypothesis that has led medical science in circles, that cancer are human cells multiplying without limit, turns out to be just another unproven fantasy that no one has ever demonstrated beyond a shadow of doubt. High blood pressure (hypertension) due to increased sodium. Dr Sircus Transdermal Breast Cancer Treatments Natural. Take 1-2 days break The consequence of the oncological establishments inability to admit the failure of this line of research. About Simoncini Cancer Therapy Based on the belief that cancer is a fungus, more specifically, candida, Dr. Simoncini developed a treatment protocol based on the administration and application of sodium bicarbonate. The Engagement Interview Protocol (EIP): improving the acceptance of mental health treatment among Chinese immigrants. According to records, his cause of death was metabolic alkalosis, a condition in which the pH of tissue rises beyond the normal range, which can be a result of increased bicarbonate concentrations.